What emotions?

Midnight Heartbreak

A single tear slid down her cheek, the only evidence of a raging turmoil of emotions threatening to burst from her chest. Emotions, she was not used to feeling them, not one bit. Perhaps a soft brush of joy, shown only through a carefully perfected smile, an echo of sadness, nothing but a mere shell of past hurts.

But this? This hurt more than anything. A shaky laugh escaped her lips, it turning into a hiccup as she buried her face in her pillow, her hands scrunching up into tight balls either side of her head as she struggled to contain unspilt tears. She couldn't believe it, he had broken a promise, and shattered the trust she had spent years slowly rebuilding.

It was too much, salty tears stung as they cascaded from her eyes freely, rolling to merge with the already damp patch on the pillow from countless spilt minutes beforehand. Her body shook as she sobbed uncontrollably, remembering the kinds words once spoken, now echoing betrayal and malice. The small voice in the back of her head nagged her, boasting how it had been right all along, telling her that no-one would come to comfort her, reassuring her that she was not worth the tears spilt, yet they came.

Outside, the rain patted lightly against the glass and a soft wind caressed the trees in its breeze, all was peaceful, undisturbed.
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Okay, yeah, scribbles mid-sniffles so most likely crap..