Its just wrong

Bonding relationship

(Just so you know, in this I pretend Lupin didn't (SPOILER) die and he is resuming his job as defense against the dark arts teacher)

'Who would like to demonstrate the spell that repels a dementor?" asked Proffessor Lupin quietly.

Luna stood up. "I would like to demonstrate, sir."

She did the spell, and a rabbit flew out of her wand.

'Perfect,' said Lupin, smiling.

Draco Malfoy groaned automatically.

'Mr.Malfoy, would you like to demonstrate your patronus?'

Draco fidgeted. 'No thanks'

'Tough, you have to. Such is the price you pay for your rudeness.'

Draco groaned and stood up. Hermione smirked.

'...I don't know how.'

Luna put her hand up. 'I can help Draco, if he would like it. I could teach him how to do a patronus?'

'Ah, such a kind offer Luna. Yes, you may. 5 points to Ravenclaw for your kindness, and 5 points from Slytherin.'

After class, Draco walked up to Luna.

'Yes?' asked Luna, sensing Draco was about to say something.

Draco opened his mouth and closed it. 'You...than-' Wait, what was he doing? He was Draco! Draco never says thank you! 'You are a stupid mudblood' he said.

Luna raised her eyebrow. 'I am not a mudblood, I am a pureblood, I beg your pardon.'

Draco stopped. 'Well your a blood traitor like the stupid Weasley's then.'

Luna rolled her eyes. 'And proud to be one.' She walked off, but Draco could tell Luna was quite hurt.

Draco felt himself running up to her. 'Sorry.'

Luna stared at him. Draco Malfoy saying sorry? This was amazing.

'I-I'll see you tomorrow, room of requirement to teach you the patronus' said Luna, and rushed off.

Draco sighed and blushed. He ran off to the slytherin common room. He was really embaressed. But he thought it was quite ....sweet that Luna was so witty. Then he pulled out a hank of his hair. 'Draco doesn't think Luna's hot, okay?!' he yelled. Pansy Parkingson burst into tears. Draco suddenly noticed that he had said that out loud.

'Pansy, I was just-' began Draco. He noticed Severus Snape walk in. 'Did I hear someone burst into tears???' asked Snape. 'Whats the problem, Pansy?'

'D-Draco said he thought Luna Lovegood was hot.'

He heard a gasp. It wasn't Pansy or Snape. It was Luna. Luna was with Snape.

'What are you doing here?!' yelled Draco.

'Snape took me in for detention for accidently dropping one of my earrings in a potion....he took the earrings out and cleaned them for me, but I have to have detention.'

Draco looked at Snape, expecting him to laugh. But Snape just shrugged. He edged up near Draco. 'I fell for a Gryffindor,' he whispered. 'at least your able to pick a ravenclaw.'

Luna walked up to Draco. Everyone stared.

She slapped him automatically.

'OmiGod! I'm so sorry!' gasped Luna. She suddenly felt really guilty.

'It-OK' muttered Draco. He had never been slapped before. He looked at Luna with wonder. How could she say sorry? Saying sorry was extremely difficult. Especiallly difficult for Draco. Draco opened his lips to say something mean to calm himself down. 'You are overemotional'.

Luna looked hurt. She walked up to him. She raised her hand. Draco didn't want another slap, and he wanted to apologise to Luna without saying sorry.

'Miss Lovegood, slap him again and you will get detention on Friday, too.'

'Friday?' asked Luna, turning around. 'I only have detention toda-?'

'You have detention on Thursday for slapping Draco.' said Snape harshly. 'And you will have another if you slap him once more.'

Luna turned around to look at Draco.

Suddenly, Draco kissed her.