Status: active

Scream to be Heard


“Where are we?” I asked, taking in the beautiful lights. The place was packed with people all dining happily.

“Reservation for Gaskarth.” Alex left my side for a moment to tell the hostess.

“Damn, Alex.” I breathed. “I didn’t know you had this in you.” I laughed and knocked his arm lightly. He chuckled and we followed the hostess to our seats. Alex even held out the chair for me. This was a side to him I hadn’t seen. He sat down on the opposite side of me and looked through his menu. I did the same.

“Can you bring us some champagne? And I’ll have the angel hair pasta.” He said closing the menu. I didn’t realize the waitress was waiting for my response because I was busy starring at Alex. It wasn’t until Alex kicked me slightly under the table that I looked down at my menu.

“I’ll have the same.” I blushed and handed the waitress my menu.

“Smoooth.” Alex laughed.

“Champagne, Lex?” I grinned at him. “A little classy for you don’t you think?” I laughed.

He just stared at me with an award winning smile. I could feel the blush not leaving and I looked away from him. “What? What’s wrong?”

“You called me Lex!” He sounded like a boy on Christmas.

“Yeah…so…” I said pretending not to follow.

“You haven’t called me Lex since- since high school!” His smile never faded.

“Yeah…I guess you’re right.” I smiled back. The waitress bought the champagne but we both hadn’t noticed.

“Why have I never noticed your smile?” He asked.

I choked for a minute and then found my response, “You haven’t really noticed anything of me much since, since sophomore year.”

Alex frowned and loosened his tie. “I know. I’m sorry. My brother he-“ He swallowed. “He changed me.”

“I know.” I responded. Alex then unlocked his gaze from mine and poured the champagne. “Alex I- you pushed me away.”

“I know I did.” He sighed. “I didn’t mean to, I just- you don’t know what it’s like to cope with something like that.”

“I do though.” I said back quickly. He looked like he was about to say something but then he stopped.

“You do?” He questioned. To this I nodded.

“You feel like nothing in the world is going to make things okay again. That everything was suddenly taken from you and no one was going to make them return. A hole in your heart grows and you can’t find the words for anyone. So you shut them out, and keep to yourself…maybe drink to make the pain go away. But no matter how many drinks or how many one night stands you have- nothing fills that space where there used to be so much.” I felt myself tear up a little. Alex shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

“You really hit the nail on the head right there.” He coughed swigging down a huge gulp of champagne. I smiled unhappily.

“You’re not the only one who’s lost someone they loved.” I sighed and then drank some of the champagne myself.

“I’m sorry.” He said looking directly in my eyes. They were brown and sympathetic.

“It’s okay, Alex.” I half whispered.

“No, it’s not okay.” Alex said. “We used to be really close, and I ruined that. And I don’t know if I can make up for it, but I’ll try to.” He half smiled, and I smiled too. He didn’t press for details after that. The rest of the night was wonderful. We laughed, we ate, we had a great time. And I finally got in touch with the Alex I used to know.

“Is this the part where we awkwardly stand at your apartment door and I pick out cheesy pick up lines to make you swoon?” He smiled, his hands wrapped around my waist.

“It would be, except…you live here too. So I think the ‘goodnight’ part…doesn’t really count.” I laughed.

“Course it does.” He laughed looking down at me.

“How?” I smirked. He pushed a strand of my hair away from my face.

“Goodnight, Lauren.” He whispered seductively.

“Night.” I muttered and his lips suddenly pressed against mine. My eyes shot open and then slowly relaxed into the kiss. My mind was spinning, and my knees suddenly felt weak. His lips were softer than I had expected, and he smelled wonderful. He pulled away slowly, his lips still lingering close to mine. I pecked him softly again and then backed away from him. He smiled.

“Good date?” He asked.

“Perfect.” I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Do I get another one?” He asked pouting.

“Of cou-“

“HOLY FLYING FUCKERS! I DID NOT MEAN TO DISTURB!” The door flew open revealing Jack. His face was twisted in a strange contortion. He slammed the door shut again and we heard him muttering profanities inside the apartment. Alex and I looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“We better go consol him, now that he’s disturbed.” Alex laughed and opened the apartment door
♠ ♠ ♠
Awh how presh.. they kissed. :D

Okay, i'm still waiting for those comments peeps! :D

Let me know how I'm doing, I'm not too sure about this one.
