Status: Sexually active

The Only Hope for Me Is You


Frank stared out the window. His eyes, after all this time, had barely become accustomed to the dim light cast over the streets outside. It was devastation. The sun had long gone, sunken behind the clouds to hide away. Frank wished he could do the same. The earth was gray as far as he could see, there was no life, no hope. The rain was pouring down heavily now, causing the roads to swell and burst like rivers, not that it mattered. Roads these days were just thoroughfares, they didn’t lead anywhere. They were just straight lines for soldiers and tanks, and the remains of soldiers and tanks and sometimes, innocent people.
This, was a war.
Frank sighed, leaving a neat circle of mist on the pane. He ran his finger through it, crossing out his breath, crossing out the life flowing through him. He could see smoke on the horizon now, signalling another attack, and he wondered how on earth he’s made it this far at all. He knew they were looking for him, and he knew they’d find him. It was just a question of when.
He heard the floor boards creak behind him and a tiny nervous cough as someone entered the room.

‘How do I look?’
Frank turned slowly, his mouth falling slack at the sight.
‘Oh’ He breathed sadly ‘Gerard, I..I just’
‘Please don’t’ Gerard squeaked, throwing his hand out weakly to hush frank.
Frank stared at his best friend, his head down and his eyes on his big army boots that frankly, looked ridiculous. His green Jacket was buttoned right up to his chin, and was ill fitting over his skinny frame, and the holster round his waist, holding a rifle, made him look like a small child in fancy dress. Gerard looked up very slowly. His helmet sat awkwardly on his head, pushing his black straggly hair over his eyes, and Frank, although he couldn’t see, was almost certain he was crying.
‘Why are you doing this Gee’ Frank whispered, stepping an inch towards him as he spoke.
‘I have to, they found me Frank’ he sniffed. ‘Soon enough they’ll find you too’
Frank moved forwards, cupping Gerards face in his hands.
‘Never’ He whispered. ‘they’d have to kill me first’
Gerard smiled slightly, brushing Franks fringe from his face. ‘I can’t just leave you here Frankie’ He half sobbed. ‘It’s so unfair’
‘I can’t just let you go either Gerard’ Frank said through gritted teeth, Grabbing Gerard by the shoulders and shaking him lightly ‘You shouldn’t fucking have to, If you’d just hidden like I said then..’
‘Frank’ Gerard cut him off ‘I saved you, I did the most important thing. This, well this is just an afterthought’
‘How can you be so fucking blasé about it’ Frank shouted, pushing Gerard away and resuming his place by the window.
He thought about that night, when the army came back, in their tanks and trucks, breaking down the doors and all the windows to find men to fight. Frank had only just turned 18, and was petrified he’d die out there. He had clung onto his best friend for dear life. He had felt Gerards heart rate increase rapidly when they bashed down the door, so much so Frank thought it would pop from his chest. Gerard had dragged him into the hall way, holding him against the wall and hissing at him not to move. Frank had done as he was told and waited as Gerard disappeared. It seemed like an age until he came back with a gun, and bundled Frank up into the attic. He could hear the men shouting downstairs, up turning tables, chairs and emptying cupboards and drawers. Gerard had pulled Frank across the room, running his hand along the far wall behind an old dresser. His eyes had lit up when he found what he was looking for, and he signalled for Frank to help him move the dresser as quietly as possible. Frank obeyed, pulling the heavy object as carefully as possible so as not to make a noise. Frank had realised that here, was the entrance to the insulation cavities in the roof. He remembered thinking how lucky he was to have such a clever best friend. He had watched as Gerard pushed at the little vent, prising it loose as best as possible without making noise. It was then Frank hear the men enter the bedroom below them. A little squeak emitted from his throat, and Gerard had hissed again putting his fingers to his lips. Gerard had pushed the vent one last time, and it came loose, falling into the dark roof space. Frank had peered in, cringing at the thought, and Gerard had pushed him gently on his lower back to guide him into the gap. It was then, that Frank had hear the soldiers boots, heavy on the stairs, and Gerard had pushed him hard in panic to get him into the space. He remembered grabbing out to Gerard to make him come to, but Gerard had shook his head. There was no time. Frank had gasped, holding back tears as Gerard grabbed his gun and closed the vent. Frank remembered hearing the dresser get shoved back into place, before the slam of the door and shouting voices, then a familiar cry and the heavy thump of the gun falling to the ground, then nothing. He had waited, holding in his tears, for hours until he finally crawled out the space and slumped downstairs. The house had been left in ruin and he’d thrown himself around worrying he would never see Gerard again.

‘I thought they’d killed you’ Frank spoke, into the silence. Gerard scoffed. Frank knew full well in those months they had kept Gerard fighting for nothing, that they may aswell have killed him anyway.
‘Why go back? Why now, after everything?’ Frank turned to Gerard again. His eyes pleading for some kind of clarity.
‘This is a war Frank. There’s no chance to pick and choose’ He sighed walking over to Frank, holding his hands. ‘The found me, and like I said, they’ll find you too, and I have to be ready for that’
‘You only just got back’ Frank whispered, his forehead resting against Gerard’s. ‘Stay another night, please’
‘I can’t Frank, you know I can’t’ Gerard rested his hand on Franks cheek. His breath was warm on Franks face. ‘I just had to know you were alright’
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wow ok so it's been a while, I mean a long while, and I'm so sorry, had to hunt for inspiration, god i've been all over to get it. To those of you that are returning, I promise to get ghost up and running as soon as I can, but gosh will I struggle for time.
Gilbert x