Status: active

Scream to be Heard


I braced myself at the footstep of Martin’s huge apartment. I gulped. I didn’t want to lose Alex, but I didn’t want my parents to divorce either. My fist knocked on the door.

“Lauren?” Martin asked opening the door. I suspected he looked through the peephole to see who I was. “What are you doing here?” He asked suspiciously.

“I um…wanted to talk.” I rubbed my arm with my other hand. He opened the door wider so I could step inside. I took in the leather couch, and beautiful tapestries. “Wow…Not much has changed.” I muttered slipping off my shoes so I wouldn’t ruin the white carpet.

“So, why are you here?” He poured coffee into a cup on the table and began to sip from it.

“My parents are divorcing.” I gulped. I could tell he was faking his sympathy.

“Oh dear, that’s not good.” He mused.

“No, it’s not.”

“And how can I help?” He asked and motioned for me to sit on the couch. Tears threatened my eyes and I regretted what I was about to do.

“They won’t divorce if I get them money.” I gulped. “I don’t have much so I…”

“You want my money?” He questioned. I nodded slowly averting his gaze.

“That comes with a price, Lauren.” He mused, setting down his coffee cup.

I almost threw up in my mouth. “And that would be?” He got up from his chair and sat next to me. His hand twirled around a curl of my hair.

“I need something from you.” His breath smelled gross. I cringed and pulled away from him.

“What do you want?” I questioned.

“I want you to come here, once a week.” He smiled.

“And what?” I was scared now, but I would do anything to keep my parents together.

“Do what I ask you. Think of it as a part time job.” He chuckled beginning to play with the sleeve of my shirt. I pushed his hand off and scooted away.

“And you’ll give my parents money for their house?” I asked standing up. I wanted out of there as soon as possible. He followed me closely.

“Yes. As long as you do what I ask.” He grinned. I nodded. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

“Please don’t tell Alex about this.” My voice shook. His hand caught my arm.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said. “We can start now.” He locked the apartment door and turned back around.

“Okay. What do I do?” I asked.

“You can start by cleaning my kitchen. It’s a mess.” He said and pointed towards the kitchen. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and noticed the pans, plates, and cups everywhere. It was a mess.

“How long do you want me to do this?” I asked.

“Until it’s finished, obviously.” He shrugged and then left towards his room. I sighed and picked up a plate.

It was around one am, and I had told Alex I would be home tonight. The kitchen was almost clean, but I still had some things to finish up. I was tired, and fatigued and all I wanted to do was sleep. Martin came into the room and looked around.

“Looks good.” He mentioned. My hand was pressed on the granite counter top.

“Alright, well I’m going home now.” I said and threw a dish rag into the sink tiredly.

“Wait.” He said and spun me to face him. “Kiss me.” He said looking at my lips. I pushed him away from me angrily.

“Fuck no!” I screeched marching to the door. He grabbed my waist and swung me around harshly. My head hit up against the wall. He pressed his lips into mine and roughly kissed me. I struggled to push him off me and he bit down on my lip. “Stop it!” I yelled finally getting the strength to push him away.

“Lauren!” He yelled back. “You want your money don’t you?” He seethed. I nodded slowly reaching towards the door. “Then you’ll do, what I tell you to.” He glared and then turned to go back to his room. I shot out the door as fast as possible. When I got into my car, I sighed and broke down. Tears flooded my face. When I finally pulled myself together, I drove home.

Alex’s POV

“She was supposed to be home like, three hours ago.” I grumbled throwing my head back on the chair.

“Will you chill out? I bet there was traffic.” Jack suggested. He was probably right. I picked up my acoustic guitar and began strumming again. Not long after, the front door opened.

Lauren entered and set down her purse. She proceeded to the kitchen without a word. I walked behind her and watched her prick her finger. While waiting for the monitor to check her blood she reached with the other hand to pour some juice. I came close behind her and she jumped.

“Holy shit. You scared me!” She sighed spilling a little juice. I chuckled.

“Sorry, babe.” I replied. She picked up the juice and sipped it down.

“Ahhh. Better.” She smiled. Her face looked pale, and she looked exhausted.

“I thought you were going to be home around 11?” I asked.

“There was a lot of traffic. Plus, I was at a new job.”

I did a double take, “You have another job?”

“Yeah, it’s just a part time thing for a little extra cash.” I could tell she was lying but I didn’t want to push it.

“Where at?” I asked anyways.

“Oh, just a friends.” She shrugged. “I’m really tired Alex, I’m just going to go to bed.” She sighed again and leaned up to kiss me. I pecked her soft lips and watched her slowly trudge to her room. “That was weird.” I thought to myself and proceeded back to the couch to join Jack again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhhhhhhh...... I don't know if I like this....AT ALLL!!!! PLEASE tell me what you think, because I might go back and change this chapter to lead in another direction if no one likes it. SO PLEASEEEE PLEASEEE TELL ME IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!

That will be all.

Wow.... Martin's such an ass. :)
