Status: AWESOME GOOD great

The Bubblegum Fairy and the Bad Boy

getting to know each other

getting to know each other
He wasn't sure whether to laugh or shove her back to where she belonged. He settled for doing neither and replied, "I say several. Often."

She bit her lip again in thought and he couldn't take his eyes off the action. Really, really good lips. A shame she was such a fucking nutcase.

And then she did the most surprising and most surprisingly erotic thing he might ever witness her mouth doing. With intentional slowness, her tongue snuck out to wet her lips and on a hushed whisper she said, "Fuck." As if to test the sound and to see if lightning struck and then tried again. "Fuck... Fuck."

And before she could say it again, she burst into helpless giggles, her head fell forward, her hair brushed his bare arm and he stared at her shaking form and wondered if he'd just stepped into some alternate universe.

This crazy bitch with a beautiful mouth just rocked his world a little bit and he didn't know why. He was use to girls forcing themselves on him, especially at parties or when they wanted to piss their boyfriends off or give Daddy a scare. Girls doing unexpected things to get his attention was not something uncommon and usually, it was the inevitable lead up to lifting their skirts for him.

But having a girl throw herself at him because she wanted to inspect his teeth, reprimand his language and then whisper naughty words to his face was enough to keep him frozen in astonishment. And it wasn't because of how weird she was, but because of the weird effect she was having on him.

He wouldn't say she was of his normal calibre. She was obviously insane, for one thing, and though most girls were insane in some form, this girl seemed to have mental asylum stamped across her forehead. She was odd looking too – the artless conundrum of a hairstyle, the thick geeky looking glasses, the multi-coloured, sparkling dress that looked like it was missing the fairy wings, over the bright pink tights – if it weren't for the sexpot mouth, he probably would've dismissed her for the coked-up hippy she obviously was from the start.

That would have been enough to make him stand and head for the door, keen to keep distance between them, but then her teeth pressed into her lips and she said the magic word three times and he found, to his absolute horror, his cock popping up to say hello.

It was disconcerting to say the least, because even with her head bent as she pissed herself laughing, his cock saw a whole other reason for her head to be bent over his lap and it would not refuse to let the image die – the image of her lips doing exactly what they looked like they'd be best at. And cackling like a hyena was not one of them.

"Oh my god." She murmured as she gasped for breath. "I can't believe I just said the 'F' word. My Grandmother Florence would scrub my mouth out with soap. Especially now that I don't have my braces on." Her nose wrinkled in distaste. "Gross, could you imagine getting soap stuck in your braces and you'd be like," She started giggling again, "Trying to flick it out with your tongue but you'd just keep tasting it so you'd stop but then you'd still have soap in your mouth and it would just be this endless cycle that would have me never swearing ever again." She twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she stared into space. "That would be the worst."

He stared at her in stunned disbelief and wondered if she was aware she was speaking such rubbish out loud. And then he wondered vaguely how it was his penis was still staying so interested. Was she giving out a scent? Was it pheromones? Was it an after-effect of his conquest of the night before? Some untimely reminder? Or was there a mistress phantom giving him an invisible hand job beneath his desk?

And to his further disbelief, she started up again. "You know what else is so annoying when you get it stuck in your teeth? Popcorn. You know, the little shell bits? I absolutely hate that. Especially when it's digging into your gums and you're like, tonguing it and tonguing it because you can't get it with your fingers and when all else fails you have to go and get a toothpick or dental floss? Well, when you've got braces, it's worse."

He opened his mouth to order her to shut up, but she carried on. "But I don't have braces anymore and to celebrate I went out and bought every type of gum the store had because, did you know, I'd never had gum before? How crazy is that?" She didn't wait for him to answer, not that he would have. "My grandmother never, ever allowed me to have sweets, she'd say, 'Annabel, lollies are for the Devil's children. Are you a child of the Devil?' and then I'd be like, 'Well, I don't know. Are you a child of the Devil?' cause like, if she was then I was, right? But she never really found that funny and then she'd send me up to my room and I'd have to copy out a verse of the bible." She shook her head. "I probably shouldn't be so happy that I'm not living with her anymore though, huh?"

And before he could stop himself, his mouth opened and he asked, "Why not?"

And he really didn't know why he did it; it wasn't like he was actually interested. And it wasn't because he was polite because he didn't have a polite bone in his body and yet, something had made him join in on their one-sided conversation and if he weren't so shell-shocked by this weird event, he would have slapped himself upside the head.

She blinked bright green eyes up at him, as if bringing him into focus, like she may or may not have forgotten she was actually talking to somebody and then sent him a sweet, maybe even grateful smile and he thought perhaps that may have been another thing her beautiful mouth had been made for; blow jobs and smiling.

"Because she died." She stated matter-of-factly. "And so I got sent here to live with my Aunt Mellie. She's great. She's so much more fun. And she said, 'Bell, honey, we'll get those braces off you in a year.' And a year later, my braces are gone. Do you want some gum?"

He blinked, stunned speechless once again and shook his head in response.

"Are you sure?" She grabbed her bag and opened it up. "I have all sorts of flavours. You can have any one you want. They're really good. I really like the strawberry ones. That's the one I'm chewing on now."

And sure enough, in her bag, amongst books, papers, pens and what looked to be juggling balls, lay numerous packets of gum scattered amongst her things. Her belongings seemed to be as distorted and as random as her head, and the longer he sat beside her, the harder it was to class her – to put her in the cliché group that everyone else went by. She was a freak, for sure, and her sense of dress and her crazy hair could class her as arty, but her personality and the way she talked, her clear innocence put her with the bible bashers.

When he was so accustomed to dealing with the sluts, the popular girls and the outcasts like himself, what was it about her that held his confused fascination?

Whatever it was, he didn't have time to find out as the bell rang and signalled the end of English and all he could think was thank fuck for that.

"That's the bell." She said, just in case he didn't know. "What do you have next?"

"Workshop." He answered shortly, picking up his bag from the floor.

"Oh." She sounded almost disappointed. "I have Math. Do you want to sit together at lunch?"

God no. "No."

"Oh." And this time, it was disappointment he heard in her voice. He may have actually felt bad if he had a conscience, but she shrugged it off and smiled anyway. "Well, it was nice talking to you."

"Mm-hmm." He stood and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want some gum?"


"No, you don't want any, or no, you're not sure?"

He sighed. "Fine. Give me the strawberry."

She grinned up at him and handed him a piece. "That's my favourite."

His answer was a frown as he popped the gum in his mouth.

"My name's Annabel, by the way."


"What's your name?"

She didn't know? Everybody knew who he was. His ego was big enough to actually be offended by that, but then, since it was so obvious she associated with the fairies and other non-existent creatures that were so common among crazy people, he probably shouldn't be too surprised.

"Jake." He answered finally.

"Jake." She repeated with a small smile. "I like it."

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, that's a relief."

She simply grinned at him and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

He rolled his eyes, shook her hand and swore it was the last time he would ever have anything to do with her.

"Enjoy the rest of your day." She stated, wishing him farewell with one last pop of her gum.

He turned and walked away. His easy dismissal was assurance that this would be his first and last encounter with one Annabel the Weirdo.
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