Status: . . .suup!?

A Very Good Boy

Riot Rhythms and A Good Boy

I had managed to sneak my way to the back of the expanding group with Tyler and the girl he was talking with. Tyler introduced her as Frankie. She was a cute girl, long wavy, dyed-black hair, kind grey eyes and a rather nice smile. She was bubbly, but nothing compared to Autumn.

'Do you guys know Quinton?' She asked us through sips of her alcohol, or Alky as I heard them call it.

Tyler flashed a kind smile 'No, were only here because of Autumn.'

But the name seemed familiar to me.

'Quinton? Quinton Harolds?' I asked.

Frankie's eyes widened, a huge grin curving through her ruby red lips.

'Yes! So you do know him? Or, of him!'

'Somewhat. I do know that he has cancer...'

I didn't know much on Quinton Harolds, except for the tiny fact that I so bluntly blurted out. But from what I could see he was a kind, caring and very friendly person, despite what he was going through. I don't think there was ever a day where I had seen Quinton show up to History or Science without his big grin slapped on his face, but if that day was to come, it would be a very sad day indeed.

It took a nudge to the side from Tyler for me to notice that I had slightly upset Frankie. Her eyes fell slowly to the ground and her lips seemed to tighten against eachother. Under the moons faint rays of gloomy light and unhelpful brightness of the street lights, I swear I saw something glisten within her eyes. A tear? A hint of horror swept over me as I realized she was indeed crying, a single, crystal tear free falling to the concrete.

'U-Uh...F-Fran- Frankie...' I tried to begin, but words failed me at the most horrible of times.

'Sorry Frankie, excuse my heartless, monster of a friend'

Thankfully Tyler had stepped in and apologized on my behalf, but really? Heartless? Monster? Surely not! I was only trying to confirm the fact that I knew him, and the fact that he has cancer sounded like the sure fire way to prove so.

'No no no! It's completely fine! Really! Im just...'

She looked up, carefully wiping away smudges of running eyeliner from underneath her, grey eyes. How she managed to perfect her look with out a mirror, bewilders me to the fullest.

'Im just gonna miss his silly ass!' she giggled ever so lightly, taking another sip of her alkie before continuing on with the group. Tyler and I followed and I managed to keep my eyes off of him, because I knew what look was waiting for me if I took notice of him.

Frankie had continued on happily conversing with us for awhile, until Autumn burst into our little group, tripping over her own feet, almost falling head first into the ground. But Tyler had caught her before her face made any such contact with the ground, his arms wrapped around her stomache as he pulled her further away from what would have been. It annoyed me how Tyler was the one to catch her, out of all places to trip, she trips near him.

I kept a close eye on Tyler's hands, making sure that the didn't go any further than they already were.

'Gee, Autumn.' he chuckled, standing her straight.

'Oh my gosh! Sooooz!' she cried, trying to stiffle back laughter, her hands quickly retract to her chest and she tip toes over to Frankie and I.

'Fran-Kay-Kay! How you girl!?'

Frankie's smile seemed to widen even more at the mention of Autumns ridiculous nickname for her.

'Au-Tum-tum! Im so good girl! How you girl!?'

'GOOD! Leon! How you boooy!' she laughed, looking over at me with her chocolate coated eye colour. Her eyes just full on smile.

'Good' I mummbled, looking away.

'Lol!' Autumn laughed, the two forming there own little duet as they took lead before us, leading the way down this...rather familiar street. I recognized this street, but what was even more reminiscent was the street that we were crossing over, that lead further on down to a coldersack, Palmers Quay. That was Alice's street, it had been since the day she was born.

'Maybe we should go get your girlfriend Alice'

I could hear the mockery in his voice, his hand extending over to me and lightly patting at my shoulder. I shrugged him off and continued on at a faster pace, not wanting to be anywhere near her house. I was paranoid that she would be anywhere around us, behind a tree, sitting on one of the bus benches...but thankfully she wasnt, and we passed on safely and turned into Dominion Street, another cauldasack, 2 blocks down from Palmers Quay.

