
A love story as simple as boy meets girl, kisses that outnumber the stars in the sky that they peruse as they hold hands. A love that will last for all time.
Savannah never thought she'd find her soul mate, but it's finally happened, and she's never been happier.
Alex has been waiting for love his entire life, and now that he has it, he's not going to let it slip through his fingers.
Can these young lovers make it against the pressures of the world? Will they truly have a "happy ever after?"

Disclaimer: This story is loosely based on the song Mine by Taylor Swift :)
  1. Chapter One
    Something's Changing
  2. Chapter Two
    A Moment That Will Last Forever
  3. Chapter Three
    These butterflies won't go away
  4. Chapter Four
    It's Just You And Me Now
  5. Chapter Five
  6. Chapter Six
    Prince Charming
  7. Chapter Seven
    This Is Why I Keep You Around
  8. Chapter Eight
    I'll Feed You M&M's All Day
  9. Chapter Nine