To Be Happy Now

to be happy now

"Wow, you look amazing," Austin said, awed, when she walked up to him in front of the Persian Room restaurant in Scottsdale. Alaska smiled at him and said, "You look nice too, Austin."

They decided to meet each other at the restaurant rather than having him picking her up, mostly because of Ricky. They hadn't told them about the step towards their new relationship yet, and honestly, they didn't really know what he would do.

Austin pulled out Alaska's chair for her at their table and she couldn't help but giggle softly. She couldn't imagine him being so gentlemanly when all her life, she saw him drink beer all day long. Not that he wasn't a gentleman, but she just never really saw that side of him.

"You look nervous," Austin commented, opening the menu and glancing up at the girl.

Alaska shook her head. "I'm fine."

"I'm not the worst date, I swear..." He chuckled.

"No! I'm just--" Alaska sighed. "It's just weird being in this position. I never thought I'd see myself on a date with Austin Gibbs."

Austin smirked. "Well, I can be great too."

Alaska rolled her eyes and she opened up her menu too. She heard Austin chuckle again. Their waiter came by only thirty seconds later and asked them for anything to drink. Austin was about to order wine, but realized that Alaska was underage, so they both decided to get water.

"Alaska, seriously," Austin said, chuckling nervously now. Alaska looked like she wanted to vomit. "What is up?"

She shook her head. "I'm fine. I swear!"

"Is it me?"

She shook her head again. "My stomach hurts. A lot."

It was true. Her abdomen was hurting again, and of course, on top of that, she had cramps. Her stomach, uterus, and abdomen were going on a rampage inside her body. They chose the worst possible day to do so and she cursed herself for it.

Austin looked skeptical.

"Austin," she sighed. "I have had a crush on you since I was thirteen years old. I'm nervous, yes, but I still want to be here."

A smile grew on his face and he said, "Really?"

Alaska's cheeks blushed and she nodded. Austin reached out and touched her hand. She returned the smile and the waiter came back with their waters.

The night got less awkward. They started talking about school, then the band, then touring, and then traveling.

"I would love to travel," Alaska said. "I've only been around the United States and by that, I mean Arizona, Nevada, and California."

"You've never been anywhere else?" Austin exclaimed.

She shook her head. "I mean, I just recently got my independence from my parents and yet, I have been swamped with school. It's not like I can really go anywhere."

"Wow," Austin said, reaching for his water. "I guess I'll have to show you around sometime."

Alaska blushed again (she really couldn't help it) and she said, "But it's on my bucket list--the rest of the U.S, Europe, and Australia."

"You have a bucket list?"

She shrugged. "You don't?"

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't plan to die anytime soon. Though, I did reach my biggest goal--become a musician. So, I guess I already did my bucket list."

"You never know when you'll die," Alaska took a sip of her water.

"That's morbid," Austin chuckled. "Hey," he pointed to the waiter and looked at Alaska. "Want dessert?"

She shook her head.

Austin paid for the dinner and they went outside in the chilly, Arizona air. Austin helped Alaska put her coat on and they walked together towards his truck.

"Do you want to go back to my place?" Austin asked, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

Alaska stared for a few seconds, not too long to make him worry, and she nodded. Austin gave her a smile and opened the passenger side door for her and she got in. They drove to his apartment.

"It's not really much, but I'd rather keep it small since I travel around so much throughout the year," Austin shrugged when he let her inside.

It was small. A kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, and a bedroom. It was perfect for only one man; it was cozy.

"I like it," she said, honestly.

"Do you want anything?" He asked, striding over to the kitchen. Alaska shook her head no and looked around some more.

There were pictures frames on the walls of Austin and his life. He seemed like a completely dependent guy--the guy that loves his family and his friends more than anyone could ever imagine.

"Here," Austin stuck his hand out. Alaska looked at it and furrowed her eyebrows. "It's Tylenol...for your stomach," he explained. "I have no idea what the real reason is, but Tylenol helps...hopefully."

"Oh," Alaska said, taking the pills. "Thank you."

She swallowed them and she smiled at Austin.

"You know, I thought you were a douchebag when we were growing up," Alaska said. "I mean, the first time I ever met you, you were hitting on me, and I was thirteen!" Austin laughed and nodded. "But getting to know you more're really trustworthy. You're always there for Ricky, and for all of your friends..."

Austin stepped forward, closing the gap between them and he said, quietly, "I'm not that guy anymore."

Alaska didn't say anything, her eyes were staring right at his lips, as their faces inched closer and closer together. Austin placed his hands on her face and kissed her on the lips. Alaska almost melted into goo again but her hands clasped on his jacket and didn't let him go.

It was so wrong. She was dying and yet she was embarking on a new relationship with someone.

But Alaska didn't want it to end.

"Wait," Austin pulled away. "You said you had a crush on me, and now you say you thought I was a douche? How does that work?"

Alaska shrugged. "I was thirteen, what did I know?"

Austin laughed and pulled the girl into another kiss again, his hands resting on her waist.

He pulled away, once again, and ran his hands up to her hand and took it. He brought her over to the couch and he said, "Wanna watch a movie?"

Alaska smiled and nodded. "I would love to."

And she really did.
♠ ♠ ♠
date night

I just don't know how to write dates.

I went to the This Century show last night and I died. I had SO much fun man. Pretty much got touched by every single member from every single band that performed because we were standing right in front of the men's bathroom (this venue was set up strangely) so they had to brush by us to get there. It's creepy, I know, but it wasn't intentional. Like there was no where to move and plus, it was a pretty great view lol. I met all of This Century minus Ryan Gose, and I met Logan Thayer from My Girl Friday and thats it. Our boy Austin was there, along with all of The Maine (minus Jared, I think). SIGH, I miss it already...

Anyways, thank you to BUSTANUT, erika_xtc, RumorHasIt?, hachie, mandiimouse, captain of my soul;, tmdaisy22, RoRo15, lovelyhope, dakingsnake;, MyBlackDahlia, and Temet Nosce for their comments :)