Rescue Me With Your Smile

Party Animal

I got out of the car and made my way through a gigantic sliding door. To have shots shoved
in my face. Who am I to turn down free drinks? I grabbed two and gulped them down, one by
one. Not too long later, I was greeted by a few guys. I didn’t listen to what they said their
names were. I just nodded and walked away. I found my band mates and they were all

“Hey guys” I awkwardly said as they were all munching girls’ faces off

“Having fun?” I got no reply so I decided to go some other place. To which I ran into Bam.
Who didn’t seem as intoxicated as everyone else.

“I thought you were a party animal? You don’t seem too wasted”

“Are you challenging me Bam? Or are you just trying to get me drunk?”

“Bit of both” He slammed 5 shot glasses on the table next to us and told me to drink all of
them. One after the other.

“Are you serious Bam?”

“Deadly, now do it!” I breathed out and did it. He looked at me with his mouth open

“What?! I told you I’m a party animal! Now, lets drink some more.”

I grabbed Bams wrist and dragged him towards where all the alcohol was.

I shoved a shot in his hand and told him to drink it. He resisted at first saying he doesn’t like
shots. But I convinced him to do it.

“I’ve known you a day and already think you’re awesome as fuck!”

“I tend to have that effect on people! Now come dance!”

I wasn’t into the whole concept of ‘Grinding’ when you’re dancing with a guy. So I danced like
I normally would with my friends. Why is he any different? But I think he was glad that I didn’t
make anything more awkward.

We were dancing for about 10 minutes and that’s when I felt the alcohol starting to kick in. I
wasn’t the type of person to throw up after drinking alot. I could hold my stomach. So I’m
safe. But I’m not too sure about Bam. He suddenly disappeared, So I thought I’d better go
check to see if he was throwing up. I was looking around everywhere and In the last
bathroom I saw him making out with a girl.

“Oops sorry” I turned around and walked straight out the door. Why did a wave of jealousy
flow over me?