'Where here!' Autumn and Frankie cheered in tune, jumping up and down as they headed towards a rather huge house. Cars clogged the street, but thankfully one side was all beach.

As I staredover the house with Tyler at my side, I realized that I didn't really wanna be here. I could see through the door what a ruckus it looked like, hear loud noises and bottles clanking together. The music was loud and full of repulsive lyrics, people shouting and yelling at the top of there lungs, and I could even smell the disgusting scent of tobacco, wafting through the air.

'No, Im done, I can't do this!' I turned on my heel to leave but true to his personality, and promise to Autumn, Tyler had blocked my way forward. I could only roll my eyes at this point.

'Don't make me slap you!' he groaned, annoyance in his face. 'An hour! Thats all you need to do!'

'I don't want to waste my time being here for an hour when I could be studying, or playing a game that we were meant to be playing!' I moaned.

'This is better than any game that I bring to your house. Plus! This is your first house party and judging from the look of it, it's pretty massive first party material, mate!'

I didn't care about my 'first-house-party', I didn't give to damns! I just wanted to go home and at least sleep if we wern't going to play the xbox. But he was persistent, even mentioning Autumn.

'You can't do this to Autumn man! After she went through the trouble of coming to your house to get you!'

'Trouble' I scoffed 'She lives right next door!'

'Doesn't matter! It's obvious that she wanted you to be here! Otherwise she would have just walked straight past your house.'

Tyler did seem to speak some sense, Autumn didn't have to come and get me. And admit that I woudl feel slightly bad if I had left her without at lease giving it a glance inside, but the truth of the matter is, I just didn't want to be here. House parties wern't my thing.

'No. Im goi-'

'Leon!? Leon Mc Carthy! Is that you!?'

A very familiar husky voice yelled out through the darkened streets behind me. But who in the world would I know that would come to such a place! Suddenly a pale arms wrapped around my neck tugging me in closer to the somebody that presumably called my name. After being attacked by twisting nuckles to the head I looked up and knew exactly who it was.


'Little cuz! Shiit! How are you man!' he cracked with laughter, pulling me into a tight hug, gentle pats to the back.

'Man little cuz! What a surprise to see you here! And Tyler! Howzit Man!?' Boyce now moving over to hug Tyler.

'Good to see you man! Haven't seen you since...' started Tyler.

'Since the oldies kicked me out of the house and disowned me, YO!' finnished Boyce, laughing off an incident that doesn't seem to faze him in anyway. But that was Boyce, too happy, full of joy and always with a smile. I had always wondered how he was, but because I never knew where he lived and mum would never bother to find out, that idea seemed to fizzle.

'But ah well! What can ya do when ya parents don't understand what the word freedom means, huh?'

'Apparently get kicked out and live a far more happy life, judging by the look of you' I said, looking him over.

Boyce laughed and shook his head. 'That's right little cuz! that's right!'

'So!' he continued on 'You guys know Quinton, huh?'

I dreaded to answer the question again.

'Not exactly! We were actually forced here...'

Boyce's eyes widened. 'By w-...'


As if on cue, Autumn pops up out of nowhere and drapes her arms around Boyce.

'Auutumn! Gosh girl, how you! Man I swear you get more beautiful by the day man!' he chuckles, standing back to examine her. which kind of annoyed me.

'Well, what can I say' she grinned 'Ah! I see you have met my friends!'

'Your friends?' Boyce's wash of ocean blue eyes widened again. 'My cousin and friend!'

He pointed Tyler and I out, from friend to Family, and Autumns face turned to one of surprise then to instant disbelief. Her chocolate brown eyes, examined me than Boyce, than I again, until finally she was in the same boat as us.

'Geez! Now that I look at it, you guys really do look slightly similar! Same black hair, same-ish height and the same cool as blue eyes! Eff you two!' her expression a rather annoyed one.

