31 day Prompt Challenge

Back in the Day

Do you remember back in the day when you were a kid and things were simple? I do, and from time to time a reflect on those little memories that many people do not know about. One of my earliest memories is when I was about 6 years old or so. Maybe a little older or maybe even a little bit younger then that. Anyway, when I was about that age I lived in an older style house and it was surrounded my an apple orchard. It was beautiful in the spring but it was even better in the fall.

In the fall is when the magic would happen. All the apples would be ready to pick, eat, harvest or even be made into apple cider. When I lived at that old house in the apple orchard my brother and I would pick apple before they were ready to eat. They were small and green, and quite bitter. Sometimes when we picked the apples from all those apple trees we would smash them against rocks and try to make apple juice. Needless to say, it always tasted awful and even had dirt in it. Why we would do that is beyond me. I always remembered how fun it was though.

That old house has so many memories to it, even though I have not lived there in about 15 years. When we were kids we took lives most simple pleasures and enjoyed it. Life was easier as a child. We didn't have to worry about paying bills, what job we had, where we were going to go to college etc.

Looking back and reflecting on what I had then I think I can say that I truly appreciated it. I may appreciate what I had more now then I did at the time but that doesn't;t change the fact that I had fun way back then. So many years ago that time was, but if I could go back to that house I would.

If I could go back to that house with my brother and make apple juice before the apples were ripe and waste the afternoon away in the sunshine not worrying about a thing, I would. Sometimes I think we all take life too seriously to enjoy the simple gifts and pleasures that it offers to us. We are all too consumed in this fast paced life to sit back and enjoy a glass of attempted apple juice in the warm summers sun.
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This is the 31 Day prompt Journal

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