Forever After

The Beginning

Parker was almost asleep when she heard it. The sound that made your eyes widen, heart stop, and breathing hush. Footsteps. Her mother? No, she never gets up this late... Oh, god it was
Like those movies, the ones she knew she shouldn't watch but did anyways, she was going to die. They were fast aproaching her door, her door, of course her door! The footsteps stopped. Parker felt a silent tear slide down her cheek. Knock knock. Parker breathed a sigh of relief, killers didn't knock. Excuse me may I come in and stab you? It was probably her mom. "Come in." she said a little too quiet because her voice was still hoarse from the scare. The door opened and in walked a figure way too tall to be her mom. Seth. "Seth? What are you doing in my room?" she hissed quietly.
"You invited me in." he said smirking.
"Okay smartass really how did you in my house?"
" Through this magical thing called a front door. You should try it." he smirked.
"Haha, well at least it's you,    
I thought it was a physco killer!"
" And how do you know I didn't come here to kill you?" he asked. Parker started laughing. "As if!"
"I'm serious Parker." his expression turned dark but Parker didn't notice.
"Oh, yes! Knock knock! Who's there? It's Seth I'm here to kill you! That would be hilarious!"
" Parker it is not funny!" he snapped. His eyes were liquid navy. They were nowhere near his normal eye color. "I am dangerous." he growled.
" Yah yah, you are as dangerous as..." she eyed her storybook. "a character in a fairy tale!" she laughed again. Seth was fuming. "You think you are so funny Parker Bowmerfreid but you aren't. I am dangerous. Fairytales are dangerous too, you don't know anything."
" I know enough Seth, prove fairytales are dangerous to me then I will believe you." Seth looked at her like she had made a bet he'd knew he'd win. "Tomorrow I will. You are going to be sorry you ever said that Parker." she smiled. "Don't count on it." she said as Seth walked out of her room.  
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Sorry this is short I just have had this idea in my brain way too long! This is sloppy though...