Status: . . .suup!?

A Very Good Boy

Riot Rhythms & A Good Boy

'Are you looking!? Look! Look! Look at this! Leon! I am THE MAN!'

I sighed, trying to maneuver around Autumn was proving to be a rather difficult challenge. She hadn't stopped shoving her stupid test results in my face since this morning when we got them, it was now home time. Every chance she got, it would be right up against my nose.

'Yes Autumn. I've seen it! Alright! How can I not see it when you keep constantly shoving it in my face!?' I groaned, successfully getting ahead of her.

She giggled, wrapping the collection of papers to her chest, tightly. It was evident she was happy, and I must admit, I was rather...glad aswell. Something about her smile seemed to make this dull Autumn day glow a little more brightly. Or its possible that my eyes captured the warm golden glow of the fallen leaves that lay beneath us. Either way and whatever it was, it made me smile as well.

' Man! These are probably the best test results I have ever gotten!' she cheered.

'Probably the ONLY test results you've ever gotten. Considering this is your first time you've ever taken a test before.' I scoffed at her.

' ac-tu-a-lly!' she started 'I've actually completed a few tests, so what evs, buttmunch'

I rolled my eyes at her name calling, during the time Autumn and I had spent together, I realised that Autumn could be foul-mouthed at times. She would curse whenever and for no apparent reason, or perhaps, to try and get a giggle out of her friends. Which would indefinatly work. And in my opinion it was without a doubt yuck to hear, but still here I was. Walking home with her.

'Oh really?' I wanted to know which test she actually blessed attention too.

She looked at me, a smirk seeming to appear ever so slightly upon her lips.

'A pregnancy test...'

For a moment I was lost, and confused at the same time. I kept thinking that I had miss heared her, and began questioning myself as to weither I heard correctly. Did she really just say what I thought she said? My face must have seemed like a priceless moment, because I know for sure that I have never ever had a conversation about the current topic formulating within our little group. Did she? No..

'Whaat?' I asked like a goof, completley thrown off guard. I was more focused on myself that I couldn't even hear the fits of laughter Autumn was in. Her face seemed to flush red as she laughed on, finally pausing to confirm my hearing wasn't as bad as I had...hoped.

'A pregnanc- well, I shouldn't say 'a'. The proper statement would actually be, a few prenancy tests' she giggled lightly.

I. I just. My mind was officially blown. I had nothing to say, words were lost and the mind was not computing, so to save myself and rid the conversation of such a weird topic, I decided to change the topic...

'Um, how long have you been smoking for?' stupid topic yes! but due to lack of brain functioning and slight embarrassment, anything seemed better than previous. Despite my opinions against current topic. It was the first thing that came to my mind, after I could smell the revolting scent in her hair. The wind blew through the very strands of faint red and carried with it that scent to my displeased nose.

'Smoking? Meeh, I dont know. Twas a rather long time ago, hard to remember. But I think, when I was around 11 or 12.' she shrugged, her face expressing slight thought.

11 or 12. I couldn't believe it, why would anyone want to start smoking at such an age? I felt like growling her, informing her of the harm that it was doing to her. Lecture her on what smoking does to the body and senses...but the familiar colbolt blue of my mothers car had caught my attention.

'My mum...'

Autumn's head shot up and without even a single word she had turned off in another direction and crossed the road. Autumn already knew of my mothers dissaprovment of her. She said she had noticed the evil stares she recieved when she once walked with me up to the stairs of my house. My mother questioned her with an undeniable hint of annoyance in her voice, her words seemed piercing and sharp. But Autumn just smiled and took it, while I rolled eyes.

Mum pulled up next to me, her window down already.

'What did that little brat want? Is she trying to take your money? Is she harassing you?'

'What? No! Of course not, I wouldn't have walked all this way from school with somebody who would harass me or try and take my money, would I?' I groaned.

'Well why would she walk off then? only the guilty try and do that to avoid the consequences'

'Nothing was happening! We were just walking home! Thats all.'

Mother was always constantly questioning me, and without questioning it was greatly irritating. I had to admit, most of the time I would be guilty of trying to avoid the consequences of her nagging at me nearly ever minute of everyday.

'Right. Well...I'm heading off to work. They've called me in to work because one of the usless staff have called in sick. Were very short staffed at the moment so I will not be home till tomorrow night.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'They need you that badly, huh?'

'Seems so. Will you be okay by yourself?'

I hated it when my mother asked me this question, 'Would I be okay by myself?', of course i would be, Im 18 years old! Why she still considers me a child, I wouldn't know, but I've gotten taller, my voice is lower. Far from the little chubby child that she still considers me today.

