The Boy and the Bear


"What do you suggest we do today?" Asks Pooh bear as he paces back and forth in front of the now teen-aged Christopher Robin. The boy can barely believe that this small creature is acting like his return is no big deal, as if he'd only left for a weekend and come back to play. Christopher Robin would have pointed this out to anyone else, would have let them know that this could not possibly last forever- but he cannot seem to tell Pooh.

"We could..." Christopher Robin pauses for less than half of a moment and then exclaims, "Play with Tigger!"

The small yellow bear looks up at the teenager with an admiration that neither one of them had ever comprehended. Somewhere deep inside, the boy suspects that the bear knows that their play time is limited, but if himself cannot not except this, there's no way the bear would. A smile crosses Pooh's face. "That's a pleasant idea!"

The pair immediately start off through the Hundred Acre Wood. Christopher Robin takes the bear's paw -which requires a lot more leaning downward than it had years ago- and squeezes it reassuringly. What the bear would need reassuring of, the boy is not sure, but he does it anyway. "Where might Tigger be today?" Asks the boy.

"Tigger might possibly be playing with Roo today, down by the creek." Answers the creature. They find the creek in a matter of moments and start to walk along it. The childhood friends don't say much, but it is apparent to anyone who would happen to walk by that there is definitely something special about them being back together. The sun gets higher in the sky, but eventually Pooh and Christopher Robin come across another pair; a small tiger and an even smaller joey.

The tiny kangaroo lands on his feet, leaning all of his weight to the back of his feet before leaping back into the air again. Roo, the joey, was possibly the cutest sight to see. His tiny blue shirt barely moves while he bounces, but his large ears flop around, often times getting in front of his round black eyes. The tiger, however, is less graceful and cute about his bouncing- though still every bit as adorable. The striped cat comes back down from the air, landing on his coiled up tail, using it as a spring and then rejoining the joey in the air.

Tigger and Roo stop bouncing as soon as they lay their eyes on the boy who's returned. A wide grin spreads over each of their faces and they start bouncing toward the boy and bear. Tigger bounces all around, ruffling Christopher Robin's hair as much as he possibly can. "How you been, old buddy, old pal?" Asks the tiger with a slight lisp.

"Where have you been Christopher Robin?" Asks Roo as he wraps his arms around the teen's leg. The boy blushes leans down to pat the furry head of the joey. The tiger however is bouncing around to much for the boy to touch, so he decides just to answer his question instead.

"I've been good, you guys! I've missed you all so much!"

"Even I?" Asks Pooh, speaking up for the first time in several minutes. Christopher Robin smiles brightly at all of them, nodding like crazy.

"I've missed all of you!"

"Woo-hoo-hoo!" Exclaims Tigger as he bounces around the group. By this time, Roo has finished up his hug with the boy's leg and has returned to bouncing, making noises of glee. Christopher Robin just stares at the tiger, feeling happy that Roo has given him a hug, but disappointed that Tigger has not. He slowly puts his hands on his hips and gives Tigger a meaningful -yet, very comical- look.

"Tigger?" Asks Pooh and Christopher Robin in unison.

He slows his bounce, a smile still on his face. "Yes?"

"Give me a hug!" Christopher Robin exclaims. He smiles brightly, just waiting for the moment he can fully reunite with everyone he's left here. He regrets his decision to leave, though it was never truly what he wanted anyway. If it had been up to him, he would have stayed in the Hundred Acre Woods forever. I have wonderful friends here, he thinks to himself, ashamed he ever left them. Tigger stops bouncing, rushing forward and wrapping his furry arms around the boy's waist and giving him a tight squeeze.

"Sorry for bouncin' so much, I just gotta!" Tigger smiles in his goofy sort of way. Christopher Robin is satisfied with his hug and could care less about how much Tigger bounces. That's what made Tigger himself. The boy's smile forms into a grin.

"There's no need to be sorry! Bouncin' is what Tiggers do best!"
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Please enjoy!
