My So Called Cinderella Life

The Beginning of the Truth

Oh my god, Ryan had my necklace. I dropped my necklace with the guy that I had a crush on. How was I going to get it back now? It was the only thing that I cherished.

Peter and Daniella slightly looked at me. Their eyes were focused on me as Ryan pulled out the necklace. Yepp, there is was. My silver necklace that I cherished with all my heart. I couldn't believe it was in his hands right now.

Maybe I should just go ahead and tell him. Wait no... Then he would know everything. Everything that I kept from him would be spilled out just because of that necklace. What do I do, what do I do?

Ryan started, "Why are you guys looking at me like I have two heads?"


I pinched Peter before he said anything so he stopped. I began, "Nothing. Just... Good luck finding her."

Daniella pinched her teeth together, "If someone doesn't fess up anytime soon, you'll probably never find her."

I watched as Ryan put the necklace perfectly back in his backpack. He took out the small little bag and placed it very slowly back to it. I admired his care for the necklace, but he was doing it for Cinderella... Not me. Sadly.

But in any way, I needed that necklace back. I just need it back. But I am a little relieved that it was with Ryan. I knew he would keep it well.

"I have to find her soon. This school is big... but I can do any elimination. She had the same color hair as Marisa and Daniella. I could barely see her smile... Cause she just did a half smile when she was with me. Her eyes... absolutely amazing."

Daniella and I both looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. We then saw Tory running up and when he reached us he was panicking. He grabbed onto Ryan's shoulders and bented down to touch his knees. "Whoo!" He exclaimed.

We all looked at him very weirdly and just smiled. Daniella smiled, "What is wrong with you?"

He pointed at me... "Your birthday's coming up, right? January 10th?"

"But... Today's December 10th. That's like... A month more."

"Still. It's coming up soon."

Ryan sighed, "Dang. I've been looking for this girl for over a month and I still can't find her."

I frowned and rolled my eyes. Is it weird that I wanted to slap him right now?

"What is it dude?" Peter asked Tory. Tory replied, "I have the best birthday present for Marisa. But it has to start on January 9th."

We all smiled and I started, "And how is this going to be a surprise? You buying me a new skateboard or something?"

Tory snickered, "No... Way better. But I'm gonna let the three of you guys know... And Kaylie can be in on it too."

We all smiled and I shook my head. "This better be good... Since it's a huge surprise or something."

Ryan looked back between Tory and I, giving us a puzzled look. I started, "Isn't your birthday on the 30th? We should plan something for that."

"You know when my birthday is?"

Everyone looked at me and I just pouted my mouth. Ryan smiled, "You know when my birthday is?"

"What? Kayla watches you every day on television so I've got to know some things about you. Birthday is the most basic thing, so don't make fun of me."

Peter chuckled, "Dude. Rissa's right, we should do something for your birthday. Instead of hanging at your house all the time."

Ryan shrugged, "Up to you guys. I'm up for anything. The greatest birthday gift you could give me is finding my cinderella girl this year."

We all stopped talking and looked at each other's face. I felt so bad having to keep him tortured like this...But he doesn't like me at all! I don't even think he would even believe me for starters. I am so much different than what I looked like that night. It was impossible that he would believe me. All I wanted was my necklace back.

Tory sighed, "We're doing something great for both of you. Especially you, Anderson. Prepare for it."

"So prepared?" I joked.

Ryan and I met eyes and he slightly winked at me. Can I curse somebody for being so cute?

** Ryan's Point of View **

"I gotta go. I gotta talk to Mr. Alfred..."

Peter asked, "Dude. Are you secretly in love with your teacher or something? You always go to ask him for homework help. I'm sure, you don't need any help with your homework."

She looked around and then replied, "It's a secret. He knows the answer of the question for basically. So, I needa try to talk to him when Kayla's not around. When the time comes, I will tell you. Just not now."

"But he is a cutie pie, that Mr. Alfred." Daniella joked. She laughed.

Marisa always had the cutest smile I'd ever seen. Life would have been a lot easier if Cinderella hadn't come into my life. Because I would have probably liked Marisa. She's just amazingly cute, smart, funny and very sweet for her personality. It's hard to find that in girls. But Cinderella, also a very amazing girl.

But I still felt a little jealousy when Tory and Marisa were together. He already told me that he liked her. And it would be hard to be believe that I was at a complete relief when she said that she only saw him as a friend.

