Status: active

Scream to be Heard


“Wake up warthogs.” I slapped my hand on the couch the next morning. I had driven everyone home, except for Alex, who was missing in action. (What else is new?)

“It’s too bright in here.” Jack whined.

“I’m sorry, honey, you want me to go turn off the sun?” I stuck out my bottom lip and proceeded to the kitchen.

“Yes, please. Can you turn off the sarcasm too?” He smiled up at me. I frowned.

“You idiot.” I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the little machine that had been taking my blood for the last 30 seconds. Yup, I have type 2 diabetes. It normally doesn’t get in the way of my life, at least, I don’t let it. It’s something that runs in the family. “You guys seen Alex?” I asked sucking on my finger I had recently pricked. Then I put a bagel in the toaster.

Jack shook his head and walked into the kitchen. “Sorry, cupcake.” I blushed.

“I just mean, I hope he isn’t dying of alcohol poisoning…” I trailed off. Zack rolled his eyes, it seemed everyone knew I liked him, except Alex.

“Umhm…sure, Lauren.” Zack said pouring himself some milk. He looked like hell.

“You get a little too trashed last night, Zack?” I asked. He stuck his tongue out at me.

“Don’t you have t-shirts to design?” He grumbled.

“Yeah, speaking of which, I gotta get going.” I popped my bagel out of the toaster and proceeded back to my room. I slipped off my pink tank top and green shorts and hopped into the hot shower. I couldn’t help but wonder what Alex was up to. I sighed and pushed back my wet hair letting the water soak across my face. Even in high school he was known as the “asshole”. He dated people for maybe three weeks at a time. When I would bring him up to some of my friends they would scrunch their nose at me and say, “Oh that asshole who dumped Lexy after fucking her?” or “Oh my ex, yah we dated for about 2 hours.”

The problem was, I knew there was another side to Alex. I just had a hard time fishing it out of him. He never used to be how he is now. Ever since his brother died he became hard, and cold, and frankly…an ass. I just wish that the old Alex would return. I doubt it would happen overnight, but maybe I could make him change? I shook my head in the shower and laughed…I could never make him change.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my head and starred into the mirror. My green eyes looked tired. I turned to the left to get a look at the profile. I didn’t have any curves what so ever, I was as flat as a board. That’s what I get for dancing for 10 years. I sighed, I wasn’t anything like the girls Alex went for. I rolled my eyes and then pulled my long brown hair out of the towel, “This is as good as it’s gonna get.”

“Guy’s I’m leaving.” I said pulling my hair into a pony tail. Jack turned around from the T.V set. “Is Kara already at the studio?”

“Um…I don’t think she’s going in today, she said she wasn’t feeling good.” Rian said coming out of the kitchen. My stomach dropped, I guess I would be doing the designs myself today.

“Oh okay.” I said and picked up my tote bag. “I’ll see you guys later.” I opened the door of the apartment and stepped out. Just as I was walking down the steps, Alex turned the corner and started up them. My stomach tied itself into knots.

“Lauren!” He smiled. He looked like hell, his hair was a mess, (sex hair) and he looked hung over and tired. “How are you?”

“Fine.” I replied shortly. “It’s good to see you didn’t die last night. Hope you had fun.” I said bitterly. Alex bit his lip and looked away from my eyes. I couldn’t decide if he was embarrassed or annoyed that I had called him out. “So tell me Alex, was she good?”

“Lauren I-“

“Save it, Gaskarth…” I said softly. “I’ll be at the studio.”

“Lauren! Come on! Why do you care anyways?” He shot back at me as I briskly walked away from him.

“You’re better than the frequent one night stand Alex! Grow up!” I hissed clenching my fists.

“I was drunk!” He argued, fixing his beanie on his head. God, why did he have to be so attractive.

“So what, that doesn’t give you an excuse. I know you’re not happy.” I yelled. My blood was boiling fast. To this he had no comeback- I had shot him right in the chest. “I’ll see you later.” I half whispered and turned around to walk to my car. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. it was never my intention to piss off Alex. I just wanted him to see that the local fuck wasn’t going to make him happy.
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I have the day off today sooooo I'll be working on this story a lot todayy. Yay I have subscribers! Which is more than I can ask for, for one chapter. You people rock, :) could comment if you would like? :D
