Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Twenty-One

Just as we were about to leave the hotel, my boss stopped me in my tracks and placed his hand on my shoulder as he often did. Aroldo told me it would be best for me to go home with the Fletcher sisters. The look on his face told me to not argue with him, no matter how much I wanted to. I nodded at him, telling him that I wanted to see the witch before she was put to death. He simply nodded at me, sighing deeply to let me know that he didn’t agree with it. I left the hotel, walking in the opposite direction of the rest of the vampires and the Veneratio townhouses. A walk was in much need, considering I had to clear my head.

I felt like I should be threatened by Cecile. I remember my Maker firmly saying he would never turn anyone again. I proved it to be too much of a hassle, unlike the stories and myths he had heard before. So why did he change her? What about her attracted Alcurd to go through the so-called hassle? She is a witch, after all, and Aroldo confirmed she was well aware of her abilities when she was merely a human. Perhaps she put a spell on him. Is that even possible? If it was, I’d never find out because Orbit was the only witch I knew and she certainly wouldn’t tell me.

I shook my head as I walked amongst the humans. Maybe I should just run. I could go far away and maybe Alcurd would follow me. He’s certainly going to be angry about Cecile’s death penalty and I know that he’ll seek revenge. When he’s done with Aroldo, he’ll find out I was involved somehow and come after me. He’d have no choice but to follow me. Or I could just get the message to him somehow. I could tell him I had something to do with it and catch me if you can, douche.

That sounds lovely and all, but where is he? Was Cecile the only other vampire traveling with him? Probably so. He’s had to talk to someone around here, right? I’m sure he’s come into contact with another vampire of some sort. But who would keep it a secret that he‘s in town? Hmm, anyone would as long as Alcurd threatened them.

Okay, focus Giselle. He’s your Maker and you should be able to sense him. I closed my eyes, tuning into my senses. Could I feel him anywhere near? Absolutely not. I opened my eyes, continuing to walk. Perhaps I should check out a few bars around the area. Squinting my eyes slightly, I looked up a few blocks and saw a dinky vamp bar. There would be a good start.

As I walked inside the building, I was greeted with the scents of liquors, blood, and heavy cigarette smoke. There was very little light throughout the bar and it was surprisingly crowded. I snagged a stool and flagged down the bartender, telling him to make me a mango margarita with blood. While waiting for my drink, I scoped the bar but I didn’t see or feel Alcurd. Damn, this was going to be a long night.


Three days later, I finally made it home. My best friend and her sister bombarded me, hugging me and searching me over for wounds. After they saw I was fine, Janis told her younger sister to call Veneratios and let Aroldo know that I was alive and well. Summer nodded and said she‘d make tea before swiftly going into the kitchen. My best friend guided me to the couch, giving me a disapproving look.

“Do you know how worried everyone has been?” she asked icily. “Everyone thought Alcurd had gotten you or something. Aroldo was going to send search teams out if you weren’t back by morning. What the fuck Giselle?”

I shrugged, running my hand through my knotty hair. “I’m sorry, okay? I was handling some business and it was best that no one followed me.”

Janis eyed me skeptically. “What kind of business? You haven’t mentioned anything.”

I rolled my eyes, pushing myself from the couch. Janis kept her eye on me, even though I wasn’t going anywhere. “I was looking for Alcurd,” I admitted. Janis’ eyes widened, a soft gasp escaping her lips.

“Giselle, are you mad? Why would you do such a thing?” she asked. My best friend was no longer mad at me. I could tell by her tone that she was concerned now.

I cleared my throat, avoiding eye contact with her. “I just wanted to talk to him, that’s all.”

She stared at me, bewildered. “Talk?” she asked and I nodded. “Talk about what?”

I groaned, wishing she would stop asking so many questions. Summer came back into the room, a tray of tea in hand. She smiled softly at the two of us, obviously sensing the tension in the room. Summer sat the tea tray on the coffee table and excused herself, walking towards her private room. Once she was out of sight, Janis glared at me.

“Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll leave it be. Now have some tea and go take a shower, you look awful.”

I nodded, reclaiming my seat on the sofa. I poured myself a cup of tea, stirring in a little sugar and honey. I sipped it, instantly feeling calm and able to relax. Janis stood in front of me for several minutes before stalking off to her sister’s room. A heavy sigh ventured from my lips after I finished my tea. Both of my roommates joined me in the living room and began pouring their own tea.

“Mr. Veneratio wants to see you as soon as possible, Giselle. He said it’s urgent,” Summer said. I nodded at her.

“I suppose it’s about my disappearance?” I asked, hoping to prepare for whatever lecture was ahead.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Summer smiled softly as she glanced at the watch on her wrist. “Well, duty calls. See you both later, have a good evening.”

“Be careful,” Janis sternly said, earning a soft glare from her sister. I smiled at the sisterly affection. Summer left and my best friend returned her gaze to me. “So did you find him?”

I blinked, letting her words register in my head. That was the last question I expected from her. “I‘m afraid not,” I said as I fixed my eyes on my tea cup. “He must’ve been hiding from me, which can’t be good.”

My best friend sighed, glancing at the clock on the wall. “You better start getting ready before Aroldo comes looking for you. He was not happy about your disappearance,” she made eye contact with me again. “I think that looking for Alcurd is a bad idea, Giselle. Perhaps you should stop trying to talk to him, for your own protection.”

I nodded, knowing that she was absolutely right. My idea was stupid and I should not let him know about my involvement with the capturing of his witch. I sat my teacup back on the tray and stood from my seat. “I really am sorry for worrying everyone,” I mumbled before walking to the bathroom.

