Status: . . .suup!?

A Very Good Boy

The Undeserving Need Help

Today was Wednesday and it was now morning tea time. I found myself far too distracted to be eating my lunch at all. Here I was carefully scanning the area for that one thing, listening out for anything that resembled that one thing. Hoping that this one thing would show up, but I should have known better.

Her friends were here, still annoyingly rowdy and loud. No doubt if she was there they’d be all in song, singing out of tune and so unnecessarily loud. It annoyed me how they were never told to quieten down by any passing teacher, most teachers would just pass or ignore then. Never mind those who wish to sit here and eat peacefully.

Morning tea was halfway over and still she hadn’t shown up.

Why was I waiting for her anyway? Her of all people! Did I really have to remind myself yet again of how annoying she was to me? Of all the things she did that made me want to growl her until she cried?

I slumped into my seat and hide my face behind my hands. What the hell was I doing? I began lightly hitting my head with the palms of my hands, hoping that such an act would actually knock some sense into me. I was so into, that I didn’t even realise that I had began groaning.

‘Leon, a-are you okay?’ I heard Ally ask. I looked at her and noted a hint of concern within her eyes and also within Connie’s and Tylers.

‘Oh, I think I know what he’s unhappy about. You must have done badly on last week’s English Comprehension assignment. Right?’ Connie guessed, shaking her head.

‘English Comprehension? Oh! That’s right! I completely forgot about that! I haven’t seen my results yet!’ I quickly stood to my feet and raced towards Mr. Ray’s English class without fuss. Last week I had taken 2 days off due to having the flu, previous to the first day off I had an English assignment to hand in. I hadn’t been able to see my score yet.

I fast-walked over to the class room door window and spied through, catching sight of Mr. Ray...and...and Autumn? What was she doing in there? They looked like they were talking, well, Mr. Ray looked like he was talking, Autumn on the other hand seemed angry and fully annoyed.

I could hear everything they were saying.

‘Autumn, you need to start coming to class? You realise that now don’t you?’ Mr. Ray spoke, throwing his hands in the air. He seemed rather tired and annoyed himself.

‘No, I don’t want too. I hate English! What part of ‘I hate english’ don’t you understand? Gee, for an English teacher you sure can’t understand what people say too you, huh!?’ snapped Autumn, folding her arms. It was this kind of attitude that made me want to make her cry. There was no need for it.

‘Autumn. If you don’t start coming to class, then you’re going to end up being expelled. The school doesn’t want kids here that don’t try! They think of it as a waste of their time! You have to pass the English test or your expelled.’

‘Well do it then already! Expel me here and now! WHATEVER! I DON’T CARE!’

Mr. Ray sighed, shaking his head and rubbing at the tiredness which built up in his eyes. Autumn just swerved away in her seat, not taking in anything that he had to say. I could tell she was really angry, pissed to the point where she looked like she would fist fight with Mr. Ray.

I wish there was something I could do, I didn’t want Autumn to be expelled. Though she deserved nothing more in the world, I also believed that she wouldn’t give herself the chance to succeed, if only...I could help.

I noticed Mr. Ray had caught sight of me and quickly straightened himself up while beckoning me in. I followed on his gesture and slowly entered, trying not to look at Autumn.

‘Leon, what can I do for you?’

‘Um, sir...I was just...’

I couldn’t help it. I had to look at her, my mind just couldn’t resist. She was still angry and staring at the ground. Her arms folded and her eyes screaming so much anger. I turned back to Mr. Ray.

‘I just wanted to see my results for last week’s assignment’

‘Oh yes, of course. I have been meaning to give them to you. Sorry about that Leon’ Mr. Ray leant to his right and pulled open a draw, this was like a sign that lead Autumn to stand up out of her chair and leave in a huff.

‘Autumn! Autumn, please come back here!’ Mr. Ray called out to her. But she fully ignored him and slammed the door. Heading off towards the cafeteria. Soon the bell rang and Morning tea time was over.

I heard Mr. Ray sigh.

‘She’s a hard girl, isn’t she’ Mr. Ray said, shaking his head and pulling out a manila folder. He handed it over to me with a genuine smile.

‘You did exceptionally well as always Leon, I’m proud to have you in my class.’ He chuckled lightly ‘I’m proud to have all of you in my class, I just wish I could say that about Autumn as well, but...she’s just too tough to crack’

‘She’s undeserving of your teachings sir’

‘No one’s undeserving of learning Leon, there just blinded from it.’ He sighed one last time before getting up out of his desk chair and heading to the board, preparing to write a new lesson upon it.

‘You better go, aye? Don’t want to be late for your next class’

I just nodded and turned, heading out of the class and back towards the cafeteria. I had forgotten to bring my bag with me, so hopefully everything was still there. Thankfully it was, and so was she.

She was seated at there usual table, alone and with a drink bottle. She seemed different when she was alone and by herself. Besides from being her usual rowdy self, she looked surprisingly solemn and angelic bathed within that same sunshine. She also seemed...sad and very, very lonely.

I wanted to go to her, had a strange feeling to comfort her, hold her in my arms. But then I also knew, that she was undeserving of such attention. And it was with that I turned away and walked off.

My heart began with that annoying little tug again.
♠ ♠ ♠
1 subscriber. thank you greatly. really appreciate it. your the man! or woman! which eve'z you preffer. and as usual to you oher awsum peeps. feel free to fail me with comments and such. you are epic wins. next part coming up pretty soon. just gotta finish writing it. shan't be long...^-^. Oh yeah, bare with the boringness of this chapter.