Titles Without Names

Freckles;; Ashlynn

“Freckles, made from the words cheapest chocolate. But, surprisingly delicious.” He popped a speckled goodie into his mouth and grinned, that infectious grin.
I find myself smiling at him; admiringly. Like a dream, he was. Proper, so proper. Peculiar, perhaps, though I’m not exactly one to talk. The Doctor and The Master. Oh, and myself. The last of the Timelords, though they thought it was only the two of them.

“Hello.” I beamed. The hospital shimmered; white, only white. Clean, too clean. Harsh.

“Hi, I’m the-” He started, after finishing his mouthful.

“Doctor, yes.” Still beaming. I’d seen him a dozen times before, though he would not remember me. But to finally talk to him…

“Ah,” He looked taken aback. He did like to introduce himself. “Who are you then?” He had guessed I didn’t mean Doctor in the healer sense. “I don’t really have a name, like you. I have a title though. Like you do.” My smile lessened a little. “The Sneak, as it is. Though,” I tried at a joke, “I prefer the name Ashlynn. It sounds more friendly.” I liked the name I had fashioned for myself. It was unassuming, and placid-sounding. I closed my eyes; I felt him in my mind. It was unfamiliar, but I didn’t feel threatened. He was calm, calming. I could feel questions burning from his mind, as he delved deeper. Happy times, painful memories, he stepped through them all, silently observing. Deeper, deeper. I could feel his surprise, the exclamation, She’s not human. I almost giggled at his confusion.
Deeper, he delved. I knew he knew it was dangerous, but his ever-deepening curiosity kept him going. It was so human of him, and I admired him for it.
Into the way that my body worked; through the processes of my mind. In, out. Lungs, kidneys, hearts...

“Wait.” He stopped. I opened my eyes to see him backing away. “You have two hearts!”


“But that means…”

“I’m a Timelord.”

“How did you-”

“I don’t know, as much as YOU don’t know. When I found out that you were alive, I had to find you. I figured you knew what went on…what happened. But you don’t know either.” He started to pace, figuring and placing things in his mind. His powerful mind. “There is one other. He’s…insane though. Bad. Well…I’m bad, he’s sort of evil.” But I could feel him moving away, even before I saw it. “Good luck, Doctor.” As he disappeared into the elevator. I let out a sigh. I wasn’t sure what I had expected form him. Maybe I had hoped he would take me away with him. To find out the answers together. I sifted through my mind, something felt different there. A memory, a new one. One that wasn’t my own. One that wasn’t even his. A man, a powerful man. He was laughing, that same laugh. One that felt familiar and wrong. He opened his mouth and I shut it off.

It was The Master…he was the reason.
♠ ♠ ♠
Previously a part of my One Shots collection. I decided to expand this into a series of "one-shots", jumping from character to charater. I hope it confuses the shit out of you.

Oddly enough, I kind of left it in my One Shots series.
Don't ask me why.