
In a Temple of Learning Two Lovers Meet

Heather had long wavy honey brown hair, blue gray eyes, fair skin, a firm belief in animal rights, and the Almighty and, a headache. Pushing gently on her temples she paused halfway down the isle of books. She had just moved to Forks after getting a job at the local library as a Clerk, a step up from the Page position she formerly held in Oklahoma. Sighing she picked up a book to place on the shelf, she sighed, another one. Something happened she didn't know how, she didn't know when but historical romances were the new thing, she obviously hadn't been looking when it happened. She had thought they were only reserved for lonely, most often married women in their thirties or forties but more and more teen books were being published with the same premise.

Scooting some books a side she slide it in amongst it's neighbors. Heather loved her job, absolutely loved it, but today was just not her day she had a headache the size of an elephant's behind and a craving for a nice hummus sandwich with come alfalfa sprouts, fresh red onion, and some bell peppers, yum! Sadly however her car payments made her settle for the poor man's or woman's in this case meal of peanut-butter and jelly, a dish cringed at by vegans and meat heads a like, at least if that was all you ate for three weeks and weren't twelve!

A tall broad shouldered figure slid into the isle behind her, a slight chill swept over her, but then she remember this wasn't Oklahoma, and he was in jail! She sighed, yup, two year stalker and restraining order ignorant psychopath 'Harold' if that was his name was in prison, for murder no less. Heather felt a little better, but had to glance at the stranger none the less. He had short cut black hair and dark skin, despite his broad shoulders he was actually rather thin, he wore a gray tee shirt and baggy jeans, it was hard for her to tell his age. Heather looked quickly away as he turned to her.

"Do you, um work here?" he asked his voice was deep but it suddenly wavered as he began to fall backwards, he caught himself on the shelf causing it to rock.

"Mm-hm!" Heather said turning to him her eyes alight, yet wary as she carefully steadied the shelf with a hand. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Well," he sighed his eyes burning deep into he as he took a step forward. "Actually I kind of do." he laughed coming to stand just inches from her. "Do you have any books on, well, on werewolves?"

"Ah," Heather smiled nervously as all perceivable breathing room was taken away. "Scifi buff?"

The man laughed, as though endeared by her comment, "Ugh, yeah scifi, that's, that's me alright!"

"Well then," Heather said skirting around him and parked her book cart, "You'll be pleasantly surprised. None-Fiction section. Come on, I'll show you!" she smiled taking a large book with her for protection and absently curling a finger at him. "398.2-398.3, I believe!" she said leading him to the area where he could find what he needed.

"Thanks." he said, Heather's heart picked up it's pace, he didn't even look at the books, he didn't even turn away from her!

"Mm-hm!" she smiled before turning to leave, silently begging him not to follow her. She heaved a sigh of relief when she reached her cart again, alone. Putting down her Swiss army book she began to push it to the next section. Once there she discovered that the book that needed putting away was on the top shelf. "Ugh!" she groaned as quietly as possible. Finding a rolling step-stool she rolled it squeaky wheeled into place. Climbing up it with her right hand she pushed some books aside while she began to slide the other into place.

"What's you name?" came a soft but deeply concerned voice. Startled Heather jumped, the stool rolled out from under her. She let out a short strangled scream as she fell back. Two strong arms gripped her tightly as they caught her. "You alright? I've got you!" the werewolf reader asked in a strained voice, his eyes large with fear, he was genuinely frightened for her.

"Ow, ow!" called a mocking voice from behind them. "Prince Charming catch Rapunzel when she leaped from her tower?" he asked coming to stand near them. "Hey, Miss Givins!" he added with a smile.

"Hello, Jared!" Heather managed her voice sounded winded as she looked to him and then back to the tall man who held her.

"You know Jared?" the man asked suddenly, giving Heather a fright.

"Um, yes, yes I do. He used to be a regular here but as of late, not so much." she replied wondering when he would put her down and praying that it would be soon, as she distractedly smoothed out her long black skirt.

"He's my cousin!" the man said smiling to her.

"Really?" she asked forcing a smile. "How nice." Jared laughed apparently seeing the discomfort in the woman's eyes.

"Yeah, I came home for a visit, I uh, go to Harvard!" he informed her.

