Status: active

Scream to be Heard


Lauren’s POV

“I promise you, Lauren, I will never hurt you.” He said. He looked desperate. I sighed again, I was still unsure whether I could trust him. I had spent the last couple nights sleepless, wondering if what I was doing was the right thing. Sure I really liked Alex, but I knew his reputation, and I wasn’t ready to be another notch on the bed. “Lauren?” Alex pulled me out of my gaze.

“First slip up, Alex…And it’s over.” I said pointing my finger at him. He then smiled.

“I won’t let you down!” He said mocking some kind of macho voice. I chuckled and he then wrapped me in a hug. “So, do I get to take you on another date?” He asked into my shoulder.

“Sure, Alex.” I laughed. “But I really need to go get the print design for those shirts.” I said and pushed him away from me.

“Alright. I’ll let you do your thing.” He winked and then walked back up the steps. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to my car. When I sat down a wave of nausea hit me. I moaned and then started the car.

After carefully printing out all of the shirts and putting them in their labeled boxes, I realized I had missed dinner. It was around 7 o’clock and I was still in the office. I packed the final boxes and put each and every one of them into my car. I yawned exhaustedly and started my car. When I reached the apartment, I knew I needed to eat something, and fast. If I didn’t, I would need a large dose of insulin. I picked up the boxes and shakily walked up the steps. I opened the door with one hand and turned sideways to see where I was going. It didn’t matter though, everything was blurry.

“Hey Lauren!” Jack smiled and turned back to the conversation he was having with the boys.

“Jack.” I tried to gasp out but my throat wouldn’t allow it. I set the boxes on the counter and leaned on it for balance.

“Hey, Lauren! Come join us! Zack’s trying to prove he isn’t addicted to working out. It’s hysterical.” Alex laughed. I heard Zack snort. My vision became blurred and I felt like throwing up. I was sweating and my grip on the counter loosened. “Lauren?” Alex’s voice asked again. My hand left the counter side and I felt my body fall to the floor. I remember hitting my head on something hard and then everything blurred to black.

My head felt heavy, and I was aching for water. “Lauren?” A voice asked sounding extremely concerned. “Lauren? Baby, can you hear me?”

Baby…who in the world would be calling me baby?

There was a pain in my head that seethed uncontrollably. I slowly opened my eyes looking up into the brown ones of Alex and Jack. “Where am I?” I croaked out reaching around for my blankets, but this wasn’t my bed.

“Alex’s room was closer.” Jack said. “How are you feeling, cupcake?”

“My head hurts. What happened?” I asked. Then I felt the bruise on my stomach from where an insulin shot had been put.

“You passed out, and hit your head on the counter on the way down.” Alex said brushing back my sweaty hair with his cool hand. “Can you sit up?” He asked. I nodded slightly and struggled to sit up with Jack and Alex’s help. “You gotta drink something.” He said passing me the cup of orange juice that was sitting next to me. Suddenly my stomach clenched and I felt sick to my stomach even thinking about food.

“Do I have to?” I winced out. Alex’s eyes creased with worry.

“Course you do, you need sugar.” He reasoned. My stomach made a really weird noise and I felt a sudden shooting pain in it. “Lauren? Are you okay?”

“No, I um…where is my needle?” I asked. Alex handed to me and I fumbled with it. My hands were too shaky and sweaty. Alex took it from me and pricked my finger himself. He read the number, “62.” He sighed. “That’s better than earlier. You need to drink this, Lauren!” Alex insisted passing me the cup. I took a look at it and then sipped it slowly.

“I’ll be out there if you need me.” Jack said and stood up. Alex looked over me worriedly.

“I’m fine Alex.” I reassured him.

“I’ve never seen you so pale.” He said brushing a hand across my cheek. “You scared the shit out of us.” He chuckled slightly. I winced again at the shooting pain in my head. “Does your head hurt?” I only nodded. “You hit it pretty hard.” I nodded again. “If it makes you feel any better, you’re beautiful when you’re unconscious.” He smiled. I laughed slightly. “I’ll let you rest.” He kissed my forehead.

He went to stand but I reached out and grabbed his arm.

“Stay with me.” I pleaded. He looked out into the hall and then shut the door.

“Alright.” He said and lied down next to me. His arms curved around my waist and I immediately felt better. He kissed the back of my neck and I shut my eyes slowly. “Relax, baby.” He soothed running a hand down my hair. I felt my muscles release and then I drifted off.
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Soooo..... I keep losing subscribers and I feel like you guys don't like this... soo....uhm I'm going to hold off on posting for a little bit until someone reassures me its an okay story...

Please tell me what your thinking. :/