' 'ey 'ey ' forgot handsome as well!' Boyce added to Autumn's list of similarities. In which she simply smiled kindly, looked at me with sparkling eyes and agreed. I had to look away from those glittering eyes, catch my breath a bit. Why did she look at me like that!

'Well dudes and dudette! Lets head on inside yeah! We got a party to fack-ap!' boomed Boyce, taking hold of his box of alcohol and his other hand gripping at the back of my neck, leading me into the doors of hell. I knew there was no point in trying to go against my cousin, he wouldn't have any of it. And as I caught glimpse of Tyler's mocking smirk, I mouthed the words 'Shut up' to him.

Inside didn't seem to change from when I last took a peek in, the only seeming change was that I was face first into this madness, rather than in the safety of outside. Mixed smells of damned alcohol, tobbacco and perfume lingered thorugh the air, very loud music with repulsive lyrics boomed through the house as well, how could anyone hear anyone in this!? There were 6 big, tall cardboard boxes full of empty glass bottles and no-one seemed to be without one. How we managed to sanke thorugh all these people, especially the ones participating in acts such as making out, was far beyond me...had the strong smell of alcohol sent me tipsy?

I didn't even notice that Autumn had vanished off somewhere, returning with 2 cups full of some neon blue liquid.

'Boycie say's your a alkie virgin, so I got you the nicest alkie we had! Cruiser!' she beamed holding the cup out to Tyler and myself.

'No thanks' Simple.

Her face seemed to hint an expression a annoyance, but I didn't care. I still just wanted to go home. Tyler on the other hand took the drink no sweet and recieved a generous smile from Autumn, slightly annoying me.

'Well at least hold it until I -'

'Look who I found!' shouted Boyce from behind Autumn, dragging Quinton along, with his head under his arm. Autumn started jumping in excitment, latching on to the poor guy after finally being released from underneath Boyce's arm, but as expected, Quinton didn't seem to mind, infact he looked rather happy to see Autumn, than again who didn't? When we walked in here it seemed everyone was smiling with joy to see her, glad to see her, happy to see her, took the time to stop what they were doing to greet her.

She's something special, that Autumn Pierce.

'And you must be this fools, cousin!'

I was snapped out of thought and brought back to reality, Quintons' beaming face in my view. He was flashing a white, smile in my direction, his hand extended also. I took it lightly and shook it. Gazing over him now, you would think it impossible that he of all people had cancer. He looked healthy and full of life, but I guess that bald head of his only confirmed things.

'Yes, Leon. Nice to meet you!'

'I know who you are, we have History and Science together.' he laughed 'Your far more polite and angelic compared to your twat of a cousin' Quinton laughed, nudging Boyce in the head.

Boyce only rolled his eyes, trying not to laugh at the mockery of him.

'He's also the smartest too, the number one in our fam-bam this boy is!'

'Hard out!' Autumn chimed in 'He helped me pass my English test, WITH flying colours, yin!'

Quinton and Boyce both had looks of disbelief written in their faces, they looked at eachother before failing to hide there laughter. Autumn on the other hand was slightly offended and didn't hesitate to slap the two of them in the gut.

'TO AUTUMN! FOR PASSING HER ENGLISH TEST!' Boyce recovered quickly, thrusting his bottle into the air. Quinton, Tyler and Autumn were quick to join, but I was slow in my reaction. After all were touching, they all took to their drinks...until nothing was left. All except me of course, which Boyce and Quinton noticed straight away.

'Little cuz!' Boyce started, one eyebrow higher than his other. 'What are you up too!?'

'Haha, you don't drink?' asked Quinton.

'No' another simple reply.

'Arrgh! Come on! One sip man! For Autumn! Don't make me get this whole intire crowd of peeps on to you!'

'Take a sip, Leon!' Tyler jumped on the band wagon.

Now, I had come to the point where I just couldn't be bothered with repeating myself over and over again, something I've been doing since before I got here. It was like I was saying no to the thin air, or they were oblivious to what the word 'No' meant. So in the end, I took a sip...first mistake. it was like letting my guard down for Boyce and his mischievious ways.

