Status: One shot

Revenge Is Sweeter Than Blood


Gerard's POV

Do you know what it's like to love someone so much, but know you can never hav them because of what you are? No? Well, I have. I'm a vampire who is in love with a human girl. Yeah, yeah I know. Cliché, right?

The thing about it is, she knows about me. Amber knows what I am, and she's not even afraid of me! She thought it was the coolest thing ever.

Why am I just sitting here on my ass and not doing anything about it, you ask? One word, Kevin. Her so-called boyfriend. She claims she is in love with him, and that's the only thing that's keeping me from ripping his head right off of his body.

I've seen the way he's treated her. I see it every damn day! How he would always cling to her, never letting her do what she wanted to do. He would get mad at her for just talking to anyone with a dick. Even if the guy is just giving her directions, he flips his shit. He's just an overprotective, and over bearing little prick.

I would always have to see her crying face everyday at school after they had an argument, no matter how big or small it would be. I'd always be there for her, comfort her. I'd be someone who would listen, or a shoulder to cry on when she needed one. I was her best friend after all. She always had me, and always will.

She deserves so much more than that lowlife piece of scum. It pains me to see her be so miserable all the time. And the worst part about it is, she doesn't even know I like her. She doesn't know that I would treat her so much better than he ever would.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, pulling me from my aggravated thoughts. “I've got it.” I called out to Mikey who was making his way down the stairs. In case you're wondering, he's a vampire too.

I walked past the kitchen and put the glass down that I was currently drinking from. When I opened the door, I was met with the familiar scent of Amber. Except there was also..blood. Right now, the blood was the farthest thing from my mind as she lifted her head up revealing the two black eyes and bloody nose that made her face seem so fragle, so broken.


Her bottom lip began to quiver, her eyes brimming with tears as she fell into my arms. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, pulling her sobbing body close to mine.

“Gerard, what's go-” Mikey froze mid sentence when he saw the broken body in my arms. “Amber!”

She clung to my shirt, holding me tighter as sobs continued to wrack my body. “Gerard, take her up to the bathroom and get her cleaned up.” He said before covering his mouth with his hand.

I could tell from his red eyes that he was experiencing bloodlust. I nodded and picked her up bridal style, careful of any covered injuries she may have. Her arms gripped my shirt even tighter as I began carrying her up the stairs and into the bathroom.

I gently sat her down on the counter before reaching down and grabbing a wash cloth from the cabinet below. She sniffled, gently wiping her nose with the sleeve of her bloodstained hoodie. I growled as I let the warm water cover the cloth.

“Let me see.”

Her gaze continued to stay towards the ground. I gently placed two fingers under her chin and lifted up ever so gently so that her hazel eyes met mine. Tears silently fell down her cheeks as my eyes turned to black, showing my anger for the sorry soul who did this to her.

I gently brought the cloth up to her face, gently wiping away the dried blood from her nose and face. She winced slightly as I brushed against the bruised skin around her eyes.

“Who did this to you, Amber?” My voice was filled with both worry and fury as I took in her shaking figure.

She took a few deep breaths to calm herself before finally speaking. “K-kevin.” Her eyes clenched shut, more tears falling down.

An animalistic growl ripped its way up my throat causing her to jump slightly. She's seen me pissed, but not like this. I've never felt so much hate, so much anger for anyone before in my life. “Why?” That was the only word I managed to get out between the feral snarls.

“I broke up with him. I told him I'm tired of putting him up with his bullshit. He just stormed off, so I thought everything was okay. I was on my way to see Jen, but he pulled me into an ally and began..he began to..b-beat m-me. I t-told him to st-stop but..but..”

I pulled her head down so that it was resting on my chest. She wrapped her arms loosely around my waist as she began to sob again. My hands rubbed soothing circles on the small of her back as I placed a gentle kiss to the top of her head, her hair sticky with sweat and blood.

I pulled away and stared into her eyes once again. “Stay here and wash up, I've got something I need to take care of.”

Her eyes widened, knowing full well what I was about to do. “No, Gerard, you can't d-”

I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. “I won't be gone long.” I kissed her forehead gently before walking out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Mikey met me at the bottom of the stairs, a worried expression on his face. “Gee, what are you doing? What happened?”

I shook my head, growling as I grabbed my coat and slipping it on. “Kevin is what happened. Keep an eye on her for me.” He nodded and began climbing the stairs as

I slammed the door shut behind me and began to run towards that little fucker.

~time lapse~

I stood across the street in an ally way and watched him as he left the bar, swaying, trying to maintain his balance as he had his arm around a slutty looking girl. She was laughing like a maniac as he mumbled something incoherent in her ear, gently kissing the side of my face.

I couldn't help but growl as I watched them move closer down the street. How Ambr fell for a guy like this is beyond me. It amazes me how someone could like him, the disgusting piece of filth that he is, is allowed to walk this earth. Well, that is about to change.

I pushed off the brick wall of the alley and quickly ran over to them, too fast for anyone to see, pushing the girl into the wall, killing her instantly. The bimbo deserved it.

“What the fuck?”

I grabbed Kevin by the collar and threw him into the dark ally beside us. I smiled to myself as I heard his bones crack from the impact. “W-who are you?”

I chuckled as I picked him up and pinned him against the wall. “You don't remember me? I'm upset.”

Recognition spread across his face as he stared into my now black eyes. “Way? What the fuck are you?”

“You'll know soon enough.”

His eyes widened as my grip on his throat got tighter. I squeezed so tight that his windpipe was crushed, eliminating any chance of him screaming for help. The air wheezed out of his throat as my grip loosened.

I grabbed his arm that wasn't broken and smirked at him. “This is for lieing to her.” I spat at him as I bent his arm, breaking it in two with ease. His blood poured out of him, too fast for my liking. I brought my wrist up to my mouth and bit down hard, causing my own blood to flow.

His worried eyes locked on mine as I shoved my wrist into his mouth forcing him to swallow. There's no way in hell I'm going to let him die now. He'll be able to feel every bit of the pain, but he won't pass out.

“This..this is for every tear that she's shed.”

I growled as my leg reared back and made contact with his knee, instantly crushing the brittle bones. He threw his head back and tried to scream. I laughed at his feeble attempt.

“And this-” A feral snarl made its way up my throat as I shoved my hand into his chest, wrapping my fingers around the frantically beating muscle there. “-is for every drop of her blood that was spilled.”

My fingers tightened around his heart and yanked it out of his chest. It still beat in my blood covered hands. His eyes were wide with fear as he fell to the ground, still looking into my black eyes.

“Revenge is sweeter than blood.”

I smirked at him before sinking my fangs into his heart, drinking every last drop before clenching my fist, turning it into dust. His body lay crumpled on the asphalt, the pool of blood beneath him growing with every passing second.

I smiled as I wiped his blood off my chin with the back of my hand. He is gone. He will never hurt her again.
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Yayy the fucker is dead! I hope you guys enjoyed this, i know it makes me feel better ^_^