Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Fifteen

My alarm clock blared that annoying beep three times before I turned it off. Five o’clock in the morning is far too early for me to be awake. Rubbing my hand down my face, I pushed myself from the comforts of my bed. Aroldo decided that we could get together today to go over some things about upcoming events. Groggily making my way to the kitchen, I put on some water for tea.

While waiting for it to boil, I decided to lay down on the couch and possibly catch some more z’s. Vampires don’t really need to sleep, but it helps keep us stronger if we do. Just as I began to drift off, a gush of wind hit me and gave me goose bumps instantly. I jumped up quickly, as I was startled. I know for a fact that I did not open any windows last night, yet here the one in my living room was, wide open.

I was no longer sleepy and my senses were in full stride. I didn’t hear anything or feel another presence of any sorts, but I stepped towards the open window cautiously. I’m positive that if I had a heart, it would be pounding right now; I was on edge that much. I shut the window and then returned to the kitchen, a bit frightened. I then remembered the dream that I had last night and my maker, Alcurd, was in it.

Every time I dream of him, he shows up in the city or town I live in. Although he would never talk to me, Alcurd would follow me around. He would randomly come to a bar I was at, or show up at my work. He would give me that stare, making me aware of him being there. Then after a week goes by, he must grow bored and leaves the area. Since I don’t like him knowing where I am, I always move about two weeks after he leaves.

Alcurd taunts me and I hate it. Scratch that, I hate him.

The tea kettle went off and I finished making my tea, pouring some blood in it. As I drank a couple cups of my tea and blood combination, I did Soduko puzzles. Since I had wasted almost forty-five minutes on my brain puzzles, I had to rush to my bathroom to get ready. After showering swiftly, I dressed in black pinstripe pants and a fancy black and purple shirt. I then proceeded to do my makeup to match my outfit and blow-dried my red mane.

By the time that I had slipped into some heels and a jacket and grabbed my purse, it was nearly quarter to eight. I left my apartment and took the elevator, the annoying ding making my landlord turn his attention towards me once I was in the lobby. He smiled warmly towards me and greeted me, which I returned before I excused myself and hurriedly made my way outside in the cold.

The streets were abnormally bare and there was less traffic than usual. I’m assuming that most people were either using the subway to get to work or already there. I wasn’t used to being awake at this time in New York. Being out and about this early did have its benefits though, such as it helps with my cover of being a human. Bram wouldn’t suspect me of being a vampire if I can walk in the daylight.

I arrived at the Veneratio tavern seventeen minutes after eight, meaning I was almost fifteen minutes early. The front door was open just like Aroldo said it would be. I stepped inside, locking it behind me as I was instructed to do so. My heels clicked on the floor as I made my way downstairs towards my boss’ office. I arrived in front of the door and ran my slender fingers through my hair nervously. I knocked on it, causing it to creak open.

“Aroldo?” I called out as I stepped inside. There was no answer and when I looked around his office, I noticed he was not in here. I turned to wait in the hallway, but jumped as my boss grinned back at me.

“Good morning Giselle,” he waved his hand towards his office. “Can I get you anything to drink? Maybe some blood, water, a margarita perhaps?”

I turned around once again and stepped inside his office. Aroldo closed the door behind us and stepped towards the small bar that was located near the door. I shook my head no, politely saying that I was not thirsty at the moment.

“Please have a seat Giselle, I insist. Then we can get down to business,” he said as he poured himself a drink.

I sat in one of the leather chairs that were located in front of Aroldo’s desk. He took a seat across from me as I pulled a pad of paper and a pen from my purse. He drank his liquor before he turned his attention to me.

“Okay, do you have any idea what kind of questions this human is going to ask in this interview?” he asked. I shrugged as I twirled the pen in my right hand.

“I’m not sure. In the previous magazine issue he interviewed several bar-owners, he probably wants to know all about the mysterious Veneratio’s,” I smiled. “I doubt that he will get too personal, Aroldo. But he does understand that if you don’t want to answer any questions, that you will decline.”

Aroldo smiled at me before finishing his drink. “Just as long as he doesn’t want to know about the council, that’s where I draw the line,” he spoke before getting up to pour himself another drink.

Once again he asked if I wanted anything. I glimpsed over at the clock on the wall and saw that it wasn’t even nine-thirty yet. What the hell, the day might go by faster if I have a drink or two. I told him I wanted a margarita before thinking back to what he had said.

“Why don’t you want him to know about the council?” I asked as he sat my drink on his desk in front of me. Aroldo shrugged as he took his seat.

“Humans don’t need to know everything about us. That would be the downfall of us,” he said.

We sat in silence for several minutes drinking our beverages. He was absolutely right, there was no doubt about that. If we revealed every minute detail about us we would become weak. Suddenly, we wouldn’t be powerful anymore. The only reason we’ve survived this long is because we’ve kept ourselves from the public. But now that our leader has come forth…

“Giselle,” Aroldo said breaking the silence. I turned my attention from my drink to him. “Can you tell me about your maker?”

I stared at my boss, blinking periodically. I couldn’t believe my ears. What were the odds that I had that dream about Alcurd and now Aroldo Veneratio wants to know about him? Those odds are very fucking slim. Unless Alcurd is here in New York City. I groaned loudly, finishing off my margarita.

