You're Never Gonna Find It if You're Looking for It

Are you kidding?

"A date? Pfft. Get out of here. After what happened last time? Hell no." I said. I didn't actually mean it on the inside. was like word just kinda...came out..

Jeph stared at me for a moment, then walked out.

Oh fuck. What had I just done?

Bert came up to me.

"What'd you say to him?" He asked.

"I...rejected...him." I said slowly.

"What? Why? I thought you liked him!"

"I...I do! It's just...I can't...get hurt!"

"Why aren't you more risky?"


"Risky! Why aren't you? Have you ever heard that quote by Jim Morrison about hurt?"

"Uhh, no?"

"'Pain is meant to wake us up'! You've never heard that?"

I shook my head.

"Imma go catch up with Jeph. I'll see you later."

I stared blankly in front of me.

"Wait! Bert!"

He turned around.

"Give Jeph my number!"

I wrote my number down, and Bert read it.

"I most definitley will give it to him. He'll be somewhat pleased." Bert said, beaming. He ran out, and I somewhat hoped that maybe I could grow the balls to go out and apologize to Jeph.

But i couldn't. Not in a million years.


"Haaaazeyyyy" Zoe said to me. "Your phone is riiinginggg!"

I picked it up quickly.

"Hello?" I asked.



More silence.

"Who the fuck is there?" I asked.

They hung up.

I hung up, as well.

"Who was that?" Zoe asked.

"No idea. They didn't talk, and they hung up."

"I hate it when people do that."

A few minutes later, the phone rang again. I answered.


"Hey, Hazel?"

"Yeah, who is this?"

"This is Bertie-Boo!"

I sighed with a grin. "Hey, Bert."

Zoe looked over at me with an excited grin.

"Jeph wants to make it up to you, he really does."

"Well, why isn't he telling me this."

"He's shyyy."

I heard some bickering in the background. Bert and Jeph arguing about who knows what.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO WHAT YOU DOOO!" i heard singing. I think it was Bert? "I'M SO IN LOVE WITH YOOOU!"

"SHUT. UP." said a strained voice. I recognized it as Jeph's within a couple of seconds.


"Can we start over?" Jeph asked quickly before Bert started singing again.

"Yeah, sure, we can." A voice said.

It sounded just like me. Funny thing, though. I don't remember opening my mouth.

"Awesome, when can we..."

"How about tomorrow, I'll meet you at the skate park."

"Done deal."

"Neat. See you there."

I hung up.

"So, who was that?" Zoe came in and asked.

"That-uh, Jeph..." I said stupidly.

"And what'd he saaay?"


Then I realized it.

"You bitch." I muttered. Zoe laughed insanely.

"I GOT YOU A DAAAATE!" She sang.

Did she realize what she had pulled me into?