'Of course. Tyler said that he might pay a visit. He has a game that he insists I must play'

'Thats fine, hes more than welcome to stay the night. Just no girls! unless of course...'

'Ally will not be coming over, I assure you...' I spoke stern, cutting her off at the point I didnt want to hear.

'Ahh yes, thats good then.' she smiled, her eyes creased with a hint of smile. Kind of like Autumn when she smiled. 'You're my good boy, arent you. Im glad I have you'

I smiled lightly at her words. 'You too mum. Ill see you tomorrow night'

She nodded her head, and within seconds the window was up and the car was off down the road. I too had continued on towards home,fully forgetting that I was with Autumn until I noticed her amongst a group of kids, sitting on one of the tables at the dairy she worked at.

As always, there was music playing around them. The same boy who always had his guitar was playing a rather nice tune. Slow and calm, something that the rest of the group seemed to enjoy greatly. I was surprised that he could actually play well, considering Autumn was sitting in his lap.

I seemed to move along quicker then I had started off, for some reason I wanted to be as far away from that group as possible. The sight of Autumn sitting in that boys lap seemed to irritate me in a way I just...couldn't understand...I didnt want to understand, I just wanted to go home.

- - - -

There was a knock at the door, Tyler had finally arrived.

'The console's in the sitting room. My room is messy' I spoke upon answering the door.

'Sweet' was his only reply, followed along with a slight smirk of a smile.

I quickly vanished off into the kitchen, collecting little nibbles for us while he set up the game.

I had to admit, I enjoyed Tyler's company a lot more then I did the others. He was a chilled person, relaxed and always cheerful. A bit of a dirty-minded person at times but, fun to be around. Enjoyed most of the things that I did, like music and video games and even had the same views on things as I did, such as the youth groups.

'So Alice is cut that you haven't been showing up to the Youth's again' I heard him shout out.

I made my way through the kitchen door and settled the food before us on the coffee table. I gave no reply.

'Why do you keep telling her that you will come when you don't even go?'

'I've never said that I would go, only that one time, where I still never managed to show up'

Tyler chuckled. 'Yeah, I heard all about that. You were studying with your little buddy, huh'

My eyes shot wide. 'How the, how do you know about that!?'

Tyler shrugged lightly, taking hold of the xbox 360 controller and turning the console on. It wasn't until he signed in that he continued on.

'I have my sources' his same smirk curving through his lips.

'What sources?' I was slightly worried now, how much did he know? And did he tell Alice? The last thing I needed was Alice hounding at me about studying with Autumn rather than making an appearance at her stupid gatherings.

'Not important' he chuckled. 'So...Autumn Pierce, huh? Never thought her to be your type'

I rolled my eyes, falling back into the chair. I should have known that he knew more, but I was hoping far too much.

'She's not my type and never will be' I stated, taking the second controller and signing in.

'Just your studying buddy' ha continued, making sure not to catch my eye. Great! Now I know where this conversation will be heading.

'She's not my studying buddy, I just offered to help her out. And THAT'S ALL, Tyler'

'And in return...she?'

'You best not be thinking about anything sick, Tyler! Because that definitely did not happen and will never happen! I don't like Autumn and I will never like her in anyway or form. She's far from anything that I'd want to be involved with in that kind of way, understand?'

I was mad, very mad. Who the hell told him about me and Autumn? Who else other than me and Autumn knew? Did she tell anyone? And if she did, it would have only been her friends, which Tyler would definitely have nothing to do with. How could he have possibly found out? My face must have been riddled with obvious confusion, because Tyler soon wanted to know if I was surprised.

'Yes i'm surprised. I can't understand how you found out such a thing. Who told you? Have you told anyone else?'

He shook his head. 'That's not important and anyway, if I told you I would have to kill you, before my source killed me.' a huge grin spread through his lips. It seemed pointless to continue asking, there was no way he was going to tell me.

'And noo, I haven't told anyone so don't worry, Leon. Your secret is safe with me. Until you stuff it up that is'

I groaned to myself before slouching into the seat, the fact that he hadn't told anyone did make me feel slightly better. I knew what would happen if Alice and Connie found out about Autumn and I studying together, I would never hear the ending of constant nagging. Alice would surely tell her mother, who would in turn, inform my mother and then.....chaos. I couldn't even imagine what Autumns friends would do or say to me, hopefully the'd be true to there usual and be too lazy to do anything about it.

I shook my head as if to shake out the images and thoughts, I was definitely thinking too much of this situation. I should be focusing on the game at hand, but the slightest mention of her has sent my head bursting with nothing but her.

Autumn Pierce.

