my wish never

Chapter 3

"Did you just kick my desk?" I asked to the boy sitting adjacent to me.
"It's the only way to wake you up," he said.
"Why don't you go grow a few inches and then come face me shorty," I said, me eyes struggling to stay open.
"Go get a plane to knock a few inches off you, beanstalk,"
he said back.
"Both of you stop," our English teacher shouted at us. "First of all, when I asked you to wake her up, Toby, I thought you were going to shake her or something. Second, that is the third time this month you've fallen asleep in one of my classes, Miss Langton. One more time and detention. Third of all, both of you do NOT start an argument in the middle of class. Now sit down please and let me finish my lesson without anymore disruptions."
Toby and I sat down as I pulled my black-and-white striped sleeves down to cover my hands.
"Idiot," I hissed over at Toby, then, before he could respond, whipped my head around and leaned it against my hand to gaze out the window.

When the bell finally rang, I bolted out the door and put my books away in a rush. I really didn't feel like going to gym class today, but it was the one time of the day that I could get away from people, other than lunch. I shuffled over the roof, where I usually went to sulk during gym, but then my teacher stopped me in the halls.
"And where do you think you're going?" she asked me. "The changing rooms are over there."
"To the nurse; I;m not feeling so well," I fibbed.
"I almost believe you," she told me, recognizing my great lying skills, "but I've heard that way to many times from you. If you don't start going to my classes, then you'll fail gym."
"Alright," I said, rolling my eyes and letting my voice go up an octave.
"Now," she said, "go get changed. We have swimming today and I expect you to participate today."
"Yes, I will," I said.

By the time I had gotten to the changing rooms most of the other girls had finished, and only me and some of the slow girls were left, including the three plastics. the plastics took the whole barbie theory to the extreme.
I stripped off my clothes and shoved them into my locker, and slipped into my swimsuit. As I walked towards the door I had to pass the plastics, and one of them, Audry, sneered at me and, sarcastically, told me, "So you're actually going to come today?"
"Got a problem with that," I said, equally as rude.
"Yes," she said back, her two other groupies giggling, "I do, actually. Look, stay away from us, and we won't have any problems. Just stay in your little dark corner, and stay out of my spot light, or else."
"Ohhh," I said, pretending to be scared, "I'm so scared. Well I have something for you, Audry, don't come near me, and I'll keep my distance from you. That's a promise."
"Is that supposed to be a threat," she asked, like I was joking.
"I don't know. Did you actually mean what you said before?" I said, recalling her 'warning'.
"Look. I - I mean, us, of course, ladies - run this school, and its senior year. I don't want some little witch like yourself ruining it."
"You know," I said, sarcastically, "I was just going to say the same thing. What a coincidence!"
"Why you little--" Audry started to say, then our gym coach came in and interrupted us by yelling, "Hy! Get moving ladies! Especially you, Shilo!"
She turned on her heel and left. Audry and I gave each other one last sneer, then I left. I could hear Audry 'accidentally' whisper to her friends, a bit too loudly, "She looks so bad in that."
Ignoring her, I stepped outside, blocking my eyes from the bright sun, my mortal enemy.
"Shilo," the teacher called me, "Get over here, in this line!"
I quickly shuffled over there and hopped at the end of the line. We were working on speed today. Now, I don't want to brag, but I honestly think that I can go fast than half of these girls while on free stroke. Coach ad the first few people start before Audry and the other fakes came out of the changing room, and, of course, they were right behind me. When it was my turn up, I used my speed as a way to brag, as well as splashing them when I dove in.

When class was over, I dried myself off with a towel and headed into the showers, but I was surprised to see just how many open showers there were. There's usually a long wait for one due to the other girls taking a long time and fooling around in there.
After I finished my shower I headed over to my locker, which I had found was open, probably from when I slammed it shut. I put on my bra and underwear, and slipped my shirt on-- my skinny jeans were hard to slide into sometimes. When I forced them on, I noticed that in the back, they were wet. I went up to the mirror and checked my bum. In the back, on the bum and partly in the crotch, was a huge wet stain. But I was 2001 percent positive that that was water, and wasn't there when I took them off. And I was pretty sure who left that little surprise for me there . . .
"Oh, did the little baby wet her pants," I heard someone say to me, followed by the giggling of multiple people.
"Audry," I said, whipping my head around. "Don't you ever touch my stuff again. EVER!!"
"What?" she asked, in a fake surprised voice, "I didn't do anything. But, apparently you need to get some more clothes. Or, maybe the little kid needs a diaper?"
"Go to h*ll," I told her, then pulled a sweater I had in my locker and tied it around my waist.

As quickly as I could I paced to my locker on the second floor. I pulled out some random books I thought I needed for homework and dropped them into my bag. I flung it over my shoulder and stormed down the stairs, and was about to leave when Mrs. Peasly stopped me by grabbing my arm and saying, "And where do you think you're going?"
I violently pulled my arm out of her weak grasp while I yelled, "Home!"
Before she could stop me, I marched through the front doors and unchained my bike and harshly peddled home.
♠ ♠ ♠
some of this stuff actually happened to me
so don't say it's 'unrealistic'
tell me how i did!
and don't be afraid to ask questions!!