31 day Prompt Challenge

It's time to change

"Hello, my name is Sam and I am an alcohlic. I have been for years now, and I am at this meeting tonight because it's time for me to change." Sam cleared his throat and took a sip of water that was on a chair next to the podium. He was standing in front of a group of strangers that knew all to well what it was like for alcohol to be in control of their lifes. The group of people watched as Sam started to talk again.

"I need to change because I realized one morning that I am no longer stronger then the drinks, the beer, the wine. You name it and I've probably drank it. I always thought I was in control of my drinking then my friends started telling me to slow down or just stay sober for one night. I never realized how much I drank until I woke up the next morning and looked around me. The one morning I woke up to see I had broken everything in my apartment. All the dishes were broke, the lamps, the computer, the t, everything that could break was broken. I felt like I had nothing left that wasn't broken. I felt broken inside. That morning, is the morning that would change my life for ever. I knew I had to stop drinking right then and there, I don't even remember breaking anything. I must have blacked out again, like I had done several times before that. I walked into the bathroom and there was shattered glass all over the floor. When I looked into the mirror I saw a broken reflection of myself. The broken reflection was not that bad. I mean everything else was broken in the house but it was the mirror its' self that bothered me. It was a mirror that my best friend left for me before she left me. She was everything to me, my best friend, my lover, my partner. She was the women I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But, like so many others before her, she left me because of my drinking. I knew she was going to leave me but I just couldn't stop drinking. Before she left she wrote " I love you. I know you can quit" on the mirror with her red lipstick. I tried to quit before, but it was too hard. Those words on the mirror were my only inspiration to quit and those words were the only thing that made me want to try and stay sober. I knew if I could stay sober she would come back to me. I need to quit drinking so I can get my life back on track, so I can love people again and so I can be loved again. Even though the mirror may be broken my hope for changing hasn't shattered."

The group of people started clapping, a few of them were crying as Sam took his seat the guy next to him wiped a tear from his eye and gave him a hug. "it's time to change and you have come to right place start."
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31 day prompt challenge journal can be found here