Status: Updated often.



I watched her as she folded clothes and put them on the right racks in the clothing store. She laughed, her beautiful face lighting up as a girl spoke to her, causing her laughter. I was surprised to see her lips form words back to the woman, both of them laughing again after.

Was it possible?Did she talk or were my eyes deceiving me?

"Just fuckin' go in and talk teh her already!" Oli sighed, rolling his eyes at how nervous and shocked I was to see her. I stared at her as her co-worker stopped laughing and pointed at me. I couldn't read her lips, but I was pretty fucking positive she was telling Ads I was staring at her. Ads' smile faded from her lips as she looked straight at me. I could plainly see her mouth my name before everything in her hands dropped to the floor carelessly and she started toward the door.

"I'm just... uh.... yeah..." Oli mumbled before he walked away. I paid him no attention. It's been about two and a half years since I've seen Ads. I felt like I was going to throw up, I was so nervous. I wasn't expecting what happened next.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She whispered harshly, shoving me hard. All I could do was stare at her. Her hair was longer and she grew a maximum of two inches, but that was all that was different about her, besides the speaking. Her face was clean of make up, but she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"I... uh.. we...we're just here for a week for tour... why are yeh so angry?" If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead right then.

"What the fuck kind of question is that?!" She creamed." You were the worst boyfriend ever! And I fucking loved you with everything I had in me! I was good to you! And all you did was hit me, take drugs, persuade me into getting back together with you, then you'd fucking hit me more! Fuck you. I'm glad my mom moved me away. You're a piece of shit, Matthew Nicholls." She spat before going back into the clothing store.

Honestly, I didn't blame her one bit for what just happened. I deserved it. I was a terrible boyfriend. She was right about everything. I was shocked about her talking and about her swearing. She didn't seem like the type of person to swear. She was too sweet.

I was officially scared I would never get her back. I was scared that I could never get a chance to make it up to her, to show her how much I've changed and how much I still love her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've decided to just not do a sequel and continue it on this one because there won't be many more chapters any way unless I decide otherwise. But there still won't be a sequel. it's pointless to me.
So, yeah, you've probably already read this, so now you should comment. It would make me happy.
Thanks to all these wonderful people who have commented previously (sorry I haven't said anything before):
masked beauty
woe is me
The Mini Monster

Thank you, everyone, please continue commenting, okay:3