Status: Active

Baby, This Is Teenage Wildlife

I Give Up

The next few days, A.J. and I did everything together. We went shopping, got our nails done. I was almost convinced he was gay. "O.M.G. This color totally goes with my eyes. Don't you thing?" A.J. joked one day after I asked him if he was gay. "And girl, those shoes are to die for!" He did his best gay impression as he took a sip of his frappe.

"Okay, okay." I laughed. "I get it, you're not gay." A.J. let out a gasp and put a shocked look on his face.

"What?! Are you sure? Maybe I'm just not ready to, you know, come out yet." A.J. winked at me. The next thing I did even shocked me. I put my clothes and frappe down and grabbed his face and gave him a big kiss.

"Nope. Definitely not gay." I said casually and picked my stuff back up. I could still feel the tingling on my lips. I turned around to see A.J. standing over by the dressing rooms with his mouth hung open in shock. "Are you coming? The store won't stay open forever." I turned back around and walked over to the checkout counter. I heard him run up behind me and follow me outside.


"You kissed him?" Katie asked shocked.

"Yeah." I shrugged. "We were joking around about him being gay, and I proved he wasn't. No big deal." I continued to flip through the magazine I bought. I still blushed just thinking about the kiss.

"You guys are gonna get married." Katie sat back on her couch and turned on the t.v.

"No we're not." I rolled my eyes. "We just met a few days ago. How can you already tell?"

"Ha! You just admitted you want to marry him."

"What?! No I didn't!" I was way confused.

"Just admit it, you like him." Katie got up and grabbed us some Pepsi's from the kitchen.

"Well, yeah, but he obviously doesn't like me." I shrugged and changed the channel. I heard Katie laugh. "What?"

"Girl, that is a lie straight from the pit of Hades." She rolled her eyes and handed me my Pepsi.

"Whatever." I shrugged and continue to channel surf.

"So, when you kissed him," Katie began. "did he kiss you back, or did he push away?"

"I'm not talking about this with you, Katie." I sighed.



"Why not?" She whined. "We're best friends. I thought we had something special!" I didn't answer. "Fine, I'll continue to annoy you... even in your sleep." She made a stupid ghost noise. "Please? Please? Please? Please?"

"Katie..." I warned.

"Please? Please? Por favor?"

"Katie!" She shut up. "Yes, he kissed me back! For God's sake! Just shut up!" I ran to my room and slammed my door behind me.

"Okay... thank you!" Katie yelled. I rolled my eyes and went over to my bed. I loved her to death, but sometimes...


A.J and I decided to hang out at the park the next day and have a friendly picnic. "Katie said we're going to get married?" A.J. asked and let out a chuckle. "That's ridiculous." That hurt a little bit. "A girl like you wouldn't go for a guy like me." He shrugged kind of sad.

"A girl like me?" I tried to keep the anger from seeping into my words.

"Yeah, someone as amazing as you. You're way out of my league." He explained. "You're too... perfect. If I were to ask a girl like you out, I'd probably make a fool of myself." My heart did a little pitter-patter and I smiled.

"I doubt that." I smiled and scooted a little closer to him. "I bet," I pulled my knees up to my chest. "if you were to ask me out, I would say yes." I bit my lip and looked down at the grass.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed.

"You don't know how to pick up hints, do you?" I asked and began to draw figures in the sand.

"One of my downfalls, I guess." A.J. replied. I rolled my eyes and finally looked up at him.

"Jeez." I rolled my eyes. I sat criss-cross again.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, have you ever like someone and you know they like you, but they don't know you like them, and even though you drop hints, they don't get it?"

"Can't say I have." A.J. shrugged and leaned back on his arms. "The weather is beautiful today, yeah?" I groaned and fell on my back.

"I. Give. Up." I covered my face with my hands.

"What?" I moved my hands to see A.J.'s face about a foot above mine. I looked at him for a minute and decided to go for it. I grabbed his face again, and pulled him down, and kissed him. Once the initial shock was gone, he began to kiss me back. It was the most perfect moment. Almost like what you see in the movies, but better.