"That's nice." she nodded glancing at the floor hopping he'd catch her meaning, how strong was this man? She thought. Why wasn't he putting her down, this is getting creepy flew her next string of thoughts.

"Yup," said Jared. "But some," he smiled. "Unforeseen circumstances may make it difficult, or impossible for him to leave."

"Oh, that's too bad." she sympathized.

"No!" the man shouted. "I-I mean no it's not be-because I got to meet you!" he smiled. Heather smiled back more then a little creeped out by him.

"Come on, Shane, put her down we have to go!" Jared said patting him on the arm.

"Oh, right." he said smiling awkwardly at Heather. "I uh, sort of forgot." he smiled before adding. "I'm still holding you huh?"

"Um, yeah!" Heather nodded.


"Anytime, anytime!" she replied sarcastically before thinking, crap what if he thinks I was serious?

As the two of them walked away Jared punched Shane in the shoulder saying, "Dude you just totally imprinted on the librarian!"

A little confused, unnerved and unsure of what was meant by that statement she still had to uphold the library law. "No hitting!" she called after them. Jared held up a hand in acknowledgment.

Heather sighed as she locked up, it had been an eventful day, three card suspensions, one slightly intoxicated man and Shane, the werewolf boy who is so strong he 'forgot' he was holding her. Smiling she unlocked her car, manually of course, she couldn't afford the beepers. Once she got home she entered her one room apartment as was greeted by a chiming bell as her black and white cat ran to welcome her home, the bell hanging from her pink collar singing. "Hello my beauty!" Heather said reaching down and scathing the back of her ears. "And how are we this fine evening Emie?" The wide eyed feline gazed up at her adoringly. "Love you too!"

Just then a large gray and white cat climbed into the window his eyes alert and his tail flared. "What's a matter?" Heather asked looking at her big tom cat in concern. "Thor?" Going to her window she pulled the curtains aside and gasped suddenly going weak in the knees! This was it, this was exactly what she had come to Washington for. A wolf, unimaginably large was standing just at the edge of the forest treeline that her apartment faced. It was hard to make out in the semidarkness of dusk but, it seemed to be a deep gray on the broad of it's back slowly becoming lighter almost white as it descended down it's sides, it's paws a muzzle were a deep russet color reminding her of a coyote, or when she stopped to think of it, a Mexican Gray.

"Oh my gosh!" she breathed, lowering to the floor until only her eyes were visible over the window seal. She stayed there and watched it well beyond the point were she could no longer feel her legs. He feline companions who had gotten over their shock were not amused in the least and impatiently awaited their dinner. "He's so beautiful," Heather said to Emie when she rubbed against her. "Or, or she..." Heather held her breath as it stepped closer, up until bow it had just been sitting there seemingly watching her, but that was impossible, it was just the giddy animal loving child in her that thought that.

Light caught in it's fur both that of the moon and of the lamp posts of the complex. It's fur reflected them wondrously sending light slashing as it fur rippled with it's movement. "Oh, damn, er dang you're beautiful!" she whispered to the wolf her gaze never failing. Then, out of no where a loud terrifying exhilarating howl cut through the air. The wolf Heather's been watching paused, and looked back towards the darkness which it had come from. Heather gulped as it looked back to her, no, not her in her direction. But those eyes, those beautiful somehow overly intelligent eyes seemed to lock onto her for ever of brief a moment before it turned, and left.

Sinking to the floor the Clerk was having trouble breath, she'd never seen a more magnificent animal in all her life. "Screw it!" she shouted letting her arms drop to her sides. "Who needs to 'take it easy' on their day off, I'm going hiking!"

Taking a drink from her Camel Bak Heather squared away her shoulders, this was something she'd been meaning to do since she moved to Forks but had never seemed to have the time to do, what with work and unpacking and getting to know people and what not. But after last night, she could put in off no longer, it was some work finding her hiking boots well worn from use back home but once she did, it was just her, her jeans and light gray hoodie, her boots, Camel Bak, trail mix and fresh fruit! And nature, couldn't forget nature!

Heather loved the earth, she loved the plants, and the animals, nature was as much a part of her just as much as her eyes were. She'd worked up a bit of a sweat already but wasn't ready to quit. She didn't honestly expect to find the wolf again, but did hope she would. A jay swooped suddenly over her head. "Well good morning to you too!" she laughed. Squirrels and chipmunks scurried everywhere she looked, an occasional butterfly would flutter past but not much else, until she came to a plateaued area. "How lovely!" she whispered coming upon a small herd of deer. She watched them for a few moments three does and one stag. They all grazed on delicate shoots of fresh spring grass coated with dew.

