Status: *looks down* well seeing as you people can read me then it seems that I am alive....

Fantasy Academy

chapter 3

I walked away from the teacher before he started staring and screaming and running away. I walked into the building for my first class and sat down before Sara burst through the door holding hands with some guy.

"Soooooo.....this is where you were when I called." I said getting up and walking towards them with a smile in my face.

"Hi Sophie! You have your wings out." She said back to me looking at them with her eyes wide open and wanting to touch their silkiness.

"Yeah... so who's the lucky guy." I said glaring at the guy.

"This is Emmett and he's mine." She said glaring at some other girls who were looking at him with interest.

"OK. Hey Buddie if you hurt her I will kill you and let my dog eat you for breakfast." I said evilly, "But other then that we should become best friends!" I turned on my heel and walked back to my seat in the back of the class room in the corner with him staring at me worried.


"You should meet his family!" Sara said happily while we were walking to lunch.

"I should but I have some things to take care of." I said walking faster

"NO! You are meeting his family!" She said dragging me on the floor towards a table.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! I have to go!" I yelled at her but half way there I just folded up my arms and let her drag me. We stopped at a table and I looked up and saw him. Jasper.

"Jasper Hale." I whispered.

"Sophie..." he said

"Wait....this is the Jasper? But..." Sara said confused

"Apparently I already know this family." I said

"But you cant go already! You need to say hi." She said worried

"I'd rather not if you don't mind." I said turning around, "I'll see you later OK?"

"Yeah...." she said sad

I walked away from that table and away from my mate. I closed my wings and shifted right in that lunch room and walked away in my panther form and went in the forest. I had flashbacks from when I first meet him and when he left. I didn't go to Haven.....because of him. I went against god because of him. I get called a bitch because of him. I ruined my life because of him. And he didn't even say goodbye. So I curled in a ball near a group of trees that looked so green and that radiated with happiness, and finally let my self cry because of him and all the pain he caused all those years ago.
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Sad....and depressing but worth it. And excuse my French....why do people or more specifically old people, call slight cussing French? It hurts my brain....