Status: active

Scream to be Heard


“Lauren?” Jack’s voice asked. “Lauren!” he whined again. “LAUREN!” He yelled slapping me on the leg. He was seated on the floor underneath me while I was snuggled against Alex on the couch.

“Ow! What the fuck, Jack!” I laughed and then rubbed my leg.

“You’re not supposed to hit girls.” Alex mentioned.

“When did you become a giant pussy?” Jack cringed up at Alex and then turned back to face the tv. “Pass me the fucking popcorn, Lauren!” He whined holding his hand up for me to pass it to him.

Alex grinned and pulled his gum out of his mouth and set it in Jack’s hand while he was continuing to stare at the tv.

“That doesn’t feel like pop- YOU FUCKER!” Jack shrieked and threw the piece of gum across the room. It stuck to the wall and then slowly slid down it.

“Gross.” I shuttered.

Rian looked over at us from the arm chair.

“Will you people shut the hell up? I’m trying to watch this!” Rian hissed in a whisper. Kara was resting peacefully against his chest.

“We’ve seen this multiple times, Rian!” Zack sighed. “Dumbledore dies, remember?”

“What the fuck! He does?!” Rian’s mouth strung open. “I haven’t seen this one yet, dumbass!” Rian’s voice raised five octaves fast. I could feel Alex chuckling next to me.

“Oh…are you sure?” Zack was trying to hold back a smile.

“Yes, you ass! Jesus, thanks a fricken lot!” Rian rolled his eyes and relaxed back into the chair. Kara stirred in her sleep.

“What’s going on?” She mumbled rubbing her eyes.

“Nothing baby, Zack just ruined my life…That’s all. Go back to sleep.” Rian said shooting daggers at Zack.

“Sorry, man.” Zack stifled back a laugh and proceeded into the kitchen.

“We all know you love your Harry Potter.” She yawned and then shut her eyes again.

“Not anymore.” He growled.

“Rian, calm the fuck down. Are you on your period?!” Jack asked seriously.

“You know what I have to say about that, Jack?” Rian looked over at him.


“This.” He flipped him off.

“Oooh! Where? In the bathroom? We don’t have to tell Kara about this.” Jack rolled his fingers together menacingly. Then he winked at him. I snorted with laughter.

“Go ahead, Rian. Whatever floats your boat.” Kara mumbled into his chest.

“Yes! I’m all yours!” Jack grinned.

“In your dreams, Barakat.” Rian rolled his eyes and focused back on the screen. Alex began playing with my hair and I became extremely relaxed and at ease. I relaxed into him and became in sync with the rhythm of his heart beat. The movie began to fade and my mind began to drift.

I was soon lurched out of my thoughts when my phone began to ring from my pocket. I pulled it out and read the ID, “Mom”. It read. My stomach dropped and I immediately felt sick to my stomach. She hadn’t called me in years. What could she possibly want? “Hey?” Alex asked looking over at me suspiciously. “You alright?”

“Yeah.” I replied nodding furiously. “I’m fine. Give me a second.” I got up and walked briskly to my room.

“Hello?” I asked into my phone. My hands were shaking so I put it on speaker phone.

“Lauren?” My mother’s voice said into the phone.

“Hi…mom.” I whispered.

“Hey, Lauren….” She paused. “I know we haven’t talked for a while…I needed to talk to you about something.” She said.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Your father and I are getting a divorce.” She said without so much as a pause.

“What?” I felt my throat closing.

“We’re splitting.” My mother said and sighed.

“Wow.” My blood was boiling. “Well, what do you want from me?”

“I need some money, darling.” She said softly.

“I’m sorry. What was that?” My teeth clenched and my fists curled tightly.

“Lauren, I’m going to be broke. He doesn’t have to pay any child support. I don’t have a job.” She cried.

“Mom! I don’t have money to give you! I work for my money, and I have to pay rent for this apartment!” I said standing up. My head began to throb and I was so furious I could have punched the first person I saw.

“If only you had married-“

“Don’t you dare say it, mom. Do NOT say it!” My blood pressure was rising, I quickly thought of taking an insulin shot but I was to angry to do anything but seethe at my mother.

“Honey, he was a good guy.”

“You don’t know anything.” I spat and hit the end button. How dare she call me after four long years of silence. My head was spinning and I suddenly felt like I wanted to throw up. I heard the creak of my door, and Alex stood there looking worried and confused.

“Hey, can I come in?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo, this one's extra long. and kind of a cliff hanger. haha sorryyyy. Anyways, thanks so much for the comments! I PROMISE i will list the people who have at some point. I'm just in a bad mood right now and going through a lot so I don't really feel like it at the moment. *sigh*

Cheer me up with a nice comment? Boo. life sucks.

