Dreams can become nightmares.

Two loves in one?

"So, you're the guy that sucked Mark's cock to get reduced pay? Fuck you, we don't want you," angrily shoving Cory against the lockers.
"Wha.. what? No. I've worked here for years doing security and ring crew. I befriended him, and I had money saved up. Then I had a family problem.." he responded nervously.
"Yeah right. Go back to where you came from bitch." once more, banging Cory against the locker.
"Listen... get the fuck off me before fuck you up so bad you'll need an ambulance for each part of you body!!" Cory, using all the rage he had built up for years of dealing with wrestling drama, shoved the guy up against the opposite locker, knocking him on the floor. "By the way, what's you name? So I know what to call you when I make you my bitch!"
"Look man, I don't want any drama. The names Joe, and we'll see who becomes the bitch" Joe said, dusting himself off.
Cory continued to walk out the locker room, more eager to get in the ring than ever. He had so much on his mind that he paid no attention to the direction in which he was walking, when he came to a door he just opened it without looking. Then, he heard a scream... a female scream. He looked up and realized he had stumbled into the female locker room. He didn't know they had female training here.
"Get out!" yelled one of the trainees, wrapping a towel around her chest.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Cory replied, embarrassed.
"Clearly you don't, now get the fuck out!"
He made his way out of the locker room, then he stopped in his track. There was another trainee walking his way, and she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long, straight jet black hair, with streaks of purple. She was covered in tattoos. Her ears were gauged bigger than his. He didn't know who she was, but she exactly what he had always wanted in a girl.
"Hey hey, what were you doing in there?" the girl asked, with a slight humor to her voice.
"I.. I..." Cory tried to respond, but he was unable to speak.
"No, it's not... I'm not.."
"Haha, calm down big guy. I was joking, you don't look like a pervert,"
"What do I look like?" he responded, now that he could at least talk to her.
"The cute guy I see hanging out in the back of Hot Topic that I smile cutely at."
"Well thank you, uh I don't know your name, sorry," Cory said, slightly blushing.
"You're very welcome, and it's Stephanie, and your name mister black nails?"
"It's Cory, and hey don't hate on my style girl haha,"
"Nah, it's kinda sexy. Anyway, I better get dressed, don't come spying on me."
"I'll try not to." Cory replied, shaking her hand.
Cory stood there for a minute, thinking about what had just happened before making his way to the main room, where the ring was set up. He was ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Fixed the typo that I never realized ha