
Flying to My New Home

I awoke to someone nudging me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Matt.

"Wake up. We have to board our plane to get home sweetheart." he said and I just nodded.

I got out of the car grabbing my backpack and guitar and following Matt and Val into the airport. I hate flying but it's something I got to do to get to my new home. We walked through the stupid security check and sat down to wait for our flight to be called. I grabbed my notepad and pencil out of my backpack. I have a few questions of my own to ask.

~What's California like? I've never been there.~

"Well California is so beautiful. The sunset at the beach is simply amazing." Matt said smiling.

~Wow! Never been to the beach either.~

"Seriously?" he asked raising his brow.

~Nope never been.~

"Wow. I tell you what, if it's not too late you, me, and Val will go to the beach." he said smiling.

~Awesome! Thanks!~

"No problem." he said and I smiled widely.

"Flight 113 to Los Angelos, California is now boarding. That's Flight 113 to Los Angelos is now boarding." the flight announcer said. I put my pad back into my bag and grabbed my guitar. We boarded the plane and found our seats in first class. I had plenty of room for my guitar. I opened my bag once again and pulled out my notepad and pencil and started drawing. I was drawing a memorial portrait of my mom and dad that way I would have something of them to hang up on my wall. I put my pencil down and laid my head back. Soon I had lost to the power of sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MATT'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked over at Ame and she was fast asleep once again. I took her pad and pencil off her lap and looked down at what she was drawing. It was a man and a woman labeled, ''Mom and dad, I will miss you forever please come back to me soon." I was amazed at how good she could draw and I knew Zacky would absolutely love her. I closed her pad and opened it to the front page. It was a picture of the orphanage. Perfect detail. She must have worked on that for weeks maybe months. The next few pages of artwork was her friends and the nuns that worked there. I turned the page and there was a picture of me. It was precise on how I looked. It was like looking into a mirror. I turned the next page and found Brian. She was all correct on him to. Next I found Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy. All of them were down to the exact detail. She was really good at what she did. I turned one more page and seen the group of us all together. I smiled. The other pages had skulls of different shapes and sizes, crosses some with barbed wire, vines, and some just plain. I was just about to the end when the flight attendant came by and told us to put on our seat belts because we are about to land.

I put Ame's pad and pencil back into her backpack and strapped her in before strapping myself in. When the plane landed she was still sound asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AME'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to Matt nudging once again. I swear I cant get any sleep around him.

"Sorry to wake you sweetheart but we're here in California." he said and I looked out the window to see it was dark. I got up grabbing my things and heading off the plane behind Matt. We walked out of the building and into another car. I was guessing this one was his. Matt put my things in the trunk and I got in the back seat. I was still so tired from not being able to sleep for 5 minutes, so I laid my head against the window and fell off into a deep sleep again.
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I know it's short but its gets better on through the chapter.

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