
Living Without A Family

I hate living in this God awful place! People take one look at my file and instantly turn away from me. I wish my parents were back that way I don't have to worry about finding a new home.

Mom had just tucked me into bed and was singing to me. I love it when she played the guitar and sung to me. It made me feel good inside and I knew when I was able to get my own guitar I would start playing and writing my own songs or even learning to play songs I heard on the radio. I smiled at the fact that one day I would playing and singing just like mom. She finished her song and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Alright hunny it's time for bed." she said smiling. I pouted.

"Aw mom just one more song please." I begged and she shook her head no. I simply nodded and laid back in bed.

She kissed my forehead saying goodnight and left my room. I was almost asleep when I heard a scream from downstairs. I quietly got out of bed and made my way down to where the screams were. I got to the bottom of the stairs and seen 3 men standing there with guns pointed at my mom and dad's head. My eyes opened wide hoping nothing bad was going to happen to them. I was scared as hell and had no idea what to do.

"We need all your jewelry, money, and anything else with value." One of the men said. He had blonde hair and what looked like black eyes. His build was muscular.

"Please don't hurt us!" mom begged. All of them laughed and mom turned her head to look at my father.

"Give us the money!" a second man said. He had jet black hair with bright red streaks. His build was the same as the first mans and he had a cross tattoo that said 'Only God May Judge Me.' His eyes were brown like mine and he was very intimidating. The third guy was more built than the other 2. His eyes were light gray and seemed more colder than the other 2 and his eyebrows were pierced.

I watched as my parents reached into their pockets and gave the men their money. They black eyed man grabbed my mother's arm twisting it behind her. My dad rose to his feet.

"Don't you touch her!" dad said and they gray eyed man cocked his gun and pulled the trigger.

I ran to the closet in the hall, shutting the door quietly and sitting down on the floor pulling my knees to my chest. I looked at my dad and seen the left side of his head was gone. I watched as the men pinned my mom to the floor ripping off her clothes. I cried softly as they began to rape her. Her screams filled my ears and I covered them. I looked out the slats of the door watching them hurt my mother. When they were finished, all three men pointed their guns at my mom's head and pulled the triggers. I seen my mom laying there in a pool of her own blood already dead. I seen them leave but I heard then going through the house breaking things. When I heard the door shut and no more sounds throughout the house, I wanted to come out of the closet but my body wouldn't let me move. I stayed in the closet until morning when someone in a uniform pulled me out of there. I pulled away from the officer and looked down at my parents and the next thing I know I was on the floor crying. I was alone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm 14 and fixing to turn 15 in 2 months. Thanks to the orphanage here in Alabama I was home schooled and have my high school diploma. Good, now if I ever get adopted I wont have to go to school but I highly doubt I'll ever get adopted. Today is Adoption Day at the orphanage and I was keeping to myself. I knew I wasn't getting a family today, or any other day for that matter. My friend Meg must have seen me alone because when I looked up she was coming towards me. I sat there with my pad and pencil when she finally reached me.

"Hey girl! How's it going?" Meg asked happily. That chick was always excited about this day.

~Good I guess. I hate these stupid adoption days. It's bullshit.~ I wrote.

"I know but you will get adopted. Don't lose all hope." she said smiling. She could always make me smile or cheer me up.

~I lost my hope for these stupid ass days over 8 years ago. Who the hell is going to adopt a girl like me Meg?~

"A family that doesn't care about what happened in your past and is willing to help you through it. A family who cares about taking you home and loving you." She said smiling and hugging me tightly.

~I'm thinking about leaving in the middle of the night and going somewhere else. Starting my own life.~

"No don't leave me here! Please just stay until the next adoption day and if you don't get a new family then you can leave and I wont tell anyone where you went." I shook my head to okay and she hugged me tight once again. I swear that girl has a death grip hug!

Adoption Day went really good for everyone. 6 people I know were adopted and it really made me feel bad. I mean those kids were talkative and would make great children for any family. Heather, she got along with anyone. Mickii, she's shy but always talks to people. Daniel, Bret, and Damien were all sporty jocks when together but separately they were perfect gentlemen. Last but no least was Jessie. The overly hyper wannabe cheerleader. Long blonde hair and everything about her was fake as hell. Her and I used to be friends but we got into a fight over something stupid. Hell I cant even remember what it was about but Meg and Britt had to pull me off of her.

Anyways, I was listening to my Ipod that Meg got me for my birthday a few years ago. I did odd jobs for the elderly in the neighborhood around the orphanage and was paid really good. I bought myself a guitar with the money and still had enough to do whatever I wanted. I turned off my Ipod and put it on charge and grabbed my guitar. Meg's face brightened up.

"You going to play tonight?" She asked and I nodded.

"What are you going to play?" She asked again smiling. I turned my Ipod back on and showed her the song.

"Inside The Fire. Good song by Disturbed. Are you going to sing?" she said and I nodded.

"Good I love it when you sing. It helps me fall asleep fast than just you playing." she said and I shook my head and strapped on my guitar.

Ooh, Devon, won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul about to be mine again
Leave her, we will receive her
It is beyond your control, will you ever meet again

Devon, no longer living
Who had been rendered unwhole as a little child
She was taken and then forsaken
You will remember it all, let it blow your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me for eternity
Release your life to begin another time with her
End your grief with me, there's another way
Release your life, take your place inside the fire with her

Sever, now and forever
You're just another lost soul about to be mine again
See her, you'll never free her
You must surrender it all and give life to me again

Fire, all you desire
As she begins to turn cold and run out of time
You will shiver till you deliver
You will remember it all, let it blow your mind again

Devon lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me for eternity
Release your life to begin another time with her
End your grief with me, there's another way
Release your life, take your place inside the fire with her

Give your soul to me for eternity
Release your life to begin another time with her
End your grief with me, there's another way
Release your life, take your place inside the fire with her

Ooh, Devon, no longer living
Who had been rendered unwhole as a little child
She was taken and then forsaken
You will remember it all, let it blow your mind again

I finished the song and she clapped. I set my guitar down and bowed sitting down. She laughed and yawned. I set my guitar off the bed propping it up against the wall and laid down. I slowly fell off into a deep sleep.
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Song Credit to Disturbed for INSIDE THE FIRE