Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Five

I walked along the sidewalk, through the crowd of people. It was a cool October evening and the wind was blowing. I was heading west, my destination being Veneratio’s, an underground vampire bar. Little did Bram know, I had overheard him telling his roommate about which bar owner’s he was interviewing. I couldn’t have him showing up there and knowing I was a vampire. He was a journalist for fuck’s sakes; it would be all over the damn building.

I stepped into Veneratio’s, instantly greeted by Orbit, the owner’s wife. Aroldo and Orbit Veneratio are the most powerful vampires in New York City. In fact, they are who every vampire in the city answer to. They make sure to keep the peace between my peers and us and humans. So far they’ve done a phenomenal job with it being such a huge city.

“Hello, I don’t believe I’ve seen you around here before.”

Orbit stared at me with a smirk on her face. I was older than her by three hundred years minimum; if I wanted to, I could rip her throat out with my fangs in an instant. I hated when someone with power smirked at me. I’ve heard plenty of stories to know that Orbit Veneratio is a complete bitch and no one can really do anything about it. She’s lucky she married into vampire royalty, otherwise she wouldn’t be standing before more at the moment.

“No, this is my first time here. I just moved to the city. My name is Giselle Giovanni,” I said. She nodded as she wrote my name down on a pad of paper.

“Well you can go on in Giselle. My husband should be with you shortly to register you and give you a vampire ID. It’s a new rule since we’ve come out in the open,” Orbit explained. Her voice was dripping was venom.

I smiled at her before I walked inside. It was dim due to only being lit by candles. Veneratio’s was New York City’s biggest vampire tavern. It is equipped with a dance floor, a long curvy bar, several booths, a rec room with pool tables and darts, and the jukebox literally had every type of music imaginable; some even being older than me! Downstairs is Aroldo’s office where he handles his “mayor” duties. I suppose that’s where I will need to go to get my ID.

I took a seat at the bar and the bartender came over to me right away. She was a petite blonde and didn’t look a day over seventeen. I could tell by her scent that she was a vampire, a young one at that. She smiled at me before she spoke.

“What can I get ya?” she asked brightly. “All blood types are available, although tonight O positive is half off.”

I shrugged, unsure of what I wanted. I wasn’t too picky. “I’ll take an O positive.”

The young girl nodded. “Would you like that straight up or mixed in with something? We have assorted liquors, coffees, and teas. Also, you can have it served hot or chilled.”

“I’ll have it straight up, heated please,” I smiled softly as I handed her some money.

The blonde vampire took my money and began making my drink. I watched as she heated up a glass of blood in a near-by microwave and placed it in front of me. I thanked her before she went to tend another customer. I brought the cup to my lips, letting the warm liquid run down my throat. I licked my lips as I put the empty glass on the bar surface.

“Miss Giovanni?” a voice said behind me. I turned around on the barstool and came face to face with Aroldo Veneratio. I smiled at him as I extended my hand. He took it in his hand and grazed his lips across my fingers.

“It’s very nice to meet you Mr. Veneratio,” I smiled. He told the bartender to get us both a cup of AB blood, straight up and warm. He took the seat beside me.

“The pleasure is all mine. So Giselle, what made you move to the city?” he asked as the girl placed our drinks in front of us.

“You can only stay in a place for so long before they notice you’re not aging one bit.”

He continued to ask me several questions and I would answer them. He asked when and where I was born. He even asked how I became a vampire and if I was still in touch with my maker. Aroldo asked if I had ever changed anyone, or if I was traveling alone or with someone else. Finally the questions came to a halt and he took me downstairs to get my photo ID made. He took my picture quickly, and had it printed and in my hand in no time.

“It’s very nice to have someone of your age and wisdom here in our city Giselle,” Aroldo smiled at me as he lead me back upstairs. “Not to mention your Italian beauty. Ever thought about becoming a council member?”

I smiled at him, shaking my head politely. “Thank you Aroldo, you’re so kind. But no, the thought hasn’t crossed my mind.”

He frowned slightly as he twirled my long hair. “Such a shame. We could use someone such as yourself. Do think about it?”

I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I will give it some thought.”

“Great,” he kissed my cheek. “It was nice to meet you Giselle but I have a meeting. Do enjoy your evening.”

He stalked off and I headed towards the bar to order another drink. My senses picked up the scent of lavender and lilacs, the infamous perfume that Janis Fletcher wore. I followed the smell to the bar and my eyes fell upon my long-time friend. Her dirty blonde hair was the same as it had been several years ago when I met her during the Summer of Love. I cleared my throat when I was behind her and she whirled around. Janis’ eyes lit up and she grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“Fancy seeing you hear!” she wrapped her arms around me in a big bear hug. “Where they hell have you been Giselle?”

I hugged her back and shrugged as I sat next to her at the bar. “Here, there. Practically everywhere. What about you? How have you been?” I asked.

“Summer! Come over here,” she waved the blonde bartender over. “Summer, this is my friend I was telling you about, Giselle. Giselle, this is my younger sister Summer I told you about. We crossed paths about fifteen years ago. She was turned into a vampire not long after I was.”

The young girl smiled at me. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Likewise,” I smiled back then turned to Janis, “I thought you hated New York?”

She chuckled loudly before gulping down a shot of Jack Daniels and blood. “That was back in the sixties Ellie,” she smirked using the nickname that I hated. “Summer convinced me to move here. I gotta give her credit, I like it so far.”

I smiled as I finished my liquor and blood mixed drink. “Fair enough, I like it so far as well. Summer, another round please.”

Janis threw her hands in the air. “Woo! That’s the Giselle I remember.”

I laughed at my best friend. I had missed her so much over the past thirty years or so.