my wish never

Chapter 2

When I got home, both my parents weren’t home yet, but my brother was. He was sitting on a stool leaning over a girl’s shoulder in the kitchen when I found him.
“See,” he said, pointing at the girl’s paper, “you just have to multiply that number by that one, then move all the variables to the left and divide.”
“Alright,” she said, in a fake, high pitched voice. The girl that my brother, Dennis, was a complete and total Barbie, what I call people who dye their hair blonde, tan, and try to look as much as a barbie doll as possible. But probably the way that they're most like Barbies, is the fact that their total airheads...wonder why(sarcasm)? I don't know why Dennis likes them, I personally can't stand them, but he's always been chasing after them.
"No, you don't add those together. See, they don't have the same variables."
"Oh, sorry," the girl squeaked.
Since when did he get into tutoring people? Not that I really cared, but it was most likely one of his con-valeted was to try to pick up some girl who could fall for his cheesy lines that were straight out of the book.
I went up to my room and tossed my bag to the side of my bed and took my ipod out of my pocket. Kicking off my shoes, I flopped onto my bed and put on MSI (Mindless Self Indulgence) as loud as my ipod would allow.

When I woke up the first thing I had noticed was how dark it had gotten before I had drifted off into dreamland. My play list had run out of songs to play, and I could smell food emerging from the kitchen downstairs. I pulled my earphones out and laid them down on my bed, then went down stairs only to find that the rest of my family had already dtarted eating.
"Thaks for waiting for me," I said, sarcastically, "I love you guys too."
"Well," my mom said," I called you multiple times and you wouldn't come down. Dennis, why didn't you go up and get her like I told you to?"
"Because I didn't want to. She always kills me if I bother her."
"I do not," I said back, with a low growl in my voice.
"Dad," Dennis said in defense, hoping for dad to back him up.
"Shilo," my dad barked at me, "don't be rude. Now, what were you doing up there for so long."
"I fell asleep while listening to MSI," I said, forking a piece or tortellini and plopping it into my mouth.
"That's not good," my dad said, "studies have shown that you won't be as rested as you should if you do that. I don't want you having MSI - whatever that means- blasting into your subconscious."
I rolled my eyes as he said this, letting the words enter through one ear and fly out the other. "I'm fine dad."
"Just do as your told, and don't roll your eyes at me," he said, raising his voice, like he always did when he didn't get his way. "And don't talk with your mouth full; it's rude."
"So," my mum said, changing the topic, "Dennis, how was your day today?"
That's when I decided to zone out. I really didn't want to listen to my annoying sibling rave on about how great his day was, even though it usually wasn't good at all.

Dinner and the rest of the evening went on like this for a long while. My dad and I would disagree on almost everything, he'd start yelling because he didn't get hhis way, he'd yell at me for being rude, and my mum would come to the rescue and try to change the subject, which usually involved my dad or I to have to go do something for her.
While my brother and parents decided to sit down and watch a movie, I went up and took a long shower, but it was shorter than you think because I had to wait for the water to run hot. After being forced out of the shower by my little pest brother, I sat alone in my room and did my homework. I started playing my ipod again when I was finished, but this time to a mix of BOTDF (Blood on the Dance Floor) J Bigga, NIN (Nine Inch Nails) and BVB (Black Veil Brides). The music calmly lay me down to sleep.
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second chapter in like 1/2 hr
im tired and hav a cold nd doijng this to random rock/emo songs that i like
comment on my story pleeze!!!!