Status: AWESOME GOOD great

Amazing Life Goes Horrible Once Raped


It was a dark night. A rainy night. I was walking home from my friend, Marilyse's house. She had offered to drive me home in her new car, but I had refused, claiming that after all the food I'd eaten I needed the exercise. Now, as I walked, woods on one side and the road on the other I wished that I had accepted her offer.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and shivered, though it was a warm late August day. The rain wasn't that hard, more like a drizzle. I would have enjoyed walking in it, the weird person that I was, but something felt off about this evening. The mysterious cloud covered full moon was ominous instead of alluring, the twinkling stars were sinister, instead of comforting. I looked down at my feet, my black sneakers were getting wet. I could feel the moisture soaking through my socks. Maybe I wouldn't have enjoyed walking on a night like this.

I looked around myself. I was just nearing the CVS that was by the development where I lived. The wet road reflected the eerie sky and I had to look away. I shoved my hands in my jean's pockets and started humming tunelessly. I stopped when my cheery tune turned odd and filled my head with spooky images.

I stopped walking and closed my eyes, cursing myself for forgetting my cell phone at my house.

"Oh!" I gasped as something seized my wrist and pulled me to the woods.

I tried to yank my hand away but the thing—a person?—had a firm grasp.

"What—who...?" I stuttered, disoriented by the darkness.

I could just barely make out the dark form dragging me. It looked like a man.

I reached out for a branch as he pulled me, and grabbed onto it. I tried to pull my arm away, and this time it worked.

I started running and I heard his footfalls right behind me.

I could feel a scream building in my throat, but it wouldn't come forward. I pushed myself on, not knowing where I was running.

I chanced a look back and saw that he wasn't running as fast a before. Before I could wonder why he was giving up the chase, I ran straight into a tree.

A loud scream pierced the night air as I fell down on the forest floor. I screamed when I realized the sound had come from me. My vision was blurred from the impact of hitting the tree and the next thing I knew I was beneath someone. The man.

"Scream one more time and I will gut you alive," he hissed as his hand clamped down over my mouth.

I squired underneath his weight but he wouldn't budge. His hand moved away then I felt something being tied around my head. He was gagging me. I tried screaming again, but it didn't make much sound.

His hand slapped across my face and I whimpered.

"What did I tell you about screaming?" His breath was warm at my ear and I shuddered in fright.

He moved from on top of me and pulled me up. He pulled me to a tree and tied my arms above my head.

A shriek erupted from me.

He slapped me again. "Dammit. If I kill you now I won't be able to really hurt you, but you keep screaming."

His lips crushed to mine and forced my lips apart. His tongue pushed its way into my mouth. I bit down, trying to cause him pain, but he seemed to enjoy it. I moaned then pulled his head away.

"You're so much fun when you struggle," he said. "But it's also annoying."

I tried kicking him, but he kicked me back, into my knee. I gasped in pain.

"I don't want to break any of your limbs..."

My eyes were slowly adjusting to the darkness, but the knew flash of pain blurred my vision again. I still noticed him reach down and pick something up from the ground.

My heart rate picked up and I heard something whoosh in the air, then collide with my head.

Everything went black.

When I woke up I was still in the woods and the sky was just starting to lighten. I was on the ground now, curled into a ball. I sat up and was distinctly aware of the soreness and bruises all over me. I was also aware that I was half naked, just clothed in my bra and underwear. I looked around and saw a pile of what looked like clothes. I crawled over to it and found my shirt and jeans, and a rope, but no sneakers. I cried when I saw the rope, and realized that I wasn't gagged anymore. I shuddered and picked up my clothes. Underneath them was a piece of paper.

I put my clothes on the ground next to me and picked the paper up with shaky and hands and read it.

I know who you are, Marie Rosario. If you tell anyone what happened I will find out and I will kill mommy and daddy.

-Your Worst Nightmare

Acid churned in my stomach. I crumpled the note up and threw it. I slowly stood up and noticed the blood smeared on my legs. Tears fell freely down my face as I pulled my pants on, wincing the whole time.

Who was that man? How did he know me?

I hadn't been able to see him right, but I did see his piercing blue eyes. I pulled my shirt on and limped through the trees until I heard the sound of cars on the road. Before I stepped out from the cover of the trees I looked myself over.

My clothes were just wet, and when I felt my head, that too was just slightly messy and wet. There was no doubt that I was covered with bruises. I would stay in the woods and follow the road to my development then sneak home. I prayed that my mom and dad were asleep and had been asleep since last night and didn't notice that I was missing.

After what felt like hours I saw the sign that read, Oakridge Homes, my development. I stepped out of the trees and walked down the sidewalk, head down, and hoped no one would notice me. I winced when I stepped on a small stone and that triggered pain all over my body. I bit my lip and kept walking.

I was relieved when I got to my house and the door was unlocked. It meant that they might have forgotten to lock it when they went to bed, which means that they retired earlier than usual. I slowly turned the knob and stepped in.

None of the lights were on. I stumbled to the stairs and tried climbing them, but I ended up needing to crawl. I was a wreck. Once at the top I rose to my feet and looked around. My parents' bedroom door was open, and I went over to it and looked in. My mom was twisted around in the blankets and my dad was still in his suit, on top of the covers with a book laying on his chest, sleeping. If they had realized I was missing I didn't think my father would have been reading a novel peacefully in his room. I sighed in relief then went to my room.

I stripped and threw my soiled clothes in a garbage bag. I wasn't going to throw them out, I just didn't want to put them with my other clothes. I put the bag under my bed, grabbed a towel, and went into my little bathroom. I started the shower and climbed in, scrubbing my body until I was sure that it was clean, trying to scrub down to my very core, trying to clean my insides, scrubbing until my skin was red and sore.
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