A Political Nightmare


Jou gasped in relief as the bandages fell to the floor. 'Damn, that hurts every time.' Jounouchi Katsuya smiled humorlessly at the mirror. 'Who would have ever thought that pretending to be a guy could hurt so much?'

After a quick, relaxing shower, Jou stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body and grabbed another towel to wrap around her hair. Once she was no longer having to deal with steadily cooling water dripping down her back, she turned to the small plastic bag that Shizuka had given her. Inside were all the clothes she would need, but she couldn't help but inwardly groan at them. It wasn't too bad, but it still didn't make it any better that they were purple themed, and a dress no less. It was a short sleeved violet dress that stopped around the knees with lace underneath the skirt. There was also a pair of high-heels that were black with a white bow on the outer side of each shoe. A pair of tights as well as a black jacket to go over the whole thing followed. The last two things in the bag made the cross-dressing teen gag. Underwear, and a bra. 'SHIZUKA!!!' Jou yelled, knowing that with the size of the apartment, there was no doubt she could hear her. 'I DID NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO BUY ME UNDERWEAR!!!!'

There was a soft giggle outside of the door, which meant Shizuka had snuck out of the blonde's room and could hear her loud and clear. Jou tensed for a second before she sighed with relief as she realised that the door was locked which meant Shizuka had no way of seeing her bruises. 'I had a feeling that you wouldn't have any bra's you could use, so I thought I'd give you one of my old ones.'

The room was silent for a moment, until...'What do you mean, your "Old ones"?'

Shizuka smirked, 'Oh, I outgrew that one months ago.'

'WHAT?!!! But these are huge!'

The green eyed sibling couldn't help but laugh, 'Not really, they're only "B"s. I'm currently a "C" but I'm expecting to get a little bigger, after all, I'm only fifteen.'

'Y-You mean they can get bigger?!' Jou asked in horror as she tried to pull on the offending garment after finally getting over the shock of its presents.

'Oh, yeah, I've seen girls in my school with a "D" and sometimes even an "E".'

'R-Really? That's just scary.'

Shizuka shrugged, 'It's only scary for you because you don't know much about this kind of stuff. Seriously, Katsuya, why don't you go to school as a girl? I'm sure people would like you just as much.'

Katsuya let out a soft laugh as she pulled the dress over her head. 'It's not about how much people like me, it's a little more complicated than that, but in the end it'll be worth it.'

Shizuka frowned in thought, 'How so?'

Katsuya chuckled at her younger sister, 'Don't worry, Shizuka. It's nothing that you need to worry about.' The two of them stayed quiet for a while, both siblings lost in their own thoughts, until a particular question nagged at the older teens mind that she had to voice her curiosity. 'Hey, Shizuka?'


'You know Tristan and Duke.'


'Do you like either of them?'

Shizuka smiled, 'I don't know. I mean, their both really nice guys, but a little too obvious in their flirting for me.'

'I had a feeling you noticed. Those two were coming onto you like love was going out of fashion. Even someone like me who has never been flirted with could tell.'

'I thought Mai flirted with you.'

Katsuya smiled as she roughly rubbed the towel through her golden locks, 'She did, but remember, I'm not gay. I feel sorry for her, I tried to act like an idiot during Battle City so she wouldn't fall for me, but in the end, me being the hero at heart that I am, I ended up accidentally wooing her in the process.'

'What did you do after she confessed to you?'

Katsuya smiled as she hung the towels up to dry before opening the door, 'I told her the truth. I promised myself that if anyone asked, I would tell them truthfully.'

Shizuka smiled up at her older sister before she walked forward and started inspecting her. 'It looks good on you, much better than it did on me. Did the bra fit okay?'

Katsuya blushed a bright red, but said nothing as she picked up her clothes from the floor and draping them over her arm. 'I think I'm good to go now, so I'll see-!'

Suddenly, Katsuya's wrist was grabbed and she was being dragged down the hallway toward her room. 'You're not even close to done, baka! What do you think mom would say if you just walked into her office looking like this, with your hair a mess and no make up?'

Katsuya blinked at her sister's blunt question, 'Uhh.... She'd be mad?'

Shizuka rolled her eyes, 'You really don't know mom at all. She wouldn't just get mad, she would have a heart attack, then she'd probably kill you once she was out of hospital. I was told to come here and make sure you look like you just came out of a photo-shoot, and I intend on succeeding.'

Katsuya couldn't help but fear the tone in his sister's voice. It hardly ever happened, but when she wanted to, innocent little Shizuka could command anyone to army-like perfection. This was one of the very few good qualities that she had gotten from their mother. However, when used against you, you couldn't help but fear the young red head.

In moments, Shizuka had dragged her sister into the bedroom only to push her onto the bed and grab a hairbrush. Soon enough, the younger Jounouchi had her fingers tangled into her sister's golden locks as she gently brushed out the knots.

