The Fallen Among Us

The Questionnaire

Chapter 2

I awoke in what felt like several hours later but I wasn’t sure. As I began to stir though I saw many blurs of soldiers around me and pretty soon I was laying in a hospitable bed staring down five gun barrels, all fully loaded.

“Ray? Good, you recovered from the dose quickly” I looked around the room my eyes adjusting to the industrial lighting.
“Wait who are you? Where a-am I?” That’s all I managed to choke out before feeling vomit in my throat.

“Why Mr. Woodshaw, your in your new home, industrial site #457 or now known as D-block towers.” I squinted my eyes before finding a man in a black business suit among the soldiers. He was obviously the one in charge

“Now I believe you asked who I was? Yes, yes, indeed you did. Well my name is Senator Harris, the one in charge of recruiting all squad leaders, and from what I understand you used to be in the army before? Is that correct?”

My mind and vision blurred as I remember the screams and blood of my past

“Hmm, well I suppose you already know about your past and what got you into this predicament in the first place. Such a shame too, how many months did you have before you were sent on leave? Two, three? Well the past will remain past for now, in the mean time we have a little sight seeing activity for you.”

“Ah, wha-- what do you mean?” unable to hold it in after that, a small trickle of vomit and blood ran down my chin.

“Oh my Ray have some manors! Ha-ha, I’m deeply sorry about shooting you. The guard who did it has been- disposed of properly but enough with friendly chatter, time for business. Are you ready to meet god?”

His tone of voice might have been joke worthy but the last few words confused me but I was too weak to question it. I merely stayed silent.

“Ah, very good then Mr. Woodshaw, Mr. Stanley give him the dosage”

“Yes sir!” I saw a blur of one of the soldiers move to a table and reaching into a jar. I looked into his fist and saw a needle.

“Oh hell” I mumbled. More vomit had trickled down my mouth. The soldier said calmly with slight eagerness in his voice “this will hurt” then he jammed the needle straight into my neck. All I remember was seeing light then ending up inside a animal pound

“Where the hell am I?” I questioned then prepared myself for the sting of vomit and blood but it never came then a voice answered me back in a deep soothing voice

“You are here my child, in the very chambers of my existence.”

“Your existence? Wait, first off, where are you?”

“Spiritually I’m everywhere, but literally I’m in any cage you see before you” I give a glance of my surroundings and notice many animal cages. I slowly and cautiously walk up to one before peering inside.

“Oh I get it a joke right? There’s nothing in the cage besides a raccoon” as I spoke these words a grin, well either that or a smirk, came across its face.

“Holy hell” I whispered

“Hello my child” said the raccoon its lips mouthing the words spoken to me.

“Who are you?”

“I am god, master and creator. I speak through these animals. I do not have much time with you.”

“Ok-- Lord? Why am I here?”

“You are here to take a part of me with you. Any animal you choose in this place will be placed in your heart and me and you my child will become one.” I gave another glance of the room, I saw and owl and a cheetah eyeing me. Their mouths moving along with the words of the raccoon.

“Well, I chose this animal, this raccoon.”

“Ah, I see.” as he said this the room turned white and blurry. The cages slowly turned back into soldiers and doctors. I could only make out a few words that they were saying. I was losing control and fainting into blackness

“He’s been under too long!”

“Were losing him, hurry get the IV set up. We’ve got to thin out the drugs in his system!”

The room went black and the voices stopped, I was alone once more.