Dreams can become nightmares.


Cory woke up crying, tears of joy, but still crying. He knew what today was, it was the day he had waited for his entire life. He couldn't believe it had finally arrived. What is this dream you may be finding yourself asking? As silly as you may find it, his dream is to become a professional wrestler. It's what he's always wanted, since he was a little kid sitting on his grandfathers lap watching Saturday night wrestling. It was the only thing that brought him any joy, see he had a rough life.

His parents, both of whom were alcoholics, died when he was just a little boy. They were drunk and drove the car off a bridge, luckily he wasn't in it at the time. Then, he went to a orphanage. It was terrible, they abused the children every day, forcing them to do things not Earthly imaginable... It was hell. Luckily, the got caught and got shut down. In and out of foster homes until he was 7 is not how a kid is supposed to live. Finally, his grandparents were tracked down.

They didn't even know he existed, his mother hand't talked to them in years and hid his birth from them. It took a while for them to get used to him living with them, but they tried their best. They didn't have a lot of money, but they managed to get by.

Wrestling allowed him to escape all the troubles he had been through in his life. It allowed him to be close with his grandparents, mainly his grandfather as his grandmother wasn't much of a fan. Wrestling was his life from a very early age.