He didn't know it, but I was smiling when I had my back turn.

I wonder who she would like though. I really wanted to know what her type of guy was.

Maybe I should just ask her sometime... It was just kind of hard to explain my feelings for her. I really wanted to like her, but something is just stopping me from doing it completely.

When she left to go to Mr. Alfred's class, I started, "What's this surprise you have for her dude?"

"Yeah. You were like spazzing when you were saying "I have a surprise!", "I have a surprise!" "

Tory smiled. "The best birthday gift I could ever give her. She said that her dream was visitng Grand Canyon and taking pictures. I feel like that she deserves to get that dream of hers. She's had it hard for quite a few years."

We all nodded in agreement. Peter started, "It's gonna be hard though. Her step-mother and step-sisters are worse the wicked witch of the west. They wouldn't let Marisa do it."

"Ah, but that's where Kaylie comes in. We just need to think of a clever plan so we can take Marisa, without the wicked witches of the east knowing."

"It's west." I corrected.

"Whatever dude. Anyway, everyone in?"

We all nodded in agreement and said in unison, "We're in."

I sighed, "You must realllyyyyyyyy like this girl, heh?"

"Oh, like you have no idea."

I frowned. There he goes again. He's going to do every way he can do get her to like him. I mean, taking her to Grand Canyon... Which is like ten hours away by driving.

Dear Lord, please don't make Marisa like Tory. Just make her stay the way she is... Because it's going perfectly.

** End of Point of View **

I went to the bathroom during class and stayed in one of the bathroom stalls. I pulled out the envelope that I found in the basement and began reading them... Feeling awkward that I was sitting on a toilet seat.

There were five little pieces of paper that were scattered from numbers ten to fourteen. I organized them and began reading number ten first.

"Hey you... so we figured out that Margaret had a crush on me ever since we met in middle school. And when she knew that Kat and I were engaged, she legit threw a fit at both of us."

I remembered the ninth note saying that Dad proposed to Mom because he knew she was the one. And Margaret had a crush on Dad since middle school? Oooyy.

"Number eleven (Hopefully you're getting this): At the restaurant, she kind of went psycho and tried to throw a glass at Kat's face. But another guy named Paul Alfred, stopped her and she ran out of the restaurant. So Paul ended up becoming my best friend because we knew we went to the same college."

Okay, so Mr. Alfred played a HUGE role in this story.

"You're on number 12! During our junior year of college... It was probably the messiest year of our lives. We learned that Margaret got pregnant during sophomore year and quit school to give birth to her baby, and came back to attend a college near your mom and I."

My eyes widened. Whoa, Margaret got pregnant in college? Geez. Even before Mom. That must have been Kate then.

I was most curious about Kaylie. How the heck was she my sister?

"Number thirteen. When she came back, she said she wanted to apologize for everything. About her being mean... About her going insane... And basically everything. So we became friends again... But your mom and I didn't know that deep, deep, deep down inside... She was a lot more psychotic than we thought."

These got a little confusing, probably because I didn't read the previous notes. I just need to find them. I remember Dad saying that there was one more in Kaylie's room... Ugh, I just need to find them. Be patient, be patient.

"Okay last one in this envelope. Don't hate me after reading this one... Please. Forgive me. So number fourteen. Your mom and I decided to, you know, "confess" our love for each other... As in, the cause of why you are born. Then about two weeks later, believe it or not, Margaret somehow got me drunk, and I ended up having sex with her. Please, don't be mad at me for this. This is all I can write. Hopefully you will find the rest of these soon. I love you."

My heart literally stopped beating. Dad and Margaret? If Mom and Dad had me at that time, that must have been... Dad and Margaret... Was Kaylie my half-sister? It had to be the only way. How else could have she been my sister?

The bathroom door opened and I automatically heard Kayla's voice, and Kaylie's voice coming in. I quickly put the notes into the envelope and folded my legs on the toilet. They were yelling at each other... in a very soft way.

Kayla exclaimed, "You have to have told that freak something. She's definitely on to something!"

"Really, Kayla? With you always on the look out for me, it's impossible to say anything to her! You can quit worrying, god."

"And what about Marisa and Mr. Alfred?"

"What about them?"

"They seem... More close than any other student-teacher you can see."

"Just get straight to the point of what you think."

