Status: Active

Enchanted Ones

Family History


The young lady held onto the ledge of the wooden ship as it rocked side to side. The waves were especially nasty today and the poor wooden ship seemed as though it did not stand a chance on the great ocean blue. The young girl took another gasp of air held onto it as long as she could. She had to hurl but she detested hurling such a disgusting sight, smell, and taste. She was one of the few who had survived the trip to the new world and she was not going to get sick not now when they were almost there.

She loved Spain with everything in her but she could not stay there another moment. The young girl needed to move somewhere else, somewhere were nobody knew her name nor her abilities. Catherine Natalie Luz, from the outside looks like your average everyday girl. Dressed properly, with proper mannerism, and speech, but she’s far from average.

Since Catherine was 5 years old she always helped out her parents by taking things to and from the fields that her father worked to the house where her mother worked. At the age of 15 Catherine was on her way down the fields when bright white, blue, and golden lights appeared in front of her. Catherine stopped and stared at the lights they seemed to fight one another until a person began to materialized from those lights.

Catherine startled dropped the basket she held in her hands and took a few steps back.

“Do not be afraid my child, I come in peace with a great message from the aboves for you.” Although Catherine was a true Spaniard she had enough contact with the English to learn their strange language.

Catherine stared at the beautiful being in front of her in awe for she was the most beautiful woman she has ever laid eyes on. Dressed in pure white robes, her silky shoulder length white blonde hair swayed in the wind, she also had the clearest crystal blue eyes Catherine‘s ever seen. Her whole being screamed out everything that was good in the world. Catherine felt inferior her light brown hair tied up in her head with a rag over it held not shine to it like the being in front of her nor did her light eyes shine like a million candles.

“You have a special destiny to fulfill Catherine, a great duty to the world. From you the greatest, and most powerful line of witches the world will ever know shall come.” She smiled. Catherine’s eyes widen witches? The most pure evil beings on this earth? Come from her? She shook her head.

“What have I done? To have to most evil beings on this earth come from me?” She said indignified. The angel shook her head.

“No my dear witches are far from evil don’t listen to what you hear. Humans seem to have a misconception about all witches. They are sent here from him and him only, but like humans some go sour when met with the temptations of the earth. There is only one thing that can stop bad witches…. Good witches .” Catherine stared at the angel in shock.

“Its up to you. If you believe in him and take this then his will be done and you will embark on your destiny.” Catherine had an internal battle with herself. She is a catholic, the catholic church denounced all witches as evil, but an angel did appear to Mary such as one had appeared to her today. Asking a 14 year old unmarried girl to have the child of the Lord, what a hardship that must have been for her but she still did not hesitate to fulfill his will. Catherine stood up straighter than usually and nodded her head.

“Let what has to be done, be done.” Ironically Catherine took the example of Mary, the greatest woman in biblical history. A history the denounces what she will become.

The angel smiled and took her hand in hers closed her eyes and took a breathe. Catherine got down on her knees and closed her eyes soon she felt a heat surge from the palm of her hand throughout her whole body. She felt the power come into her it was so great it was enough to knock her lights out. After it was done Catherine fainted her body hit the ground with a soft thud.

“He is pleased. Many will be saved. God has blessed you Catherine Natalie Luz and we angels will surround you and your descendants to come. Blessed be.” said the angel who lightly touched the fainted girls forehead and then disappeared.

Catherine awoke in her cot with her mother placing a damp towel over her head. Apparently her father and brother wonder what was taking her so long and set out to look for her they found her laid out on the floor barely breathing and rushed her in the house.

Since that day Catherine was able to do many things she never could before. Such as move things with her mind, make a clone of herself, see the future, make fire with her mind, blow things up, move anything metal to her hand, become transparent, throw air balls, she could create a lighting flash with her mind and zap things, and create a light so bright it could blind people. Besides having the usual witch powers of spell casting and potion making. Catherine quickly became a powerful witch and any who tried to destroy her, better known as demons would perish at the attempt. Many people who she recognized friends, town royalty were demons. She eliminated them all.

Catherine kept her brand new powers a secret for six years at the age of 21 and with the death of her father Catherine felt closer to her mother, close enough to reveal what she had become so long ago. Her mother was startled at first but then quickly got over it. All seem well…too well.

When the clock struck midnight, the witching hour. A brilliant blue, white, and golden light flooded the small room Catherine laid. A young man materializes from the lights and with a rush awakens a sleeping Catherine.

“Natalie awake we must hurry!” urge the man. Catherine awoke startle by the young man.

“Angel what’s the matter?” Catherine asked Angel, ironically her personal angel , her white lighter, the one who heals her wounds and guides her in this wicked path.

“Get up and pack all that’s important to you in a flash the whole town is coming to burn you alive. They know what you are!” Catherine ripped the covers off and mumbled a spell in a flash all her most cherished items, including a books she’s began with everything she knows tied in a cloth with a stick protruding out of it ready to go. Catherine shoulder the stick and took Angel’s awaiting hand he orbed her out of her room.

The two materialized a few feet away near the woods in time for Catherine to see her whole village break into her house. She watched as the mob of angry villagers destroyed all she’s ever owned.

“My mother!” she cried. Angel took a hold of her arm.

“My mother!” She cried to him. Her mother would die! Her house was set on fire by the vigilante.

“Is the one responsible for this happening.” Catherine stared at him strangely.

“While you slept she took off in the middle of the night, Nat. She told your brother about your powers and he rounded up the mob to invade your home and burn you alive. I’m sorry Catherine your mother and brother sold you out to the witch hunters.” She gasped. Her only family order her execution.

Angel told her it would be in her best interest to get out of Europe and head for the new world.

This is why she finds herself on this ship and trying her hardest not to hurl. She slowly let out a shaky breath.

Night time, year 1625, The New World

Catherine Natalie Luz has just set foot on the new world. Angel had taken care of getting her a new house she lived right by a Native American reservation and changed her name to Natalie Sanchez. She became friends with the Native Americans and they accepted her and her abilities. They praised her, they loved her, they became the family she needed all along. Natalie met Chief Little Tree and the two fell in love; although, it was hard to get married because they were of different races and religion they married.

Three hundred and ninety years later from Natalie Sanchez came three of the most powerful witches the worlds ever known: Sasha Sanchez
Helen Sanchez
Ariel Sanchez

Better known as the Enchanted Ones.
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My first series :D hope you guys like :-)