“Why do you want to know about Alcurd?” I asked. A sigh escaped from his lips and he rubbed his hands down his face. This could not be good, not even in the slightest. An overwhelming feeling of anxiousness fell upon me.

“I’ve heard from a reliable source that he may be coming to the area.,” he paused slightly before he continued. “To cause fucking havoc.”

Running my hand through hair, I thought everything over. Why can’t he cause havoc somewhere else? This is just like that selfish bastard to come in and ruin how pleasant my life is going. I had to get my shit together and stop making accusations. There was a very good chance that Alcurd wasn’t even in New York.

“Who is this source? How sure are you of it’s reliability?”

Aroldo stared me in the eye for several minutes before he stood abruptly, snatching both of our glasses from the table and heading towards the bar. We sat in silence as I he made our drinks. If he thought I would forget about the question, he was wrong. I would not tell him anything about Alcurd unless I know why he needed the information. Alcurd is not the guy to cross or piss off, especially when he’s connected to you.

“This information doesn’t leave this room, Giselle. Not even to Janis or Summer Fletcher, and especially not to your human acquaintance,” he said as he sat down, placing my drink in front of me.

I nodded before sipping the mango flavored beverage. “You have my word, Aroldo. I just want to know why you need to know about my Maker,” I explained. He nodded his head and took another mouthful of his liquor before he spoke.

“My wife, Orbit, is a witch. You cannot sense it because she‘s a vampire as well,” he began. “Orbit has premonitions… The night before last she had one about your maker, she told me exactly what I told you. I have people all over the state and none of them have reported seeing him thus far. I even called in a favor and tried to find some information on him, but there isn’t any, it’s almost like he’s a ghost.”

“I cannot believe I didn’t sense her witch blood,” I shook my head in disbelief, earning a small smile from Aroldo. I ran my fingers through my hair unsure of what to say next. “I had a dream about Alcurd last night, honestly. Normally when I do, he shows up in the city I’m at. He never bothers me directly, he normally just watches me from afar.”

The office door opened, causing Aroldo and I to look and see who it was. Orbit shut the door behind her, offering me a small wave and smiling at her husband. She made her way over to the bar and made herself a drink, before sitting in the chair beside me. Orbit sipped on it absent-mindedly, staring at one of the paintings on the opposite wall.

“I don’t think he knows you’re here Giselle,” she finally spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Alcurd always knew where I was, at least that’s how it seemed. “Whose the girl he’s traveling with?”

“What girl?” I asked puzzled. “He prefers to travel alone. Whenever I see him, he’s always by himself.”

“Well he’s not alone this time. You sure you don’t know about this woman tagging along with him?” Orbit asked, her lips curling into a taunting grin.

“I’m positive,” I said through gritted teeth. She was beginning to infuriate me.

“Orbit you heard her,” Aroldo intervened. Orbit rolled her eyes at him before turning her attention back to me.

“Listen to me Giselle,” she glared at me. “This woman that is with Alcurd is a witch as well. Now I need you to tell me every single thing you know about these two.”


Finally after four hours of being interrogated, badgered, threatened, apologized to, and insulted, Aroldo told his wife to leave me alone and go home. She had threw a fit before she left and purposely slammed the door extra loud behind her on her way out. It was almost two-thirty in the afternoon and we had drank several drinks, but Aroldo insisted on continuing to drink. I ran my fingers through my hair feeling exhausted.

“I apologize for Orbit, she can be quite a bitch at times,” he chuckled. I cracked a smile at his words and nodded. “Why do you think your maker would come here if it wasn’t for you?”

“I dunno,” I shrugged. “Power perhaps? He’s obviously changed since I was around last since he’s traveling with someone, so who knows? Personally, I think Alcurd is the only one who knows why he is here.”

“What do you think he will do to you if he finds out you are here?” Aroldo asked me.

This question caught me off guard. What will Alcurd do when he finds out I’m here, in New York City? Well, I suppose that all depends on his purpose for being here. Which is what? He always did like power and being the center of attention, hell he was very charismatic as well, but I don’t know what kind of power he would try to have in New York City. The council…

“I’m not sure,” I shrugged as I stood up. “I have some things to do before my shift tonight. I suggest you keep your people low on the radar, if he doesn’t already know everything about them. You think he’s going to go after the council somehow, don’t you?”

He nodded slowly before gulping down his drink. “This stays between us. Perhaps you should stay with Summer and Janis at the townhouse? I don’t think you should be alone at your apartment, Giselle.”

I shook my head as I pulled my jacket on. “I will be fine, Aroldo. But if I ever feel threatened or anything, I promise you I will go stay with a friend. I’ll see you later on tonight.”

I walked out of the office, shutting the door behind me and making my way outside. I walked swiftly, trying to get home as quick as I could. First, I had to check on my apartment because I know for certain I did not leave that window open last night. Second, if Alcurd knew about my close relationship to Bram, a human, he would want to hurt him. I had to make sure he was okay.

Alcurd was here in the city, I could sense him now. And that heavy feeling in my gut meant that things were not going to end good at all.
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