Status: Feedback motivates me.

Balance Beam

Chapter Nine

No matter how many years you’ve been alive, the first date with someone is always awkward and nerve-racking. As I stepped into my bedroom in my robe, I breathed deeply trying to calm myself down. There was something about this human that made me feel insecure about myself. In my head I knew that I shouldn’t think I wasn’t worthy of his company because I am beautiful, I’m aware of that. It was my personality that I was worried he would find ugly.

But then I also had to keep in mind that this past weekend he had female company. Female company that he enjoyed quite a lot, I might add. I caught glimpse of her the day that she left. Her hair was a striking blonde, she was taller than me and she was shaped like the models you saw on the cover of magazines. I was short and had bright red hair that couldn’t hide me in any crowd. Yes, I was shaped like a woman was suppose to be but I wasn’t damn near a stick either. If that is what Bram is attracted to, then I have no idea why he is taking me out this evening.

Slipping off my robe, I began to get dressed. My attire consisted of a short dark blue v-neck dress, black tights, and a matching black belt adorned my waist. I replaced my everyday stud earrings with dangly black hoops and changed the diamond stud above my lip to a black one. Topping off the outfit, I wore my favorite blue owl necklace that had black eyes to match my outfit precisely.

I glided my way through the tiny hallway and into my bathroom. My makeup bag was already perched on the counter and I began to sift through it for my black eyeliner, blue eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss. Pulling the contents from the bag one by one, I finally began the routine of doing my makeup. After being alive for over six hundred years, this becomes such an easy task that it annoys you to even do it.

I finished quickly and smiled as I admired my work. If I ever wanted to go to California again I could always become a makeup artist. Fuck that, I’d rather go to Paris and do makeup for the runway shows. Now that would be fun. I’ll have to remember that one the next time I decide to relocate. Of course, traveling would be much more difficult now that all vampires have to carry identification.

I stopped daydreaming and tackled my hair. Like usual, my red mane did not want to corporate with me. After growing tired of fighting with it, I threw it up into a messy bun. I silently cussed at my hair before brushing my teeth. Once I was done, I went back to my bedroom and put on black boots that came to just above my ankle. Standing in front of my full-length mirror, I looked over my reflection and came to the conclusion this is as good as I‘ll look this evening.

A knock came to the front door and I made my way to it. Glimpsing at the clock on the wall in the living room, I saw that it was almost six-thirty. I could smell the man’s cologne and immediately knew that Bram was here right on time. Running my hands down the front of my dress, I smoothed it out and took a couple deep breaths.

I opened the door and smiled at Bram. “Hey, come in. I just have to grab my purse.”

I turned on my heel and motioned for him to follow me inside. I caught a hasty glimpse of what Bram was wearing as I did so. He wore his infamous leather jacket, a collared striped dress shirt, and dark jeans. His hair was proportionally disheveled and his feet wore clad in black loafers. It seemed like he didn’t put much effort into his outfit, far beyond the amount I did, and yet he still looks far better than I do.

“This is a nice place you got,” he smiled as he shut the door behind him. I smiled back over my shoulder before turning my attention to my black crocheted purse that I had left on the table in the dining room.

“Thanks,” I said as I walked back into the living room. Bram was looking at the Salvador Dali paintings I had on the walls. “So what are we getting into tonight?”

Bram kept looking at the paintings and shrugged his shoulders. “Well, are you hungry? I had a late lunch so I’m actually still full,” he said avoiding eye contact.

I chuckled lowly so he couldn’t hear me. I was actually full myself so this worked out fine. “I did too actually,” I said. Bram turned and faced me for the first time since he stepped inside my apartment.

“Would you like to get some drinks? I know this great place a few blocks from here,” he grinned.

I nodded and smiled at him. “Sure, sounds lovely.”

We left the apartment and made our way out the hotel. The elevator ride was quiet but Bram starting chatting to me as we made our way through the lobby. He told me about his day at work. Apparently his boss is a tough lady and has high expectations. Then he asked me about my day. I shyly told him of how I had spent the previous night at Janis’ and we had hung out today at her place.

“So is this Janis your best friend? It seems you’re always with her,” he noted as he held the door for me. I smiled a thank you as I stepped onto the sidewalk. The cool air of the night hit me and I was thankful of wearing a long-sleeved dress.

“Yes, she is as a matter of fact. We’ve been friends for quite some time. Lost contact awhile back but found each other here in New York coincidently,” I smiled.

I had become so good at altering the truth that it made me sick to my stomach. I was dying to tell the truth for once. I wanted to tell someone of how old I am. Yes, I look this fucking good and I’m almost six hundred and thirty years old. I am a vampire and have been since I was twenty-one. I’ve never been married. I didn’t get to see my nieces and nephews grow up. My life was taken from me and I didn’t want to become this. But I couldn’t come out and say this, especially not to Bram.

“If she’s single, I have a single roommate. Perhaps we could double date,” he smiled at me as we walked down the street.

I chuckled softly and nodded. “I’ll have to ask Janis how she feels about that. So how’s the magazine going? I saw your article. You know, the one where you interviewed the vampire bar owners.”

Bram beamed at me as I mentioned his work. “It’s going very well actually. We’re in the top five for the country and world. My new assignment is to try to get an interview with Aroldo Veneratio. He’s going to be a tough one because he’s so private about things.”

I nodded as we turned the corner and stopped in front of a small tavern. Bram held the door for me and I thanked him once again. The warm air and aroma of booze and cigarettes hit me as soon as I walked inside. The bartender waved at Bram who waved back and said hello. Bram’s hand landed on the small of my back and he guided me to the bar, pulling out my barstool for me.

I sat down and thanked him as he pushed me in. He took the seat beside me and the bartender, a heavy set Irish man, came over to us. Bram introduced him as ‘Poppa Campbell’ to me and he shook my hand firmly, smiling at me graciously. He seemed to be on a friendship level to his customers.

“What can I get you hun?” Poppa Campbell asked me after him and Bram caught up on small talk.

I smiled as I placed my hands on the bar. “I’ll have a few shots of Jack, please.”

Poppa smiled at me and began pouring my shots. “If she can drink this Bram, she’s a keeper.”

I giggled and thanked him when he slid the shots in front of me. I glanced over at Bram who had his head hung slightly, a nervous smile on his face, and his cheeks were pink. This poor guy was as nervous as I was about this date. He ordered a few shots of Crown Royal and told Poppa Campbell to keep the shots coming for both of us before he went off to tend to another customer.

“That guy’s like a father to me,” Bram said as he turned his attention back to me. I smiled at him.

“You drink that often, huh? Should I be worried?” I giggled playfully as I raised one of my shot glasses.

Bram chuckled and mimicked my actions. “What shall we toast to, Giselle?”

I smirked at him and moved my shot closer to him. “To us,” I said as I stared into his eyes.

He stared back and clinked his shot glass against mine. “To us,” he smiled as we each gulped down our liquors.
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