It Always Ends With a Kiss


Peter held my hand and flew me around the whole island of Neverland. He showed me the pirate town and mermaid cove, the hangman’s trees and all the other things that Neverland holds. After a long time and a lot of sightseeing he lands with me near a tall tree, possibly the tallest tree I’d ever seen. I looked up in awe, my head hanging back and my dark hair falling in soft curls down my back.

“What is this place Peter?” I look over at the boy beside me; he isn’t paying me any mind as he rummages through the plants, ripping up roots and twigs with every movement. I stare at him briefly before stepping forward and tapping him on his shoulder. He turns to me, that mischievous smile on his face. “What is this place?”

“Well this is the Nevertree, this is where the lost boys and I live.” He smiles and tilts his head back, hands on hips, he lets out an ear piercing crow. I flinch and glare at him for a moment wondering what on earth he could be thinking.

“The lost boys? Who are the lost . . .” I never finish my sentence because in an instant the tree is crawling with boys. They are wearing clothes from all different time periods, some in tatters and others in perfect condition. The boys literally come out of the wood work, they climb down from tree houses in the trees and bushes and plants move aside to reveal holes. I smile and look around as all the boys rush toward Peter, each of them asking how his adventure was, he answers as many questions to as he can before turning to me and walking closer.

“Boys this is Mercy Clara Tanner. She is from the other world.” He nods his head and smiles down at the awed faces of the lost boys. “Mercy this is Pocket, Thud butt, Tootles, Don’t ask, Ace, Too Small . . .” He kept rambling off names but I couldn’t keep up any more. There were too many names and too many faces to match to those names. They all looked at me with varying degrees of emotion, ranging from confusion to amazement.

“But Peder what’s she doing here?” One of the boys, I think Pocket or Thud Butt, asks.

“Well, we’re going to have an adventure with her.” He smiles, “Now who wants to go get that mean old Captain Hook?!” He yells and rallies the crowd with a loud crow.

“BANGERANG, PETER! Bangerang!” All the boys shout at once and I start to laugh looking around at these boys all enjoying themselves when Peter was talking about getting some Captain, I assumed it was a pirate automatically.

“Well boys we have to come up with a plan. He recently came here and took some of the lost boys and we have to get them back before he shoots them out of the cannon or hangs them or maybe even something worse. So we have to make sure that he leaves Neverland forever!” He smiles as the boys cheer loudly around him. “We have to find the Croc, with the croc on our side we can’t lose.”

“Yeah Peter that mean old Hook is so scared of that old ticking croc.” Another boy states as a few others start to sing together.

“Tick-tock, tick-tock, Hooks afraid of the mean old croc.” The repeat this over and over again skipping in circles around a laughing Peter.

“Come on Mercy and lost boys, let’s go find that croc.” He smiles and stands leading the, still chanting, boys and I down a forest trail and toward the water.
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I thought about doing one where Peter was grown up but thats already been done, Hook, so I went before wendy.

you can expect at least one more chapter