Not even fifteen minutes later I was showered, dressed, and on my way to my boss‘ office. Aroldo was going to flip out when he learns I was gone by my own free will. I’ll just have to say that I needed to clear my head, especially after the whole Cecile thing. I couldn’t let him know about me trying to locate my Maker. It would be terrible if Aroldo took it the wrong way and thought I was trying to help him.

Just as I was about to knock on Aroldo’s office door, it opened suddenly and he grabbed my arm gently, pulling me inside. We were silent as he guided me to one of the leather chairs and I took a seat. He didn’t say a word as he poured himself a drink and finally took his seat across from me, staring at me intently.

“It’s nice to see you back,” he began. I half-smiled at him as a thank you. “Do you mind telling me where you were?”

I shrugged, hating how everyone was so nosey. I was here now and safe, wasn’t that good enough? “I needed to clear my head so I went for a walk. I didn’t realize how long I had been gone. I didn’t mean to scare anyone.”

My boss stared at me bewildered. “You went for a three day walk?” he asked. I could tell by his tone that he didn’t believe it.

I nodded, breaking eye contact. “Look, I just needed to clear my head after the Cecile thing. You know how much it bothered me,” I said, looking at him again. Aroldo’s facial expression softened.

“Next time you need to clear your head, tell someone. Don’t go days without contact. All of us were very worried about you, Giselle. Do I make myself clear?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir. Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked, hoping to leave now. He was treating me like a child, not like the six hundred year old vampire I was.

He took a sip of his drink, shaking his head. “Actually, there is something else. Do you still want to see the prisoner?” he asked. I looked at him wide-eyed and mouth agape.

“Of course,” I finally said. “Has she said anything about our Maker?” I cringed at my own words.

Aroldo shook his head no. “Afraid not. Like I said before, she’s very loyal to him. She’s just been toying with the guards, fuckin’ whore,” he hissed, rolling his eyes.

“So when can I see her?” I asked. He stared at me for the longest time before responding.

“You can see her now, if you like. I have to warn you, she’s cunning and she will say things to fuck with you. You just can’t let her get to you.” Aroldo sighed heavily after finishing his drink. “I hope you realize that this is breaking the rules and I wouldn’t allow just anyone to do this.”

I nodded at him again, understanding every word. “And I thank you,” I said offering a small smile. Aroldo did not return it, however.

He stood abruptly and began making his way to the door. “If you’d follow me please,” he said opening the door. I stood and followed him into the hall. He made a right down the corridor and stayed a few feet in front of me. “I also expect that you keep this a secret as well, Giselle. Not only for my protection, but for yours as well.”

“You have my word.”

Not another word was spoken as he lead me further down the corridor. I had no idea how big this place was. I wasn’t sure if anyone really knew. Aroldo turned around to face me.

“She’s bound and there are a few guards inside. I vow that anything the two of you talk about will remain private unless, of course, you can get Alcurd’s whereabouts out of her. Now, are you sure you want to go through with this?” he asked, staring intently.

I shook my head violently. “Yes, I’m positive. I’ll try to find out where he is, too.”

“Very well,” Aroldo sighed and opened the door. “Go on in,” he said waving his hand.

I stepped inside the room and Aroldo closed the door, making it slam and I jumped slightly. It was very dark and damp in the room, and even I had to squint my eyes to adjust to the dim light. Over in the corner was a chair with a figure in it. I assumed it was Cecile. This was it. I was finally meeting her. As I approached closer, I could make out what she looked like and it was nothing short of beautiful, even with the bruises on her face and her body tied up. Her eyes met mine and they locked.

“You’re better looking than I pictured,” she laughed, gazing me up and down before locking eyes with me once again. “Alcurd always has had a soft spot for redheads. Wait until he finds out that you’re here though. That should definitely be interesting.”

I cleared my throat and she rolled her eyes at me. Aroldo was right, she was cunning. “You know, you’re better looking than I thought you’d be too,” I grinned at her. “Alcurd always hated brunettes though, especially prostitutes.”

She growled at me, narrowing her eyes. “He mentioned you were a smartass. Didn’t say it was this bad though,” she rolled her eyes again. “At least he didn’t leave me.”

I growled at her, wanting to punch her out of anger. Cecile laughed at me, cocking her head to the side. “That was the best fucking thing that happened to me, just so you know. And he must miss me somehow because he’s always following me around!”

“Oh please,” she chuckled. “You want him to miss you. We have eternity to live and we get bored every once and awhile. You are much harder to find than you think, Giselle. I give you credit for that.”

Within the first five minutes of talking to her, I realized that Alcurd had turned Cecile because she was everything I wasn’t. Knowing that made me feel much, much better.

“So,” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “How does it feel to know that your eternity is coming to an end?”

“Fuck you bitch,” Cecile spat. “Alcurd will save me, you watch.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “Alcurd doesn’t give a fuck about you. You’ve been here for three days. If he cared, he would’ve been here by now.”

Cecile look up at me with dreadful eyes. “He’ll come for me,” she whispered.

“Where is he?” I asked, crossing my arms. “Perhaps we could call him and tell him where you are. Maybe he’d come to your rescue then,” I teased.

“Not falling for that,” she muttered. “Now go along, I’m sick of seeing you already. I‘m not telling you where Alcurd is and if I happen to die here, then I‘m fine with that. At least I was faithful to him and won‘t disappoint him.”

I shook my head at her as I turned to leave. “Oh, you’ll die here. You can count on that,”
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