What was it about her that made my mind like this? Why was she in it? Her of all people. A smoker, a drinker, a party animal, a rebellious teen, a loud mouth, a no hope-er, a school failure . She is the complete opposite of everything I stand for, so why was I wasting time on thinking about her. Hair a long caramel brown, that some how seemed to shine with a hint of red when struck by the right type of sun, eyes that just seemed to smile with such grace and joy,the color of chocolate sweetening the view, and a voice so gentle and playful, that once your heard it, you'd never ever be able to forget it. Ever.

'What was that?' I managed to hear Tyler say.

I seemed to snap put of a daze and quickly looked around.

'What? What was what?' I asked, looking over at Tyler, his steel, grey eyes stuck on the front door.

'I think someone's here' he spoke, getting up from his seat and heading towards the door.

'What?' I spat confused, following his lead. 'Can't be. You didn't tell Alice you were coming did you?"

Suddenly, another knock. My brows lifted with surprise.

'No! Of course I didn't! I'm not that much of an ass' he replied, grabbing hold of the door knob and turning it.

We both peered out past the safety of the house and there before us, was none other....

'Autumn!? What are you doing here!?' I snapped, looking over her as she stood there waving frantically.

'Hello!!!!!' she sang, a big grin plastered on her face. 'Can I come in?' she asked, still grinning.

'Sure' spoke Tyler, opening the door more.

'What! no, Autumn!'. She marched into the house, now fully visible thanks to the lighting of the house. She was wearing horrendous clothing again, a black, tight thing which I could only assume as a skirt, black tights under neath with black boots. A short, ripped looking singlet, colored white that had a wolfs head on it and a leather jacket that I shall admit, suited her nicely.

'What brings you to the Mc Carthy residence at such time?' asked Tyler, that same annoying smirk in his lips.

'Oh nothing much' Autumn giggled, shrugging her shoulders. 'I've just come to pick Leon up! And you too, since your here' she finished.

'What? Pick me up for what?' I asked, totally confused and mind blown. What the hell was going on?

'Well, Leon, you know how we had that little bet between us, where if I got over a certain number you would do anything I asked...?'

My brows furrowed with confusion.

'What? That wasn't the deal, I thought the deal was-'

'Yeah well I was hoping you had forgotten what the REAL deal was, but now I can see that approach failed' she laughed, rolling her eyes.

'Well anyway, I still want you to come.'

'Come where?' I asked, still confused as hell.

'To a party, now, like right now, like right this'

'No.' and I turned off, not wanting to hear anymore of it, or speak anymore of it. There was no way in hell that I was going to a party, noway at all. The simple thought of hanging around drunken idiots made me sick. Thinking of all the disgusting smells and sights there would be. I've never been to a party but I know exactly what goes on at them. Thanks to Tyler.

I noticed Autumns jaw dropped before I turned away and headed back to the xbox.

'Aww what!? your joking right!? Leon!!'

'Woah woah woah, Leon? Don't be like that'

'No.' I repeated. taking the game off pause and continuing on with where ever we got up too.

'Leon' I heard Tyler begin 'You can't be rude to a beautiful young lady like this'

My hands tightened at the controller. What did he say?

'You should go, you might enjoy yourself man' he added.

'Yeah! And he can come too!' Autumn chimed in. I could hear her walking towards my seat. Those black boots an unmistakable sound.

'I'm keen!'

I gave no reply. I had already given them my answer and it only annoyed me that they wouldn't except it. I didn't want to go, what would my mother think if she found out? What would she do if she came home early and I wasn't here. I remember the last time I had wondered off with Tyler without informing mum and that didn't go to well at all. Reported missing with police out on the hunt for me, only to find me at the dairy eating ice cream with Tyler.

'No. I'm not going! So stop asking! I'll say it 5 more times if I have too! No, no ,no ,no ,no!'

- - - - - -

'HEEEEEEYYYY! YOU GOT HIIIM!!! WHAAAAT!!!' shouted one o Autumns seemingly drunk friends.

'Shit! Finally, now we can bloody go!' cheered another

'YUSSS! Im soo keen for this partaaay oi!!!!! Wanna a get frikken tanked man! That english test suuucked assss!!!' another groaned, passing a glass bottle that she had in her hands to Autumn.

'YOLO LADIES! LESS GO GO!!!' shouted Autumn, grabbing hold of my hand, dragging me down along the road. I quickly looked around to make sure Tyler was following and found him talking with one of Autumns friends. I sighed and groaned quietly to myself as Autumn continued to pull me down the road.

Tonight was going to be a long night....but....for some reason, I had this tiny feeling, that it was gonna be alright.
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Meeeh, byotches! Im a shit writer yus! Do I give a damn, no! muahahahaha!