Status: Inactive at the moment

Full Moon


Lily Mason opened her storm cloud grey eyes and inhaled the crisp night air. Her platinum blonde hair hung in a braid down her back. She began jiggling the silver chain link bracelet that was on her left wrist. Lily’s mother, Claire, frowned at her daughter and gripped her wrist.

“Be calm,” Claire snapped. Lily sighed and stared at the empty field they were all looking at. Suddenly the full moon’s shine illuminated the field. Now the moon was at its strongest, so was the power of the pack.

“Ready?” Lily’s brother Red asked. Red was two years older than Lily and had just graduated high school. He had flaming red hair and mud brown eyes. He arms and chest were rippling with muscles. He stomped his feet impatiently as they waited for the alpha to give them the okay.

“Red, Claire, go.” The alpha, Lily’s father, pointed his chin in the direction of the field and Red and Claire walked to the edge of the line of trees and paused. They each shivered and knelt on their hands and knees. In three seconds flat they had shed their human skins and now stood before the pack as wolves. Claire was a sandy colored wolf with a dark brown streak going from the top of her head to her nose. Red was a firey red wolf, his right front paw white. Lily’s father nodded at them and they each walked into the field, the full moon bathing them in light.

“Lily,” the alpha ordered. Lily stopped right where her mother and brother had stopped before her and froze. She shivered, the feeling of someone pouring hot water on her head following. The warm feeling started at her head and began trickling down her neck, past her chest, traveling down her stomach, and finally stopping at her feet. Lily fell to her knees and dug her nails into the moist earth beneath her. What felt like hours later Lily opened her eyes and gazed at the grey paws beneath her. She sniffed the air and glanced back at her father. He had shed his human skin and stood before her as a big, bear like black wolf.

He walked past her and joined his wife and son. Lily followed him and sat next to Red. The alpha lifted his muzzle to the moon and let out a deep howl, Claire following, then Red, and finally Lily. Red and the alpha held the deep notes of the song while Claire and Lily let their high pitched howls ring through the air.

“Wolves,” someone whispered. Lily stopped, the others oblivious to the voice. She scanned the field and finally her eyes locked on something just outside the field. She snarled, jumping to all four paws. Red stopped and followed his sisters gaze. He snarled and the alpha and Claire froze. Lily stalked forward, her paws making no sound on the cold ground. The alpha growled, warning her to be careful. A boy jumped out of the bushes, looking as if he had been pushed. He stumbled, trying to regain his balance and accidently stepped on Lily’s tail. Lily yelped and snapped at the boys ankle, catching it in her mouth. He fell and let out a scream.

“Ah! Help!” He kicked and managed to knock into Lily’s shoulder. She fell back and Red jumped at the boy, fangs bared.

“Oh God, please don’t hurt me.” The boy seemed about Lily’s age, a certain air of innocence about him. He had wavy black hair, dark blue eyes and skin as pale as snow. The alpha barked and Red reluctantly backed off. The alpha grunted and Claire and Red followed him out of the field. Lily stayed behind, her eyes locked on the boy. He looked at Lily, his eyes wide with fear. Lily noticed his ankle was bleeding badly. She stepped forward and the boy scrambled to get away. Lily rolled her eyes and stepped on his foot, putting pressure on it so he wouldn’t get away. The boy watched her curiously as she lowered her muzzle to his leg. Lily sniffed the wound and gave it a small lick. The wound instantly healed itself, the boy looking at it in wonder.

“Lily Mason!” The alpha’s voice rang out. Lily glanced back and then looked at the boy. He looked at her curiously as she backed away.

“Thank you,” he whispered before she started to sprint.
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