

I woke up that morning with my eyes burning because of the sun. I was still tired after talking with my parents last night and I still remember my mother's soft gentle touch. I hope everyone understands what I have to tell them tonight and don't think I'm crazy or something. I picked up my phone and it was 11 in the morning. Why the hell am I waking up so late? I'll never know. I got up out of bed and changed. I walked out of my room and down to the kitchen and no one was there. I looked around the house and no one was home. I grabbed me a soda from the fridge and seen a piece of paper on the counter. I picked it up and read it.


Matt went to the studio and I went grocery shopping right around the corner. I'll be there until 4 so if you want to walk over here or I'll see you when I get back. Love you girl.


I sat down at the bar for a few minutes and decided to wait for her to come home. I didn't feel much like walking but I know I needed too. I turned the paper over and wrote Val my own little note. Hopefully she would see it. I went up to my room and put my shoes on before grabbing the paper and sticking it in the door and walking away. I needed some more time alone. I still need time to process everything that's happened in such a short amount of time. I kept walking until I seen the beach. I walked down the beach shore looking around until I found the same covered spot I was before. I sat down under the trees and stared out into the ocean.

I'm still not over that horrible night when my parents were brutally murdered and 2 of my bests friends just dying. I pulled my knees to my chest and sat there not wanting anyone to find me. I sat there for felt like minute but became hours. I looked down at my phone and it was almost 5. I knew Val or someone would be calling me so I simply turned off my phone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VAL'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I came home from the store with a shit load of groceries. I opened the trunk and grabbed some bags before walking to the front door. I seen a piece of paper and I set my bags down and grabbed the paper.

Hey Val,

I went out walking and I'll be back later don't worry.


I looked at my watch and it was 3 so she should be back anytime. I unloaded the rest of the rest of the bags and put the food away. I looked down at my phone and it was 4 and she still wasn't back. Whenever Matt and the guys get here and she's not back I'll have them look for her. I started cooking dinner and Ame was not back yet. I picked up my phone and dialed her number but she had her phone off. I was getting really worried by the time I finished dinner. I heard the door open and ran to the door hoping it was Ame.

"Ame?" I said.

"No Val it's us. What's wrong? Where's Ame?"

"Matt, I went to the store before she woke up and I left her a note on the counter. She left me one saying that she was going for a walk but she hasn't come back yet and that was 3 hours ago." I said panicking.

"Don't worry Val. I'll go look for her. Brian, Jimmy come with me."

"Thanks babe." I said giving Matt a kiss.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MATT'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We headed out of the house in search for Ame. Where in the hell could she have gone.

"Jimmy take your car and go around town and see if you can find her. I'll check the woods and Brian check the beach." I said and they nodded. I watched Jimmy pulled onto the road and towards town.

"If you find her Brian call me. I'll call you if I find her." I said as we parted ways. I walked into the woods and seen nothing of her. I kept on walking because something was telling me to. It was a strange feeling that I've never had before. I kept walking until I came to the edge of the beach. I looked down and seen Ame a few feet under me just sitting there looking out into the ocean. I walked down the little path that lead to the shore and I stood right behind her with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Ame?" I said and she jumped and turned around.

"Matt what are you doing here?"

"Val got worried because you weren't answering her calls or any of her text messages." I said sternly.

"I'm sorry I just needed some time alone."

"Let's go. Val will be happy we found you." I said harshly. She looked at me frightfully and I hung my head.

"I'm sorry Ame. I'm just worried you know? I thought I might have lost you and I wouldn't have been able to deal with that." I said honestly. She smiled slightly and stood to her feet.

"I'm sorry too Matt. I should have kept my phone on so Val wouldn't be worried." She hung her head and I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay pumpkin. Let's get you home." I said and we walked down the beach and met up with Brian.

"Ame! You scared us half to death!" Brian said.

"I'm sorry Brian. I just needed to clear my head. Especially after what I need to tell you all."

"What is it Ame?" I asked looking confused.

"I'll explain later. What I need you to do is have all the guys and girls over at the house. I need to talk to Val first."