Katsuya leaned back, letting her sister gently pamper her contently. She couldn't tell her what the pampering was for, or could she tell her the real reason for the meeting with their mother in less than half an hour. It hurt to keep secrets, the blonde had learned that lesson countless times, but sometimes, secrets can keep people safe. After all, the less Shizuka knew about the deal, the better.

'There, done.' Katsuya smiled as her sister set down the brush before she pulled off the shoulder bag she was wearing and set it on the bed before rummaging through it like there was not tomorrow. Finally, she pulled back, but what was in her hands made the blonde pale. Bottles, creams, various powders, and hair accessories filled the younger teens hands as she smiled at her older sister.

'Oh no.' Katsuya whispered as she subconsciously backed away from her sister. 'There is no way you're going to get any of that stuff on me!'

Shizuka pouted as a pair of emerald green puppy dog eyes stared up into chocolate brown ones. 'Please?'

Her resistance crumbled in an instant. 'O-Only a little.'

'Hey, Seto!!! You're back early!' said Kaiba Mokuba as the CEO walked through the door of the mansion.

'Yeah.' he muttered as he pulled off the blazer of his school uniform and draped it over his arm before he started up the marble staircase. 'Mokuba, I have a meeting to go too in a while. You're going to have to have dinner alone tonight.'

Mokuba pouted for a moment only to let out a sigh at his brother's unwavering face, 'That's fine I guess. Enjoy your meeting.'

Blue eyes rolled. 'I highly doubt that.' he muttered as he stalked up the stairs to get changed, 'This is going to be hell.'

The young CEO sighed as he pushed open the door to his room before he flung his blue Domino High blazer onto the sapphire blue sheets that covered his bed. His strong pale hands immediately started to undo the top button to his white shirt as his foot kicked the door closed. Pretty soon, Seto's white shirt lay next to his blazer as he stalked over to his walk in closet. Kaiba went about pulling out various outfits only to put them back a few moments later muttering something about said garment. Finally, he settled on a simple white suit with a light blue collared shirt underneath and no tie. It may be a meeting that would ultimately change his life, but that didn't mean that he needed to treat it any different that his normal, day to day meetings.

By the time Kaiba Seto was fully dressed, his phone had rung at least five times for various reasons, not that he answered it.


The young CEO turned around to see Mokuba standing in the doorway of the closet with the brunette's phone in hand. 'What is it, Mokuba?' he asked as he adjusted the collar of his suit jacket.

Mokuba walked over to his brother's side, 'Your phone was ringing, why are you ignoring it?'

Kaiba smiled softly at the boy as he placed his hand on the mop of black hair and ruffled it affectionately as he would only do when the two of them were alone. 'I'm just a little preoccupied.'

The boy smiled up at his older brother before he jumped a little as the phone in his hands vibrated and started to ring. Kaiba quickly snatched up the device and placed it flush against his ear, listening to the voice on the other side of the receiver. 'What is it, Roland?' he asked irritably only to listen again. Kaiba sighed, 'I'll be right out.' Kaiba placed the phone into his pocket and turned to Mokuba who was looking at him expectantly. 'I need to get going. My meeting is in a few minutes. I'll see you soon.'

Mokuba nodded with a large smile. 'Okay, see you later!' Kaiba suddenly felt as if all the air in his lungs was forced out of him as the hyperactive thirteen year old hugged him around the waist. 'Have fun!'

Kaiba inwardly groaned; there was no way that this meeting was going to anywhere near fun.

'Are we done yet?' complained Katsuya for the hundredth time in the last ten minutes as Shizuka placed yet another necklace on the blonde before she took it off again, muttering something about it not being what she wanted only to place another necklace on her.

'We're almost done, I just can't find a necklace that works.' said Shizuka as she placed yet another necklace onto the steadily growing pile of discarded jewelry. 'Do you have anything that might work?'

Katsuya closed her eyes for a second before getting to her feet and walking over to her dresser. Hanging off of one of the commonly unused drawer handles was a beautiful silver chain with a small red stone in the middle of a teardrop shaped pendant. Katsuya gently undid the clasp and hung it around her neck and secured it before walking back over to Shizuka to show it off. 'Mai bought it for me after she found out who I am. It doesn't really match but I think it will work.'

Shizuka nodded, 'I think it looks great!'

Katsuya sighed before walking over to her mirror and took a look at herself and she had to admit, she didn't look too bad. 'Amazing!' she exclaimed more for her sister's sake rather than her's before she turned to the other. 'Now, is there anything else you want? Or can I get going?'

Shizuka smiled, 'No, I think you're good to go. Besides, I'm meeting up with a friend in a few minutes.'

Katsuya smirked, 'Would this be a male friend?'