Heather marveled at their grace and beauty and they walked around their little green hideaway. Giggling she gazed adoringly as two of the females began to groom one another, pushing their brown and gray ticked fur up to reveal soft white under coats. Suddenly the stag's nostril's flared, it wasn't long before the does were all looking up in alarm as well. The stag slammed a fore-hoof onto the ground before in a flurry of movement they ran in different directions to flee something.

"Darn!" Heather sighed standing. Turning she had the willpower to keep from screaming, but failed in her attempt not to tumble backwards. The wolf, her wolf was less then five feet away from her. It was a moment before she realized she'd forgotten to breath, and gasping sucked in as much air as she could. She trembled as the wolf approached her, making her feel immeasurably small. Then when it was just inches away it put it's nose to her face and breathed out a long hot breath. Heather was frozen, she couldn't believe what was happening, the wolf brushed the side of it's face against her own, it fur incredibly soft. "He-hello there." the woman said in a shuttered exhale. The wolf pulled back and they locked eyes, his, yes there was no denying it now, the wolf was male, his eyes were a sharp golden brown and brimming with intellect. "You are beautiful!" she said running a hand through his silky fur.

They remained like this for several moments, both at one point closing their eyes and just enveloping themselves in the others company. Then before she knew it the wolf pulled away, looked at her once with what looked at one moment sorrow, and longing, and love and joy in the same instance, and then was gone.

Over the next few weeks it went like this work all week and secret rondevus with a unnaturally large and cleaver wolf on weekends, secretly she had never been happier. It was Friday and Heather had just locked up for the night and was making her way to her car, excitement and joy flooding through her, tomorrow was a Saturday, that meant hiking, then Sunday meant church, followed by more hiking! Sticking her key into the lock she turned it, then, everything went dark, followed by white and finally pain, then, nothing...

Her heart hammered in her ears, sending blood and adrenaline pulsing through her veins with every contraction. Heather's mouth was dry, her head was light, she couldn't speak, she couldn't even think, something was wrong, something was happening. Heather tried to open her eyes, there was a blinding flash of light before she had to shut them again, colored dots dancing just under her lids. Trying again she blinked furiously as they watered in an attempt to keep them open. Squinted she struggled to focus her eyes, she was in the forest, the sharp light of the sun cut and filtered by the deep green of the leaves. Heather closed her eyes turned her head away from the sky, the deep smell of earth flooded her nostrils. A soft moan escaped her lips as she rolled onto her side, digging her nails into the dirt.

Heather pulled her legs up, slowly pulling herself into the fetal position. Her stomach was aflame. She opened her eyes again, "Hello?" she called hoarsely. Tears rolled down the side of her face and across the bridge of her nose. Her head was whirling as she tried to comprehend what was happening she closed her eyes to concentrate. She couldn’t remember anything, she'd been at work and she'd been walking to her car. Gasping her eyes flashed open looking around her wildly, someone had grabbed her while she'd been unlocking the door. Slowly she tried to lift her head but it was so, difficult, despite the fact that it felt as light as a cloud. Heather managed to sit clutching her stomach. Trembling she looked around herself. Where was she? Was she too deep into the forest for anyone to hear her if she screamed? Why did they bring her out here? What were they going to do to her?

Putting her other hand to her mouth she tried to stifle a sob. Trying to pull herself together as fear bubbled within her she crying tried to stand. Her legs shook violently and felt as thick and heavy as logs. Heather tumbled backwards electricity coursing through her spine. "Aw, now that's just to bad!" came a mockingly cruel voice in the form of a hiss. Heather's breathing became sharp and agonizing as each breath came in sudden and painful gulps.

"Oh," chimed the voice. "She cries!"

"W-who are you?" she sobbed whipping her head from side to side in an effort to see her abductor. She was unnerved by the silence that followed. "Who are you?" she shouted finding some courage.

"A little cliche, I'll admit it." the voice said. "But," there was a soft laugh then sent chills through her body. "I'm your worst nightmare!" he said into her ear.
Heather screamed.