‹ Prequel: Into the Nothing
Status: One Shot

Fade Away

One of One

The last she saw of him was that fateful night of his death. They had been at her house, eating dinner with her parents and little brother. He had smiled at her as their feet touched under the table. He was such a wonderful boy. So nice to her little brother, so respectful to her parents, so loving to her.

He had to leave shortly after dinner; his mother wanted him home. He smiled at her before brushing his lips against hers, saying goodnight with his touch instead of his words. She smiled as he pulled away. As he started to turn away, she called out.

“Wait, Christian?” He turned around to face her, a small smile gracing his lovely lips. Oh, how she loved those lips.

“Yes, Marie?” She walked briskly towards him, embracing him when she reached him.

“I love you.” She said, her face buried in his chest. She had an odd feeling of dread when they had touched all tonight. She wanted to make sure that he knew she loved him.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her slim shoulders, planting a kiss on her head.

“I love you, too.” She smiled, inhaling his unique scent, wanting to melt into his embrace. But then he was gone and only the ghost of his warmth remained. She still couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that was forming in her stomach, making her feel sick. She just shivered and went back inside.

“Marie, will you read me a bedtime story?” Her little brother called from his room across from hers. She smiled and nodded, walking in and pulling up the covers over him and tucking them in snuggly. She laid down next to him and picked up his favorite story book.

She only got halfway through it before she heard the soft snoring emanating from the small five year old next to her. She smiled, kissed him on the forehead, and got up to get ready for bed. She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

A nightmare bombarded her not five minutes after she fell asleep. She saw Christian and a man she did not recognize. As she continued to watch, Christian and the man started to argue, and it started to get violent. Marie tried to get up to stop them, but she found that she could not move. She tried to speak instead, but all that came out was a whisper.

She watched as the man raised his fist and brought it down onto Christian’s back, making him fall over. The man then pulled a knife and stabbed it into Christian’s back several times, causing him to cry out painfully. Marie felt hot, sticky tears fall down her face as she watched her love die.

With his last, shuddering breath, Christian uttered but four words, “I love you, Marie.” And he then fell silent, never to breathe, laugh, smile, or say those three, very important words ever again.

Marie woke up with a strangled gasp, looking around her dark room. She quickly called Christian’s house, needing to hear his voice. Instead, his mother answered. Marie could tell right away that she was sobbing as she struggled to say hello.

“Ms. Dawson? Is Christian there?” Marie asked, getting worried.

“Oh, Marie, Christian is dead. I just found his body in our backyard. I’m so sorry.” Her voice broke several times, and Marie was too stunned to speak. Her beloved Christian is dead. He’s dead. Dead.


She dropped the phone and it hung on its wire from the base on the table. She curled up on her bed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

The next week, his funeral was held. Marie did not want to go. But about ten minutes after it started, she couldn’t help but go. She stayed on the outskirts, close enough to hear, but far enough so no one would notice her.

As she observed, she thought she saw a familiar head of dark hair next to Ms. Dawson, but she must have been mistaken. After the viewing of the body was over, she saw the boy again, the boy who looked like Christian. As she looked closer, she saw that he looked exactly like Christian. But as she continued to look at him, he began sinking into the ground. At first, he struggled, but after a little while, he finally gave up.

And like that, he was gone. He was out of Marie’s grasp yet again, and this time, there was no getting him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah, a different point of view of the same story. I hope you guys liked it =]


Title credit: Breaking Benjamin
