Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Three

I stared wide-eyed at my television screen. My vampire leader decided to come forth and expose us to the world. But why after all this time? I don’t understand, I thought we kept ourselves a secret so no one could harm us. Now we’re trusting humans with our lives, humans who don’t know half of the things we do. I clicked the button on my remote and tossed it gently onto the coffee table.

A loud sigh escaped my lips as I looked down to my hands in my lap. I played with my jade stone ring. I cherished this thing at this very moment. Not everyone knows about such voodoo like my maid had. I can walk amongst humans during the day, perfectly disguising myself as one while everyone else can only come out after dusk. Others of my kind can come forth but I’m not chancing it.

A knock came to my door and startled me. Tuning into my vampiric senses, I could tell that it was a human at my door. A nervous male, to be exact. I ran a hand through my hair as I got off my sofa and opened the door. My landlord stood there with a worried look on his face.

“Hello,” I smiled. “Is everything alright sir?”

He shook is head ferociously. “Miss Giselle have you seen the news?”

I nodded my head. “Oh yes, I cannot believe it!” I said in shocked tone while placing one of my hands over where my heart was. “Who would’ve thought?”

“Oh yes, I absolutely agree with you. But you need not to worry, the staff is going to be stepping up the building’s security. Of course when we know more about these,” Mr. Davis paused and shuddered before he continued, “When we know more about them, we can definitely do something.”

I nodded, acting like I cared. I wonder what he would do if he knew I was one of those vampires that he fears so much? I wonder what security could really do if I just came unglued and ripped Mr. Davis’ throat to shreds? I’m sure they wouldn’t be able to prepare for it or really be safe when it came to a vampire. If they’re drinking human blood, like yours truly, odds are against you.

“Well I will definitely keep an eye out for anyone suspicious,” I smiled softly. He returned it, nodding his head.

“Yes and please be careful. Perhaps have a male friend walk with you whenever possible. Sorry to bother you Miss Giovanni but I want to let everyone know this is a safe place.”

“Of course Mr. Davis. You have a good afternoon,” I nodded before shutting the door. I began laughing at him. What a silly man, but I guess he means well.

I pushed my leaning body off the door and went to my bedroom. I looked over my appearance in my mirror. I wore a flowery dress that reached passed my knees and wedges. My hair was down and looked beautiful. Nodding to myself in approval, I decided I was going out this afternoon to find a job. If I was going to act like a human, I had to work like one. I spent the entire early evening searching the city for a job. It’s not like I exactly needed one, so I was being rather picky. I want to do something I enjoy. However, I got plenty of time to lose.

I walked into a bar that was down the street from my apartment. It was about eight-thirty and it was rather busy. There were a few couples here and there, a group of rowdy men drinking in a booth, a few people sat perched at the bar staring at the television. I made my way to a barstool and sat down. The bartender smiled at me and took my order and placed my Jack and Coke in front of me. I sipped on it absentmindedly, tuning out everyone’s conversation.

The stool next to me was pulled out and I looked to see who sat beside me. He was a handsome guy, looked to be no older than twenty-seven. His hair was black and shaggy, his bangs hung in his blue eyes. That’s when I noticed I’ve seen him before. In fact, he was one of the drunk guys I saw in the hallway last night. That had to make this cutie one of my neighbors!

He ordered a drink and flashed me a smile as he turned my way. “What’s a cute thing like yourself doing here all alone past dark? Vampires are among us now you know,” he smirked at me.

“I cannot believe you’re using that as your pick up line!” I giggled. The guy looked taken aback by what I had said and I could sense he felt uncomfortable. I offered him my hand, “I’m Giselle. I just moved here.”

He smiled as he took my hand and brushed his lips against it. This guy was a player, I could tell by his actions. “I’m Bram, nice to meet you. So where are you staying?”

I giggled softly as I finished off my drink. “Now why would I tell you? You might be one of those vampires you warned me about.”

His lips turned up into a smile before he took a swig of his beer. “I stay at the Chelsea.”

I dramatically dropped my jaw and playfully slapped his arm. “No way, so do I! Small world, huh Bram?”

He nodded before gulping down the rest of his beer. He flagged the bartender down and ordered beer and another mixed drink for me. Before I could protest, he told me it was a ‘welcome to New York drink’. I couldn’t argue with him when he smiled at me. Bram had a certain charm about him. Although I could tell it was with years of practice. And by practice I mean, sleeping around with as many women as possible.

“So what brings you to the city?” he asked me.

I shrugged, “Something new. I’m all alone, so why not?” I swallowed a portion of my drink.

I thought this would make him feel uneasy. Instead, Bram nodded. “Yeah, I’m pretty much alone too. My folks don’t exactly approve of my lifestyle, or job, or well, anything for that matter,” he smiled.

I smiled softly back at him. “Yeah, parents can be tough. But one day they’ll be gone and you’ll even miss that about them,” I said, my voice on the edge of cracking. I cleared my throat and finished my drink.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. But um, I’m about to walk back home. Would you like to walk with me?” he asked cautiously.

I stared at the human as I listened to his heart race. He was actually nervous around me, that was odd since he was quite the charmer. I smiled at him and nodded. He paid for the drinks then lead the way outside. Despite the vampire news, people were still out even though it was well past dark.

I watched as Bram light a cigarette, a menthol to be exact. I never caught onto the whole smoking thing. Well, not cigarettes anyhow. We walked in silence, which was keeping him on edge. I didn’t know what to say without getting all emotional. I was always like this the first few days after I move in somewhere new.

“So what do you do?” I asked hoping to strike up some conversation.

“I write for a magazine, actually.” he answered. I nodded, thinking the job fit him rather well. “Are you working?”

I shook my head. “I’m in the process of looking for a job. I have some money saved up in the meantime,” I answered.

“Well with all this vampire stuff going on, I’m sure we’ll be needing some extra help. I could put in a word in to my boss for you if you want,” he offered as he flicked his cigarette. He held the hotel door open for me and I smiled as I thanked him.

“No thanks Bram. I appreciate the offer but I don’t want any parts of the vampire thing,” I answered honestly while we were in the elevator.

“Fair enough,” he smiled as we stepped out and he walked me to my door. “Well it was a pleasure to meet you Giselle. Welcome to New York.”

I smiled warmly at the human. “Thank you Bram, it was lovely to meet you as well,” I said before disappearing into my apartment.
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Three chapters in one night... I am on a roll!