Status: active

Scream to be Heard


“Hey, can I come in?”

I nodded and patted the place next to me on the bed. I quickly wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and sighed. “What’s up?” He asked tilting my chin up with his finger. “I heard you yelling. You look upset.”

“My parents are getting a divorce.” I mumbled. His arm snaked around my back.

“Baby, I am so sorry.” He sighed. I nodded.

“What’s worse, is that I haven’t spoken to my parents in four years…Maybe if I had called them, or been a part of the family, they wouldn’t be divorcing.”

“How could you have? They basically disowned you after you left that dick of a guy, Martin.” Alex snapped out his name bitterly.

“I know.” I said. He hugged me tightly and kissed my lips. “She asked me for money, Alex.”

“Are you serious?” He looked appalled. I nodded. “What did you say?”

“I said no.” I squeaked feeling the tears come again.

“Oh hun, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I hate watching you cry.”

“Sorry.” I muttered, and wiped away the tears. I inhaled a deep breath. “Thanks Alex.”

“For what?” He asked.

“Being there for me.” I shrugged. He smiled.

“I want to be there for you.” Alex murmured into my ear. A shiver rolled up my back. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I couldn’t help but grin. I was overly excited and felt like jumping up and screaming from the top of my lungs. I nodded viciously. He kissed me and then picked me up off the bed. I wrapped my legs around his skinny waist. He kissed down my neck and his hands slid to my butt to hold me up. He shuffled to the door and shut it with his foot, all while continuing to kiss me. His tongue slid over my lips and mine opened.

I reached out to turn off the light and then Alex dropped me on my bed. “OW!” I squeaked as I hit my head on the headboard on my way down.

Alex laughed and reached out to rub my head where it had been hit. “Sorry.” He snorted and proceeded to kiss down my neck and over my chest. My back arched up and his cold hands slid underneath my shirt. My mind flickered back to when I had drunk sex with him a couple nights ago. I had to tell him.

“Alex?” I gasped when I felt the flick of my bra being unsnapped. He mumbled against me. “I have to tell you something.” I fumbled.

“Now?” He grumbled in frustration. I bit my lip and nodded. He sighed and rolled off of me. His hand was still draped across my waist and he leaned over to turn on my lamp.

“When we had sex last time…” I paused. He watched me confusedly. “I uh… never mind.” I blushed. I suddenly felt stupid, I shouldn’t have been saying anything about it, especially now. I mentally slapped myself. Alex had been with many girls, and I felt silly for telling him he was my first.

“No, tell me, Lauren.” He insisted nudging my shoulder.

I bit my lip. “When we went to the party…” He nodded. “That was the first time…” I trailed off. His eyes widened.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yeah…” I looked away. Great, he’s not used to that. He expects girls who know what they’re doing. His eyes focused on my lips and then he kissed me very gently.

“You’re amazing.” He rolled on top of me again and I suddenly felt relaxed again. He pulled off my shirt and I gingerly trailed my fingers up his shirt removing his as well. His abs were beautiful and I couldn’t help but stare. He continued to kiss down my chest while pulling on my sweatpants. I gasped for breath and pulled Alex closer to me. His hair brushed in my face as he removed my pants. Then I unbuttoned his jeans. He quickly rolled off me and opened a condom with his teeth.

“God. Someone was prepared.” I rolled my eyes and giggled. Alex pressed his finger to my lips and grinned mischievously.

"You know how I do." He attempted to sound extremely macho and ghetto.

"Alex, you-"

“Shhhh.” He whispered. “We don’t want anyone to hear right now.” He chuckled and rolled back over to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. I know I suck at these scenes. But I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You guys are seriously amazing! Thanks for commenting and subscribing it honestly motivates me to write more and get things posted sooner. So thanks so much!

2 more comments and I'll post in the next couple hours. :)

Love you all...

ps. i'm not very good at proofing... I kinda just.. write and post.. haha so let me know if there are typos and what not, or things that don't make sense. thanks!