Status: . . .suup!?

A Very Good Boy

Autumn is Everywhere

She hardly ever took the bus to school anymore. Most of the time she’d get rides to school from her friends so there really was no need for her to use the bus anymore. Not that I cared though.

Today was Tuesday, which means that English was first today. It was the only class I had with her.

‘Little Miss Autumn Pierce.’ That’s what Mr. Ray would often call her if she actually ended up showing to class, but that was hardly ever. Once running errands for Mr. Ray, I discovered that instead of showing up to English class, her and a lot of those loser friends of hers spent the class hour doing nothing but smoking out on the field. Could you believe it? In such an open spot where anyone could see them and report them. Were they that mentally challenged to not even hide behind one of the countless trees that surrounded them? Were they trying to get caught?

I really wanted to go to her that day, snatch that vile cigarette that she shared so easily with others, out of her hands and lecture her on all the harm this little stick of cancer could do to her.

But I could never bring myself to yell at her.

Not her. Not Autumn.

So I scowl at her behind her back and secretly hope that harm does come to her and teach her a lesson.


‘Well class, before you go, I’d just like to remind you that a big English Test is coming up soon and I want you all to study hard and be prepared. Alright?’

‘Yes sir’ spoke the entire class in chorus, packing there things as he spoke. I’d usually sit and wait for a few students of the class to leave before I left myself. I never liked the pushing or shoving that often happened as you exited.

‘Leon. Are you going?’

I looked up from the darkness that was in my bag and saw Ally, an attractive girl whom my mother was very fond of since her and I were little. Ally’s mother was good friends with my own, so that’s the connection Ally and I share, and it will be the only connection ever.

‘Of course I'm going. I just don’t like trying to push through all those students while leaving.’ I answered.

‘Ah, I see. That’s why you always stay back. I’ve always wondered why’ she smiled gently, hugging her belongings to her chest.

‘Well, anyway, I just wanted to ask something of you. Is that all right’

I looked at her.

‘Um, sure. Ask away’

‘Well, I'm sure you know that the church is having another youth party, right?’

‘Of course, my mother was saying that I should go, try making new friends...’

Ally’s smile seemed to brighten slightly.

‘So are you going then?’

‘No.’ I told her blunt. ‘I prefer to study then go to things like that’

Her smile had begun to slightly fade, in turn making me worry of what I had said to make it fade. Was she upset at the fact that I preferred knowledge over useless get-togethers? Surely not.

‘Um, I could...I don’t know. I could maybe show up later...after studying. Perhaps’

It felt as though a great weight had been lifted off my chest once her smile had returned.

‘You should go, Leon’ I heard from behind Ally, the familiar voice of Mr. Ray calling from behind her.

‘Church Youth Parties are rather fun to attend. Well, back in my day that is’ smiled Mr. Ray, folding a few papers as he told us so.

I just smiled and nodded, beginning to follow Ally out of class and towards the cafeteria. I was rather eager to get to the Cafeteria. Eager to see if she was there eating her usual bag of goodies that she would buy from the dairy down the road. We weren’t allowed to go to that dairy, but obviously her and her friends paid minimum attention to the rules.

She wasn’t there. And though it came as no surprise to my mind, my heart seemed to feel ill. How disgusting.

‘I'm pretty excited for tomorrow night’s Youth Party’ grinned Connie to Tyler, two of my friends that I had managed to know through Ally. They waved and smiled at us, greeting us as we seated ourselves with them.

‘So did you manage to convince his Lord to come?’ Connie grinned cheekily, raising an eyebrow at Ally. I just drank at my carton of flavoured milk, knowing full well that she meant me.

‘When are you two going to be boyfriend and girlfriend?’ snapped Connie.

Now, I managed not to fully choke on my strawberry flavoured milk and without even thinking I looked straight at Ally, hoping that she would give some excuse as to why we weren’t a couple. I watched as her eyes grew wide and a hint of light pink flushed through her pale white cheeks.

It was true that Ally was indeed a beautiful girl, fair white skin, long beautiful, straight blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Ally wasn’t tall, she was rather short, but her body shape seemed to make her appear taller than you’d think. Especially from afar.

She reminded me of the cold winter season, not because her last name was Winter, but because to me she seemed to be born from the key elements of winter. But winter, wasn’t my favourite Season.

I can understand why many thought that we would be good together. We suited immensely. My mother and her mother thought so, our friends obviously thought so too. But, Alice Winters wasn’t my favourite season.

‘Connie! When are you going to stop your rude out bursts. I'm beginning to become annoyed with them’ sighed Ally.

I just looked away once again and continued on drinking my milk.


Someone was singing. The voice was familiar, but not important. The only significant thing about it was that it came from the same table that they would always be sitting at.


It was her this time, and after hearing her voice, I spun my head around to confirm. It was her. I don’t know why, my mind was just saying ‘look, look’, though I really, really didn’t want too.

I secretly admit that I liked her in our school uniform. Though the pants weren’t uniform, she looked nice in it. Especially with her beautifully coloured hair out, which I could only describe as the colour of Autumn. I call it that because there were times where it would shine different colours in different shades of light. At this moment due to the heavy dose of bright sun that her table bathed in, her hair shined with a red and blonde glow. Another thing that I will secretly admit is rather nice to look at.

Although she had discarded the schools pleated black, skirt for a pair of non-regulation tracksuit pants she still seemed...charming.

But I still hated her knack for discarding school rules. It annoyed me greatly.

‘God, it was so peaceful until they got here’ huffed Connie, Tyler just nodding his head in agreement. I had no doubt by the annoyed look in her eye that Ally also agreed to. They, just like me, hated rowdy, loud, annoying people. People who do nothing but muck around.

People like Autumn Pierce.

Did I mention that I also hated the season, Autumn?
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It's abit weird, yes I know. Buut, uh well. Don't really care.

Mock your life away peeps. Im all for the criticisim <-- that's not who you spell it, huh?