Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Eight

In my opinion, the weekend is too short. It goes by too fast and when Sunday afternoon rolled around, I found myself not wanting Alexa to leave. But I knew if she was here when Quinn got home and she slipped up and told him she spent two nights here, he’d throw a fucking fit.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow night?” Alexa asked as I walked her to the door. I nodded as I smiled at her.

“Of course,” I replied as pulled her into a hug. “We’ll grab some dinner then we can go back to your hotel.”

Alexa giggled and playfully slapped my arm. “Try to behave yourself until then?”

“I can’t make any promises,” I grinned at her. She shook her head before bringing her smiling lips to meet my own.

“Bye for now,” she said.

We hugged once more and then she left. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I made my way back to the bathroom to shower. This was definitely a good weekend, I’d have to tell Quinn about it. Well, after altering a few details of course. It’s not that I’m devious or anything by not telling my best friend the complete truth. I’m just avoiding conflict, which to me, makes me considerate.

Anyway, after we left the bar Friday night, Alexa and I came back here. We had a couple more beers and then had sex. Why does my boss’ daughter have to be so fucking hot? Here’s a better question: Why is my boss’ daughter so good in the sack? In fact, why the fuck does she have to go back to the other side of the country in less than two days?

Saturday morning we went out to breakfast and walked through the park. It was easy to talk to Alexa and I learned a lot about her. She’s going to school to become a director and she wants to focus on horror films. Alexa’s favorite color is purple and if I gave her an orchid, she’d probably leap into my arms and smother me with kisses. She loves Chinese food and believes that fortune cookies are true. Her favorite season is summer and her favorite place to be is at the beach. She prefers coffee to tea and actually likes baseball.

We walked around the city for the better part of the day before getting sushi for dinner. Since the night was ridiculously young, we went to a bar for some drinks. Like the previous night, Alexa wanted to dance with me. I did so just to make her happy, but not without trying to self-induce myself with alcohol poisoning first. If a lady ever wants Bram Reid to dance, they must feed him shot after shot of Crown Royal and several bottles of beer prior to.

Once I was tipsy, we hit the dance floor. I actually had fun dancing with her. It was much better than the night before when her mom could see both of us grinding against each other. Honestly, it didn’t bother me so much that Alexa’s mom witnessed us doing such a thing. It bothered me more that her mom was Lucinda Streeah, a complete bitch and she could totally kick my ass if she wanted to. Or worse, she could fire me. Actually, I think I’d be more embarrassed if she kicked my ass. Especially if she did so in a bar in front of everyone. I could always blame it on the alcohol if that were to ever happen. Who am I kidding, that wouldn’t happen.

After my shower, I quickly dressed in jeans and a Radiohead t-shirt. Glancing at my cell phone, I noticed it was almost five and Quinn should be getting home soon. Flopping down on the couch, I exhaled heavily. Sundays are always so damn boring. It’s too early to eat dinner or to drink. Which I don’t really want to do anyway because, I had woken up with a slight hangover this morning even though I failed to admit that to Alexa.

All of a sudden, a knock came to the door. I jumped slightly, since it had startled me. I wasn’t expecting any visitors and if it was Quinn, he’d just walk inside. Well, unless that dumbass lost his keys again. Which if he did, I’m going to punch him in his neck because that would be the fourth time in the past six months. Our landlord charges a dick and an arm for a replacement key and personally, I refuse to let me best friend keep paying that much money for a fucking key.

I pushed myself off the couch and made my way to the door. I never use the peephole. If I did, I probably wouldn’t answer my door ever again. Unless it was for the pizza delivery dude, I’m never disappointed to see him. I turned the knob and opened the door, my jaw dropping.

Staring back at me was my hot, red-headed neighbor that I had forgotten about for a few days. She wore simple denim jeans with some patches that I was assuming covering holes, a grey Pink Floyd t-shirt, and matching flip flops. In her hands was a covered dish and I could smell the Italian seasoning very well. Giselle clearing her throat made me realize I had been staring at her with my mouth wide open, like an fool.

“Uh, h-hi,” I rubbed the back of my neck nervously as I stuttered. “How are you Giselle?”

She smiled briefly before peering past me and looking around. “Is this a bad time?”

I shook my head. “No, not at all. Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting company. What you got there?” I asked as I pointed to the delicious food she was holding. She looked down at it and smiled as she made eye contact with me again.

“Oh, well I made you some baked ziti,” she smiled. “Consider it an apology for not getting back with you right away for dinner.”

I couldn’t believe my ears right now. First of all, did this hot chick just make me food? If there’s one thing I like, it’s a woman that can cook. I had to stop my mind before it thought about Giselle cooking in my kitchen with nothing but an apron on. Alexa was in the darkest corner of my mind at the moment, Giselle had my full attention.

I moved out of the doorway and motioned for her to come in. “Thank you. Please, come in. Um, the kitchen is this way,” I said as I pointed to her left. I shut the door and followed her to the kitchen, where she sat the dish on the counter.

“It’s still warm if you wanted to eat some now. But if you chose to eat it later, you’ll want to heat it up in the oven for alittle bit. I’d love to stay longer but my friend Janis and I are suppose to go see this show on Broadway,” she rolled her eyes towards the end. I couldn’t help but chuckle, she was so cute. Even more so when she smiled at me.

“I understand. Thank you so much and uh, you should hit me up later in the week. Maybe we could get together the weekend?” I asked as I leaned against he counter and crossed my arms. I had to step up my game.

Giselle smiled at me and nodded. “Sounds good, I’ll see you Thursday or Friday night. Well, enjoy you’re evening Bram.”

And with that, she let herself out of my apartment. She left me there smelling her delicious Italian food, thinking of how good she probably looked cooking it, and wishing Thursday or Friday night would just hurry up and get here already so I could see her again.