Status: active

Scream to be Heard


“What happened?” Kara asked as I got into her Honda accord.

“Just drive.” I mumbled shutting the door and leaning my head against the back of the seat.

“I brought you some advil. And there’s a water bottle in the back.” She said continuing to drive. “You look like you could use it.”

I nodded and took the pill and the water. After I chugged the water I slumped back into the seat. “Are you going to tell me what happened now?” Kara pressed pulling onto her street.

“Don’t freak out okay?” I looked over at her. She looked pretty, her hair was curled and she was wearing a sweater dress. “Do you have a date with Rian?”

“Yes. I do. Don’t change the subject! What happened, I won’t freak.” She said.

“I kind of…hadsexwithalex.” I bit my lip.

Kara’s jaw dropped and she slammed on the brakes. “Holy shit! What the hell!?”

I screamed and braced myself on the dashboard.

“You what?” She screeched, I could barely hear her…Although I’m sure the dogs all over town could make perfect sense of it.

“I told you not to freak out.” I muttered. “Christ.”

“I cannot-, you did not-, he what- You fucked Alex?!” She fumbled.

“Was I speaking French?” I said sarcastically. “Yeah, I fucked Alex. And it was good, let me tell you.”

“Wow, does he know?” she asked slowly easing on the brake and letting the car roll forward again.

“That I was a virgin?” I asked, even though I knew that was the question, “No he doesn’t.”

“Holy ball sack,” She face palmed, “Did he at least use protection?” She questioned worriedly.

“Nah. I’m on the pill, remember?” I said. And she nodded slowly.

My parents had put me on the pill when I was seventeen. That was when things started to go downhill. My family was becoming bankrupt, and my mom didn’t know how to deal with being poor. So she came up with a brilliant idea, Have an arranged marriage. That’s where Martin came in. His parents were the CEO’s of a huge corporation, Chase Bank, to be exact. They were rolling in dough. Martin was looking for a wife, and my mother was looking for money. Nevertheless, I was to marry the man who was 8 years older than I.


“Lauren?” Martin asked laying down on the bed.

“What?” I mumbled. It was awkward being around him. I barely knew him, yet we were engaged. He rubbed an empty spot on the bed, gesturing for me to lie next to him. I shook my head. “I’m not feeling too well.” I lied and attempted to retreat back to the large living room.

“Lauren, come on! We’re going to be married soon.” He whined. His dark black hair flew over into his face and his big pouty lips forced outward. I cringed at the sight of him.

“Not tonight.” I said. “I’m sorry.” I tried.

“You’re such a fucking tease.” He growled pounding his fist on the bed immaturely and getting up. As he rose towards me my hand flew out and slapped him right across the cheek.

“Don’t you ever fucking speak to me like that, again!” I seethed watching him nurse his cheek. I had had enough of his verbal abuse, and I wasn’t going to let my mother’s addiction to money stop me from leaving him. I picked up my things and threw them into a large Louis Vuitton bag and then grabbed my keys and phone.

“Oh so you won’t fuck me, but you’ll go to those band geeks house to fuck them? You groupie.” He spat shoving me out the door.

“I hope you die alone.” I said and then spat on him. I was feisty when I was angry, especially with Martin. I was sick of him being a dick, and I was sick of my family treating him like a God. They had no idea what he was like.

“Jack?” I asked into my phone as I plodded down the snowy streets. “I’m coming over.”

The next day I went back to Martin’s. My mother had called me begging me to at least give him one more chance. I unwillingly trudged back to his place with Jack and Zack. When I unlocked the door, I was greeted by the sight of my EX-fiance and his secretary Olivia on the couch in a full on naked make out session. I remember Zack blushing and turning away. Jack had yelled, “Holy fuckers.” And I went into shock. I should have seen it coming, but a part of me wanted to believe that Martin and I could have made it work for my family. But after that, nothing was ever going to be the same. My parents haven’t spoken with me since I split with him.
__________End Flashback________________________________

“Lauren?” Kara asked. “Lauren snap out of it!”

“What? Oh-sorry.” I shook my head and realized we were in her driveway.

“So tell me what happened, with Alex? Did you get in a fight after or something?” She asked as we got out of the car and went into her apartment.

“Well…sort of. He got really pissed off because I told him I was scared to be with him.” I rubbed my neck.

“I can understand that. I mean, we are talking about Alex here…God of the STD’s.” She chuckled. I didn’t. “Just give him a chance, Laur.” She plopped onto the couch and I sat next to her. “He might change, you never know. Plus, for the last couple weeks, it’s been obvious he likes you. I’ve never seen him act like this with a girl.”

I nodded. “I understand…It’s just hard.”

“No it’s not.” Kara said, “It’s easy, you give him one chance, and if he fucks it up…Well, then you know.” She shrugged.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soooo I know it's sort of a filler... But I felt ya'll needed to know her background with Martin. So yahh. ALSO, don't make fun of my little ____Flashback___ line... I don't know how to do all that funky italic stuff, so you get the generic line. If someone would care to show me how I can do that stuff, that would be greatly appreciated. But anywho, I hope you liked it. I promise there is more drama to come. :)

I love you all, and my comments. I don't want to make a limit on how many I'll have to post another....but one would be friendly :) pweasee.