"I think they're having a thing. They're meeting each other after class... Before class... And at the mall. That's not normal."

"You really think Marisa is that kind of person? She would never sink to your level. You just try to get any guy that's popular, but none of them want you. Do you ever see the point that they don't like you at all? Marisa isn't that low."

I heard Kayla slap Kaylie. I slightly nodded my head up, I wanted to go out so badly but I couldn't. I would probably die if Kayla knew I was listening in.

Kaylie continued, "Sure. Go ahead and slap me. You're only hurting me cause you know it's true. Marisa is going so much further and you, and I believe that one day she will know. She doesn't even need my help doing it. She's smart enough to figure it by herself."

"You're only helping that sister, that you're forgetting about your other two sisters? Your own mother?"

"I refuse to be the daughter of a murderer."

Okay those words hit me like... A car crash. What did she mean by 'murderer'?

Kayla shrieked, "Shhh! Someone's gonna hear you! You idiot."

"I also refuse to accept you and Kate as my sister. Don't you get that we ALL have different fathers. Because your own mother decided to be a slut in college..."


"Go ahead and slap me again. You really think it's gonna stop me? We don't have the same father. But Marisa and I do. She is so more of a sister to me than you guys. And I just refuse to stoop down to your level."

"I'm gonna warn you now that if she knows anything about Paul's death... If my mother gets any punishment for it... You can guarantee a goodbye to your life and goodbye to Marisa's future. I can do anything I want if I have any evidence. Especially her and that teacher."

I heard the bathroom door open and close. I saw Kaylie's foot from the stall still standing there. I got up and unlocked the door and then opened to reveal myself. She jumped when she saw me, "Marisa!"

Tears began coming down to my face. "You're actually my sister?"

Her eyes began tearing up and she couldn't really speak. She nodded her head. I went up to her and gave her a big hug. Knowing that she was my real sister actually made me happy, but I was still upset with everything.

She hugged me back and dugged her head into my shoulders. She begin mumbling while her mouth was still dugged into my shoulders, "I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you for so long, but it's just so impossible."

We pulled away from eachother. I gave her a smile and wiped some tears from her eyes but they automatically kept coming down. I stuttered while I talk because of the tears, "I always wondered why we were more similar than your other sisters. Now I know. You're Dad's daughter too. I have a sister."

She hugged me again and cried her eyes out. I cried after her. I had no idea why. The fact that all these years I didn't know that I actually had a sister. She was in front of me all these years.

When we pulled away from each other, I looked at her and grabbed her shoulders. "I need to know what you meant when you said murderer."

"It's gonna be too much if I tell you now. I found one more note in my room from Dad. I tried giving it to you at dinner that day but Margaret was just so, controlling that day."

My eyes lit up. I nodded, "I made a book from Dad's diary that are number from one to twenty. I tape the notes together every time I find a note. What number did you find?"

She pulled out the note from her back pocket and started reading, "Number seven. The last one in Kaylie's room. When your mother and I had started dating, Margaret began joining the other side. As in partying, doing drugs, even got rumors that she was sleeping around with men so we were getting more farther and farther away from each other. We weren't a big fan of teenagers who acted that way."

She handed it to me and I put in my pocket. I continued, "You're still Margaret's daughter?"

"I don't want to be." She cried as she shook her head.

I took her hand, "Kaylie. We really need to help each other on this. I have to get to the bottom of this. I'm starting to feel that staying wtih Margaret isn't safe anymore."

"It's not, Marisa. It's never been safe. That woman is pure evil and she'll do anything she can do to get anything she wants."

I nodded, "Then we need to help each other. We have to find these notes as fast as possible to get the real story."

"You talked to Mr. Alfred already?"

"Yeah. Do you know anything about him?"

Kaylie wiped her tears. She nodded. "How do you think I got your dress for the dance?"

I gave her a puzzled look and she smiled, "I went to Mr. Alfred's house to get your dress. I've known him since I entered freshman year. And I found out he was Dad's best friend, so we became closer. He's like my second father basically."

I smiled. "Wait. Whose dress was it?"

She wandered her eyes around, "Your mom's dress. She left a note saying that she really wanted to you to wear it someday. So I guess her wish came true."
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I really appreciate the comments so keep it coming =] Tell me what you think... What I need to add... and etc. And plus a lot of drama will be coming soon. So comment while it lasts :)