Like a flash of lightning he gripped at my chin, pulled my mouth open wider and had me drink every single drop of it by lifting the cup higher. I would have wacked the cup away but somehow Tyler had my hands. That bastard! My first reaction would ahve been to just spit it out, but I didn't want to ruin Quinton's carpet and I also didn't know where the toilet was. So I let it flow down my throat, which burned all the way down. My taste buds managed to soak in the flavours I thought would be as horrible as my mother had described it, but to be entirely honest, it wasn't that bad. It had a hint of Sprite in it, that I knew for sure, but then the taste of alcohol came through, the least tasteful part.

I had to re catch my breath before looking up at the group. Soem of it had gone down the wrong hole, causing my to splutter and cough. How embarassing.

'It wasn't that bad, right? I had put a bit of Lemonade in it to tone it down.' Autumn smiled, her hands, gently rubbing my back. I had to admit, she made me feel a little better.

'Here my cuz, It's a V. You know, the energy drink!'

Boyce handed me the green, glass bottle, finally a drink I wouldn't mind skulling.

'Ahh! Shit oi oi! That's...'

'Beer. . .' I finnished him off. The disgusting taste had my face screwed, showing just how great I thought this stupid beer was. My tongue was hanging out and the three of them were laughing at me. Great. Cool guys.

'Well, I have no doubt in my mind that you two are cousins, Your just as entertaining as Boyce is' laughed Quinton.

'I would give you a water, but ah...the plumbing in this house is a bit shit at the moment.'

'So where are people shitting?' I heard Boyce ask.

'Ahh, in the ocean? Out on the beach? I don't know, hopefully in the Port-a-loo I hired' Quinton answered, joining in with Autumn and Boyce's laughter.

'All we have here to drink is, alcohol and one more bottle of coke, somewhere...'

At that moment, an empty bottle was thrown into one of the cardboardboxes filled with empty beer bottles. Quinton's eyes widened.

'Well, now we just have pre mixed alcohol and beer' a hesitant grin appearing thorugh his lips.

Autumn handed me another cup of that blue liquid, and for the time being, it would have to do. For some reason, my throat seemed dry and needed quenching. So sip by little sip I finished my clear cup of blue drink, listening in to their conversation from time to time.

'Yeah man, beer pong! Im keen hard!' Boyce puffed up at the sudden mention of something.

'No! I don't like that game! I never bloody win!' Autumn gave her input.

'Red vs Black?' I heard Quinton.

'Circle of death or Spoons? Thats pinnah!' Autumn added, also replenishing my cup of alcohol when she noticed i didn't have much left. I put it down, not wanting to drink anymore of it, primed and ready to go...but then I was sucked into playing some game called Spoon.

'What? Spoon?'

'Yes Leon, Spoon. Your playing with us, okay!' she smiled, grabbing hold of my hand and cup.

'No, Autumn, I dont really want to' But as usual I was shot down by th other 3 and forced once again to sit and do something I didn;t want to do, play some stupid game called spoons. Which gradually ended up with a few more people as the time went by. The consequences of this game were stupid and I refused to take a full skull of my drink...

But by each passing sip that I had of the blue liquid passing my lips, especially with my endless loosing streak, I soon realised - some bloody how - that I was gone.

I should have bolted at the first sign of Alcohol, but sitting her my vision slightly altered and my words becoming slurred, I was too late.
♠ ♠ ♠
.V Energy Drink - What Boyce 'thinks' he gives to Leon. A yummy energy drink made in New Zealand.

.Cuz - (NZ Slang) for Cousin

.What are you up too!?/ What are you on!? - Can also mean 'What the hell are you doing!?'

.'Hard Out!' or 'Hard' - (NZ Slang) Another way of saying "Hell yes!"

.Alkie - shortened from the word Alcohol

I don't know if you knew what these phrases meant, so I have put a few and there meanings. Common NZ slang and phrases for ya dudes!