Shizuka rolled her eyes but kept quiet as she placed a kiss on her sister's cheek, 'I'll see you later, sis. Have fun with mom.' Katsuya nodded grimly as the red head walked out of the room and left the apartment.

The blonde's good mood didn't last much longer after her only reason for smiling left the building. 'Have fun? Don't make me laugh, there's going to be nothing fun about this.' Katsuya quickly went about grabbing everything she would need; her wallet, keys, phone and so on, before she walked out of the apartment, pausing only to lock the door, and headed down the street towards the main street to call a cab.

Kaiba Seto sat in the back seat of his limo with a glare etched into his face as he tried his best to read the book in front of him, but he had yet to read a sentence before letting his mind wander. He hated this. Slamming his book closed, Kaiba leaned back even farther into the black leather that decorated the interior of the limo as he let out a shaky sigh.

Why? Why did his life have to change so quickly? Just two days ago, he was at the top of his game, his company was doing well, he was still at the top of his studies, Mokuba had been even more happy than usual, everything was perfect. Then he ha gotten that damned email that had changed everything!

Kaiba pinched the bridge of his nose with a growl, he was not in the mood to deal with this right now; he doubted he would ever be, but he couldn't change where he was headed at that exact moment as the limo rounded the last corner only to stop in front of a building almost as tall as Kaiba Corp. The brunette quickly stepped out of the car and slammed the door before he walked into the front lobby of the building, bypassing the front desk seeing as he already knew where he was headed. Kaiba stepped into the elevator alone and pressed the button that would take him to the top floor and took a deep breath to calm himself before he leaned against the mirror on the back wall of the elevator and waited for his assent to be over.

To say the young CEO was surprised was an understatement. When he got the the appointed room, he walked in only to see what looked like a sitting room, rather than a meeting room like he had been expecting. Red and light brown seemed to be the theme as he looked around at the brown paint that covered all the walls but one which was a deep blood red while the carpet was a darker brown. In the center of the room was a solid wooden coffee table which sat in between two blood red love seats, one of which was occupied.

'Welcome, Kaiba-San!' said the woman as she smiled at him which made an unpleasant shiver run down his spine. The woman got to her feet and politely held out her hand to him. 'I'm so glad you could make it!'

Kaiba reluctantly shook hands with the woman before he moved over to the love seat opposite to where the woman had been sitting before and sat down. The woman sat across from him, her smile still plastered on her face that made him want to look away, but he didn't. Instead, he looked her over, taking in her appearance. Miss. Wheeler was, for lack of a better and/or less flattering word, rather beautiful despite her age. She had long blond hair that was pulled out of her eyes by a simple headband, however, the odd strand tended to escape and fell into her dark brown eyes that refused to look away. The woman was wearing a simple black dress that exposed just that little too much of her chest and a steal grey suit jacket to make her look that little bit more formal.

The two of them just sat in the stillness for a few minutes, neither of them willing to break the tense silence. When he had finally had enough, Kaiba got to his feet and walked over to the large, floor to ceiling window taking up the majority of the wall opposite of the door an just stared out of the clear glass onto the street below. He just watched as people passed by and even let his eyes follow as a taxi pulled away from outside the building. Kaiba sighed before he cleared his throat, never taking his eyes off of the street over twenty floors below. 'When is your daughter coming? It's been over half an hour now.' Kaiba tried to sound angry, not that it was hard to do. He wanted nothing more to leave, but he was powerless to do so.

Miss Wheeler smiled at the brunette's back but shrugged, 'She should be here soon. She has never been one for being on time.'

Kaiba growled, 'That might need to be worked on.'

The blond laughed, it's pitch a little too high for the young CEO's liking, 'Good luck with that. I've tried to teach her since she was a child, there has never been a more stubborn girl, I swear.'

Kaiba turned around and glared darkly at the woman, who didn't seem to notice it, before turning back to the window. 'Normally, a person wouldn't say something like that about their child, or are you not a normal mother?'

The woman shrugged, not taking any offence to the obvious insult and smiled again, 'Well, with her I couldn't be.'

Kaiba was just about to comment, before some movement behind him caught his attention, the door was opening only to be followed by a gasp. Kaiba turned around to face the person and froze. A girl, maybe seventeen stood in the doorway, her brown eyes wide, as a hand covered her mouth. Kaiba froze as the girl's eyes stared at him as if he was from another planet as he long blond hair fell into her face.

'Ah, you're here! Sweetheart,' started Miss Wheeler as she rose to her feet with yet another sickening smile, 'I'd like you to meet Kaiba Seto.' Miss Wheeler quickly turned to the brunette and gestured to the child behind her, 'Kaiba-San, I would like for you to meet my daughter, Wheeler Katsuya. Your fiancee.'
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