"Okay. Brian, call Jimmy and tell him to go pick up the girls and meet at my house." I said and he nodded. Ame, Brian, and I walked back up to the house. We reached the door and went in. I could hear Val doing something in the kitchen so we entered.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AME'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into the house with Matt and Brian and went straight to the kitchen. She turned around and her face lit up.

Ame! Where were you?! I was fucking worried about you!" she said pulling me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry but I do need to talk to you....alone."

"Certainly." She said and I led her to my room and shut and locked the door. She sat down on the bed and I sat down beside her.

" parents did come last night and....they want to reveal themselves to you. Mom said to get all of you together in the living room and explain what's going on. Val, all the guys and the girls of course believe you and I don't want them thinking I'm crazy or some shit you know."

"They want to have like a reunion with all of us?" she asked.

"Yes. Meg and Britt will be there too. Please explain to everyone why I asked them over here." She looked into my eyes and seen the sincerity in my eyes.

"Of course I will. It will do me some good to see Danielle and Daniel again." she said smiling.

"I felt the same way last night when they came and talked to me."

"What time did they say they want to reveal themselves?" she asked standing up.

"In about 10 minutes."

"Alright come on down and call the girls." she said smiling.

"Jimmy went to pick them up. They should be here already."

Let's go down and see." she said and we walked out of my room. When we got to the bottom of the stairs everyone was in the living room sitting around. We walked in and they looked at us confused.

"What's this about Val?" Gena asked kindly.

"Please don't get all confused and shit like that but Ame has told me that Meg, Britt, and her parents have been in her room and want to see us all again. I know it's sounds impossible but you know how I am. I would give anything to see Danielle and Daniel again and tonight they are coming. Can you all handle that?" Val said and they looked at each other and smiled and nodded yes.

I looked down at my phone and seen it was 9.

"Britt and Meg? You come out now." I said and they appeared right beside me. Their faces were in shock as Meg and Britt stood there.

"Ame...your parents are waiting." Meg said in a sweet voice.

"Please tell them to show themselves." I said and my parents appeared before us. I smiled as the guys faces went back to a shocked face combined with confusion.

"Hey mom." I said smiling.

"Baby girl." My mom smiled right back at me and then looked at the people she grew up with.

"It's good to see you all again." My dad said in his deep voice.

"I cant believe that you're standing right here Daniel." Gena said smiling.

"We don't have much time but we just wanted to give you a message. We will stay here in this house until Ame does not want us here anymore or moves on with her life. Meg and Britt will do the same. Daniel and I miss all of you very much and please don't hesitate to say your thoughts out loud because we will hear them and we always push you in the direction you need to go. Matt, Brian, Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny...all of you were like brothers to me and I'm grateful for all that you have done. Matt, I have watched you take care of our daughter just like she is your own. She is happy for the first time since our untimely death. Keep her happy and never let her be hurting or sad. Brian, you are the over protective brother with her just like you were with me. Keep her tough..Zacky, you have helped me through the relationships I have had over the years and helped me finally find the right man. Help Ame like you did me. Jimmy, you made us laugh even though I would be having the shittiest of days. Keep her smiling and laughing...Johnny, you took all the beatings from me and even kicked a few people's asses for me. I will always be indebted to you for that. Let Ame pick on you short shit. Val, you be Ame's mother now since I am gone. And to the rest of you great and wonderful people, be her sisters. Help her with girl problems and you all know what I mean by that. I love you all and we will certainly miss you forever but remember one thing: We are always here. Don't be afraid to call on us." Mom said with a smile before she faded away.

Zacky got up and touched the mist as they faded away. He looked down at his hand then back up to me. He pulled me into a tight hug and then so did everyone else.

"Guys I love you all but you're killing me." I said laughing and they let me go. We sat down in the living room and turned on the TV and watched horror movies for part of the night. I really miss my parents and all but Matt and Val are just like my own...I love them so much. I was sitting on Brian's lap with my head laid on his shoulder. The next thing I remember was closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
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I had to add something in for the Halloween spirit. So tell me this: What are you going to be for Halloween. I'm going as a biker in remembrance of my step-dad.